The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 137 Intercepting the Gathering of the Powerful?

Chu Hao was very calm, and he had already prepared to come up with the Yuanshen technique that also possessed the breath of a saint:

"I also have the Great [Dharma of the Yuqing Lingbao] bestowed by Master himself, which is original and authentic."

The Holy Mother of Wudang was already skeptical, but when she saw this step of Yuqing Lingbao Dafa, she couldn't believe it anymore and could only believe it.

This exercise was handed down by the master to the four major direct disciples, and even the second-generation disciples and the third-generation disciples were not qualified to practice it.

But Chu Hao really has the aura of Yuqing Lingbao Dafa.

The Holy Mother of Wudang looked at Chu Hao in shock, and suddenly said pleasantly:

"Wait, Master was able to go down to accept disciples. Could it be because Dao Patriarch released Master? That's great! I'm going to revive my teaching!"

Chu Hao shook his head, "No, Master is still locked in Zixiao Palace, but he just transformed into a lower realm outside of his body to accept disciples."

The Holy Mother of Wudang was lost for a moment, but looked at Chu Hao suspiciously,

"Then... why do you have the wonderful tree of seven treasures on your body? This is the magic weapon of Taoist Zhunti."

Chu Hao smiled slightly, "Regarding this matter, please allow me to explain in detail, Senior Sister."

Immediately afterwards, Chu Hao strolled on Penglai Xiandao with the Madonna of Wudang.

Chu Hao told the Holy Mother of Wudang about the judgments he had made against the West for love and justice these days, and accidentally said that the Master of Tongtian was moved to accept disciples because of his peerless appearance, and it must not be because of tormenting the West. Reasons for teaching.

From the initial doubts, the Holy Mother of Wudang gradually accepted Chu Hao. As the direct disciple of the Lord Tongtian, the Holy Mother of Wudang knew the temperament of the master best.

Master has never paid so much attention to a disciple, and even went down to accept disciples for Chu Hao, which was impossible in the past.

For this junior, the Holy Mother of Wudang also only likes her in her heart.

Ever since she became a god, the Holy Mother of Wudang has been lonely, she has been discouraged and has been ignoring foreign affairs.

Just when I have free time, I will come back to clean up Penglai Xiandao, attract some rare and exotic animals, and add vitality to Penglai Xiandao.

However, no matter how one person cleans, Penglai Xiandao is still so lifeless.

Day after day, the heart of Our Lady of Wudang gradually sank to the bottom of the sea.

But on this first day, Chu Hao's arrival added vitality to Penglai Xiandao.

After experiencing the First Battle of the Conferred Gods, the Holy Mother of Wudang has seen many disciples of the same school wither, betray, and kill each other.

Especially after Journey to the West, Jiejiao declined, and the Holy Mother of Wudang couldn't find a few fellow disciples to talk to.

After experiencing great ups and downs, and returning to loneliness, the loneliness in the heart of the Holy Mother of Wudang is indescribable.

Seeing Chu Hao again, not only added vitality to Penglai Xiandao, but also ignited the fire of hope in the heart of the Holy Mother of Wudang!

Cut off teaching, just dormant, not broken!

This is by no means a delusion of the Madonna of Wudang, she just believes that the master will not be aimless.

Since Chu Hao was chosen, it must be because of Chu Hao's superiority.

Vaguely, the Holy Mother of Wudang has already regarded Chu Hao as the hope for the revival of Jiejiao.

Chu Hao talked with the Madonna of Wudang all the way, and looked at the slightly dilapidated and desolate Penglai Xiandao all the way.

Except for the Lei Qilin that Chu Hao saw before, Chu Hao couldn't see too many spiritual beasts, let alone prehistoric ancient beasts.

You must know that Jiejiao is very tolerant, even those who are hatched from wetness can seek the way from Jiejiao.

Therefore, Jiejiao has always been full of spirit beasts, but even the cranes in front of them are just ordinary white cranes, at most a few years old, which is a bit bizarre.

Moreover, many obvious ruins can be seen on Penglai Xiandao, as if they have been excavated by people, with pits and hollows, which is very ugly.

Chu Hao didn't hesitate too much, and asked directly:

"Senior sister, why did Penglai Xiandao become like this? It is said that ten thousand immortals came to court in Penglai Xiandao back then, and there were all kinds of dragons, phoenixes and unicorns."

"Just like the master's will, there is no distinction between teaching and everything in the world. Even if Jiejiao declines, Penglai Xiandao should not be so desolate, with only a few wild beasts and spirits."

After Chu Hao said that, flames burst out from the eyes of the Holy Mother of Wudang.

"It's those shameless Western bald donkeys, that group of sanctimonious, hypocritical and despicable bastards! After the defeat of the Jiejiao, we had already negotiated with the Western religion. Allowed to enter Penglai Xiandao."

"However, the shameless Western Sect, after repeated testing, found that the master was really shrunk behind the Zixiao Palace, so under the guise of subduing demons, he led an army to attack my Penglai Xiandao."

"That day, the flames of war raged, and my Penglai Xiandao was outnumbered. All the wild alien species and powerful spirit beasts were captured by the Western Sect and used as mounts!"

"Moreover, they dug three feet into the ground and took away all the magic weapons of my Penglai Xiandao, and they didn't even want to keep a single lamp. This hatred, this hatred, I will never forget it!"

When the Holy Mother of Wudang said this, her eyes were red and she was gnashing her teeth. Even thinking about it after such a long time made her angry.

Chu Hao narrowed his eyes, "Western Sect, those shameless bald donkeys are too much, senior sister, I promise you, everything we lost will be returned a hundredfold by Western Sect!"

Chu Hao's eyes showed fierce killing intent.

Now there are not many people left in the Jiejiao. Chu Hao is also one of the important figures in the Jiejiao. Naturally, Chu Hao also has a magic weapon.

Those bald donkeys from the Western Sect just grabbed Chu Hao's head, how could Chu Hao not be angry!

The Holy Mother of Wudang was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Junior brother, don't act on your will. Now that the Western religion is very prosperous, it is faintly ranked first. We are weak now, so don't conflict with them."

Chu Hao chuckled, "Don't worry, Senior Sister, I have a sense of proportion."

The Madonna of Wudang always felt that something was wrong.

If someone who knew Chu Hao heard Chu Hao say that he was measured, he would basically be sure that the Western Church would suffer.

The last time Chu Hao said that he had a sense of proportion, he chopped off the three heavenly kings, brought along several arhats, and the relic incarnation of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha.

The Holy Mother of Wudang suddenly said: "By the way, Junior Brother, is there something you are here for? Don't worry, as long as it is something you want to do, Senior Sister will fully support you."

Chu Hao smiled faintly, "Senior Sister, don't worry, just wait for a while, when everyone is here, let's talk together."

The Holy Mother of Wudang frowned, "Is there anyone else coming? Who is it?"

Chu Hao smiled mysteriously, "You know him."

The Holy Mother of Wudang racked her brains, but she couldn't figure out who exactly Chu Hao was talking about.

It's not that she didn't think about intercepting the disciples, but intercepting the disciples, apart from her own escape, intercepted a glimmer of life.

The other disciples are basically sealed in the list of gods, and no one can jump out of the control of the heaven.

It is impossible to have free interception to teach disciples.

So who exactly was Chu Hao talking about?

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