The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 138 Pa, 1 shot, 3 pieces, 9 turns, Da Luo Jindan!

When Chu Hao chatted with the Holy Mother of Wudang, he suddenly saw the peripheral lights of Penglai Xiandao start to flicker again.

Then I saw three rays of light, red, white and green, flying from a distance.

When the Holy Mother of Wudang saw the three rays of light, she suddenly froze, her eyes shocked,

"Wait, these three lights are..."

Before the person arrives, the sound arrives first.

From a distance came the shouts in unison:

"Senior Sister Wudang, we are back!"

Three beams of light, purple, white and blue, suddenly came in front of the Holy Mother of Wudang and Chu Hao.

When they stood still, the Virgin Mary of Wudang burst into tears,

"Yunxiao, Bixiao, Qiongxiao... why are you here?"

Standing in front of the Holy Mother of Wudang was the Fairy Sanxiao, the younger sisters of Zhao Gongming, an elite disciple of the Jiejiao Outer Sect.

Fairy Sanxiao is loyal to the Jiejiao. She worked for the Jiejiao together with the Holy Mother of Wudang back then.

It's a pity that the end of the three of them is not good.

Yun Xiao was wrapped up by Lao Tzu with a picture of Qian Kun and suppressed under Qilin Cliff.

Qiong Xiao was killed by Yuanshi Tianzun who hit Tianling with three treasures, Ruyi.

Bixiao was turned into blood by Yuanshi Tianzun's magic weapon (jade box) and died.

In the end, the true spirit was sealed in the list of gods, and he was not allowed to leave his post forever, and was imprisoned in the heaven for an unknown number of years.

Once upon a time, the Holy Mother of Wudang thought that she would never see the Sanxiao fairy, but she never expected that today she would meet these three lovely junior sisters again in Penglai Xiandao!

"Sister, we miss you so much!"

Fairy Sanxiao threw herself on the Madonna of Wudang, weeping like a child.

The Holy Mother of Wudang also cried with them, and only after going through ups and downs did she know how precious these junior sisters are.

Chu Hao smiled at the side. Although they are all expensive as Daluo Jinxian, they are very sincere. They don't want those people taught by the West to be cold-blooded and ruthless. Great compassion is the great devil.

After waiting for everyone to calm down, Chu Hao jokingly reminded:

"Four, if you continue to cry, it will be dawn."

The four of them realized this, quickly wiped away their tears, smiled shyly, and were watched by Chu Hao.

The Holy Mother of Wudang suddenly remembered, looked at Fairy Sanxiao, and asked nervously:

"Aren't you sealed by the list of gods? Why are you still able to come down to earth? Could it be that something big happened in the heaven?"

Fairy Sanxiao shook her head,

"It's not that something happened in the heaven, but that there are noble people to help."

Seeing Fairy Sanxiao turned her head to look at Chu Hao, she saluted respectfully and said in unison:

"I thank Your Excellency the Prison God for your help in breaking away from the list of gods and rebuilding with us. If Your Excellency the Prison God needs anything, we will go through fire and water and die!"

Fairy Sanxiao's etiquette is not insignificant, but it is because Chu Hao has helped them too much.

"Get rid of the list of gods?!" The Holy Mother of Wudang was extremely shocked and looked at Chu Hao in surprise.

Chu Hao chuckled, "Exactly! It's a long story, but to put it simply, the Dragon King of the Four Seas and Ao Lie had a rebellious heart, and I caught them on the spot, so I sent them to the list of gods."

"Instead, I chose five people to escape from the list of gods, and Fairy Sanxiao is three of them."

Fairy Sanxiao and Our Lady of Wudang were extremely surprised.

"Why did Your Excellency the Prison God save us? I can't repay you." Fairy Yunxiao asked.

Chu Hao chuckled, "We are members of the same family, if we don't help you, who will we help?"

Fairy Sanxiao was surprised.

When the Holy Mother of Wudang saw the surprise of the three of them, she couldn't help but giggled. Sure enough, she wasn't the only one who couldn't accept this reality.

Soon, under the explanation of Our Lady of Wudang, Fairy Sanxiao accepted the reality that she had an extra senior brother in shock.

That's right, it's senior brother.

At that time, the leader of Tongtian sect accepted Chu Hao as a closed disciple, and said that he had the same respect as a generation of direct disciples.

Among the four great direct disciples, among them Duobaohua Tathagata, the Holy Mother of Guiling was completely devoured by Mosquito Taoist, and died.

Chu Hao has the same respect as a generation of disciples. For the current Jiejiao, apart from the Wudang Virgin, Chu Hao is the oldest.

Fairy Sanxiao was shocked for a while, and then said:

"I didn't expect that Master, who was sealed in Zixiao Palace after Conferring God's Quantity Tribulation, turned out to be an incarnation for senior brother, which is unprecedented."

"So now our second senior brother is the powerful minister of the heavenly court, the law enforcement prison god of the three realms?! So happy!"

Chu Hao quickly waved his hands, "Don't, don't, don't call me Second Senior Brother, it sounds like a pig...just call me Chu Hao."

Several people chatted for a while.

The Holy Mother of Wudang asked: "Chu Hao, you came to me and freed the three junior sisters from the list of gods. Do you think there is something very important for us to do?"

Fairy Sanxiao stood up on the spot and said in unison: "As long as senior brother orders, I will wait for death!"

Chu Hao's head was full of black lines,

"Do I look like the kind of person who will let you all die? Live well, and I will need you after the end of teaching."

A trace of information was revealed in Chu Hao's words, which made the four girls feel something difficult.

"So what's the matter?" The Holy Mother of Wudang said seriously.

Chu Hao didn't say much, but said bluntly:

"Actually, the main reason for asking everyone to come is because I plan to be promoted to Daluo Jinxian within a few days, but the West will inevitably kill me, so I need everyone to protect me."

The four girls were taken aback, and only then went to check Chu Hao's breath.

The four of them were stunned when they felt Chu Hao's aura of violent mana that was as deep as the sea.

Fairy Sanxiao was extremely surprised,

"It turns out that you are only a Taiyi Golden Immortal. If you weren't, I almost thought you were a Daluo Golden Immortal."

"Yeah, senior brother Chu's aura is so strong, whether it is the soul or the body, I feel a kind of pressure. I am afraid that in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, no one can match senior brother."

"Then Xixi is so shameless that he has long regarded senior brother as a thorn in his side. We will definitely protect senior brother! It's just..."

Yunxiao's face was full of loneliness, "It's just that we have been enshrined as gods for many years, we have already fallen from the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and we are only in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian. But don't worry, brother, we will definitely protect you. No one can hurt you!"

The eyes of the Holy Mother of Wudang were full of distress. After being sealed on the list of gods for so many years, she fell directly from Daluo to Taiyi. This is an unacceptable reality for anyone.

However, Chu Hao smiled slightly,

"Naturally, this is nothing to worry about. I have a gift to give to the three junior sisters, so let's treat it as a meeting gift."

Fairy Sanxiao looked puzzled.

meet and greet?

What is so mysterious?

Chu Hao calmly took out a pill from his body.

The moment they saw this elixir, the eyes of Fairy Sanxiao and Our Lady of Wudang straightened!

Even with their eyesight, they were confused when they saw this treasure.

The four girls shouted in shock,

"Nine-turn Great Luo Golden Pill!!"

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