The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 184 Fengdu: I stayed only to be a gardener!

Emperor Fengdu was also happy to be left alone by Chu Hao.

Do I care about a warm reception?

What I care about is the aura of Kunlun Mountain!

Of course, Emperor Fengdu also showed great respect to Chu Hao. Just kidding, Emperor Fengdu now believes that Chu Hao must be a big boss in the future world, a figure who dominates.

If you don't develop a good relationship with Chu Hao now, you will have no chance in the future.

After the meal, Emperor Fengdu also offered to help Chu Hao wash the dishes and mop the floor. If Chu Hao hadn't stopped him, Emperor Fengdu might have swept the entire Kunlun Mountain.

"How about this, Chu Hao, I'll give you my position as Emperor of the Underworld for one year, and I'll live here for a day, okay? Even if it's just sweeping the Kunlun Mountain here!"

When he finally left, Emperor Fengdu, who had no reason at all, chose to completely pull his face down.

As long as he can stay in Kunlun Mountain for a few more days, he doesn't care about anything!


The majestic position of Emperor Fengdu is just to pick up garbage in Kunlun Mountain for a day?

If this matter gets out, I'm afraid it will scare countless bigwigs.

You know, the position of Emperor Fengdu is also the spokesperson of the Lord of the Three Realms, although Emperor Ziwei is the one who controls the power behind it.

But it is undeniable that the power of Emperor Fengdu is infinite.

The Underworld, Yama of the Ten Halls, Ghost Emperors of the Five Directions, Thousands of Judges, Endless Bull Heads and Horse Faces, are all subordinates of Emperor Fengdu!

If it hadn't been for the Western religion to intervene and arrange a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the underworld, in fact, Emperor Fengdu could be called the ruler of the underworld.

However, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva did not intervene in the management of the underworld... Those will not be mentioned for now.

Chu Hao was obviously tempted for a moment, but after only a second of hesitation, Chu Hao made up his mind.


In the end, Emperor Fengdu reluctantly kicked him out of Kunlun Mountain by Chu Hao.

When Emperor Fengdu left, he looked at Chu Hao resentfully like a resentful woman, his eyes were full of pleading and begging for mercy.

"However, if you are willing to come and sweep the floor, it is not impossible, but it is only limited to trimming flowers and plants outside Kunlun Mountain, do you hear me?"

After all, Chu Hao was still soft-hearted, and finally gave Emperor Fengdu the status of a gardener.

Emperor Fengdu was overjoyed on the spot and shouted excitedly,

"Okay! Thank you, Prison God, thank you, Prison God!"

"I have loved being a gardener since I was a child, and I vowed to become a gardener in the world, contribute to education, and build a social piranha all my life."

"Oh ha ha ha, I will cut out a garden theme tomorrow. Look at the prison god, we are professional gardeners!"

Emperor Fengdu smiled so that the wrinkles on his face were like chrysanthemums, he really looked like a gardener.

Chu Hao couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he saw Emperor Fengdu's aggressive appearance. Chu Hao felt that he had made a wrong decision for a moment.

When Emperor Fengdu first appeared on the stage, his face was indifferent, majestic and domineering, which is the demeanor that a generation of emperors should have.

But after only half a day, Emperor Fengdu turned into a little red guy who only knew "Aba Aba Aba" and talked about the prison god boss.

Later on, Emperor Fengdu turned into a gardener who licked his face and begged Chu Hao to take him in. This change was unbelievable.

In fact, Emperor Fengdu is indeed not such a person...

However, he gave too much!

Every time Emperor Fengdu saw the dense and almost crystallized aura of the entire Kunlun Mountain, and every time he took a breath, the chrysanthemum-like smile on Emperor Fengdu's face became brighter and brighter.

He strengthened his determination to stay.

"Aura is not important, the main thing is that I want to be a gardener!"

"Yes, I am such a great person!"

Emperor Fengdu excitedly started his great career in Kunlun Mountains.

Xiao Qiong was beside Chu Hao, pulling Chu Hao's sleeve nervously,

"Brother, is there something wrong with his... brain?"

Chu Hao thought about it, knelt down and touched Xiaoqiong's head,

"Silly sister, people are so pitiful, don't laugh at them, that's not good."

Xiaoqiong nodded, and said seriously: "Everyone is equal, Xiaoqiong will definitely not look down on that mentally retarded!"

Poor Emperor Fengdu, the majestic ruler of the underworld, has become a mentally handicapped man whose mind is full of flowers and plants in Xiao Qiong's mouth.

How sad it would be if Emperor Fengdu knew about this.

When Chu Hao returned to the main hall, the four girls had been waiting here for a long time.

Without the presence of Emperor Fengdu, the four girls finally opened their mouths to express their doubts.

Bi Xiao took the lead and said, "Senior brother, are you going to tell us what's going on? Why can you do so many things today? You turned Kunlun Mountain into a paradise, defeated Yu Yixian with every gesture, and why did you do so much today?" Kill Immortal Pilu!"

Qiong Xiao nodded, looking at Chu Hao expectantly,

"Yeah, I've wanted to know for a long time, brother, what method are you using? Can you tell us?"

Chu Hao smiled wryly, "Okay, okay, let me tell you all, and I will also hand over the means just now to you, and you must help me protect this place in the future."

The four girls were overjoyed.

The Holy Mother of Wudang was even more surprised and said: "Could it be that killing Pilu Immortal and driving away Yuyi Immortal is the way of formation?!"

Chu Hao nodded, "That's right. I have set up two formations in Kunlun Mountain, one is the Great Formation of the Mountain Gate, and the other is the Formation of Taiyi Gathering Spirits."

"What is that treasure in the sky?" The Holy Mother of Wudang suddenly thought and asked quickly.

Chu Hao smiled faintly, "It's a worthless marble, it seems to be called Juling Bead, it's nothing."

The four girls gasped in fright,

"It's the rumored spirit-gathering bead, one bead and one world. It is rumored that it contains the aura of a small world, which is inexhaustible!"

"Senior brother, how rich are dare you use all these treasures!"

"Is this... the dojo of senior brother? It's so luxurious, I can't even imagine how luxurious it is!"

"I participated in the arrangement of Penglai Island and Biyou Palace by Master back then, but even the ashram I taught was not so extravagant. Chu Hao, what did you get rich on?"

The Holy Mother of Wudang and Fairy Sanxiao were startled by Chu Hao's arrogance.

Of course, Wudang Virgin is a little strange, even the Taiyi Spirit Gathering Formation and Ju Ling Orb should not have such a strong aura.

Could it be the mountain gate formation that Chu Hao mentioned, which is the most powerful existence? !

This made Wudang Semu secretly shocked again, her vision was extremely broad, and she knew the formations within the Three Realms by heart.

However, I have never heard of a formation that can be both offensive and defensive, and even possess the power of gathering spirits!

This, this, this... Even the saints did not do it back then!

Chu Hao waved his hand lightly, "Once in a while, it's not worth mentioning."

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