The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 139 After 3 days, I was promoted to Daluo!

Looking at the golden light flowing in Chu Hao's hand, the medicine was powerful, and there was even a faint dao rhyme flowing on it, the four women were a little stunned.

Chu Hao smiled slightly, "If you have this Nine-Turn Great Luo Golden Pill, can you restore to the Great Luo Golden Immortal?"

Fairy Yunxiao nodded excitedly, "Of course! You can even return to your peak state!"

But in the next second Fairy Yunxiao showed a look of embarrassment on her face,

"There's only one Great Luo Golden Pill...Let's leave it to sister Qiong Xiao."

Chu Hao was a little surprised. This is the golden pill that has returned to the realm of Da Luo. Originally, Fairy Yunxiao could get it by virtue of her qualifications as an older sister, but she was able to let go of such an important opportunity and give it to her second sister Qiongxiao?

Fairy Qiongxiao is obviously not as determined as Yunxiao.

Seeing Nine Turns Great Luo Jindan in front of her, she was obviously moved, but she still gritted her teeth,

"There's only one... Sanmei should eat it. Anyway, now that she's out of the Conferred God Ranking, she can return to Da Luo Jinxian in less than a few dozen yuanhui."

Qiong Xiao gave up the golden core, and Fairy Bi Xiao was at a loss for a moment.

"No, I'm... so precious, I can't bear it, senior brother, I... I'm so weak, I can't let me recover..."

Fairy Bixiao seemed a little cautious, and the more she spoke, the more frightened she became, and she even cried a little.

"Why don't you still be the eldest sister, the eldest sister will definitely be able to do these things well."

"No, I am the eldest sister who listens to me. You two are still young and need strength to protect yourself. My sister will recover soon."

"It's better to let the third sister."

"No, no, I can't, let the second sister!"

"Eldest sister, I think elder sister is suitable..."

"I said let you two choose one, don't count me..."

The three sisters actually shied away from each other for the nine-turn Da Luo Jindan. This is a great opportunity to restore the Da Luo Jinxian, and someone else would have already snatched the head.

Chu Hao could tell that the three sisters really had a good relationship, and they were even shying away from such a good opportunity.

Chu Hao watched the three sisters evade each other, and smiled wryly beside him,

"Three...three wait..."

The three sisters were still giving way to each other, no one was willing to take the initiative to fight for this opportunity, and they didn't even hear what Chu Hao said.

Chu Hao had no choice but to raise his voice, "Three, listen to me. In fact, I have three Nine-Revolution Great Luo Golden Pills."

Chu Hao suddenly took out two more Nine Rank Great Luo Golden Pills.

For a moment, time seemed to freeze, and the atmosphere seemed extremely strange.

The Holy Mother of Wudang looked at Chu Hao in shock, and said stupidly, "How is it possible..."

Fairy Sanxiao was a little speechless, her pretty face was full of shock, and she was even stunned.

" is this possible?!"

"Nine-turn Daluo Golden Pill is extremely precious. Only Laozi, the good corpse of the saint of Laozi, is qualified to refine it. You won't see many pieces for hundreds of thousands of dollars!"

"Nine-turn Great Luo Golden Pill, this is a treasure that many Taiyi Golden Immortals will get if they sacrifice their lives, but this...there are three of them? Brother, you, you, you, you are still not human!"

Chu Hao rubbed his nose with a wry smile, "Don't be so surprised, right? Aren't they just three Nine-Turn Great Luo Golden Pills? No, no."

But the Holy Mother of Wudang was somewhat resentful, "My good junior, isn't it too easy for you to say this? If I had these three Nine-Turn Great Arhat Golden Pills back then, I would definitely be on a higher level!"

"If you dedicate this Nine-Turn Daluo Golden Pill to the Heavenly Court, even if you want the position of the Four Emperors, I am afraid that the Jade Emperor will give it up."

This is not an exaggeration.

As I said before, Da Luo Jinxian is already the highest combat power capable of walking among any forces.

The Heavenly Court doesn't even have one or two Da Luo Jinxians that can be used. If Chu Hao enshrines it to the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor will have three more Da Luo Jinxians.

The Jade Emperor might wake up laughing from his dream, but with Chu Hao's contribution, the position of the Four Imperials is within easy reach.

"My good junior brother, what did you do? Could it be that you robbed the Supreme Lord?" The Holy Mother of Wudang said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Chu Hao resentfully said: "That's the Supreme Lord, who dares to rob him?"

The Holy Mother of Wudang breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

"I just blackmailed him." Chu Hao added.

For a moment, the atmosphere froze completely.

Fairy Sanxiao and Our Lady of Wudang looked at Chu Hao as if they had seen a ghost, their eyes almost popping out.

Taishang Laojun, was blackmailed by Chu Hao?

That saint Lao Tzu, the head of the Three Purities, one of the strongest saints in history, a good corpse walking in the world, was blackmailed by Chu Hao?

Moreover, he still blackmailed the most important Rank Nine Great Luo Jindan!

Even in the hands of the Taishang Laojun, the most precious pill is nothing more than this!

Three, or exactly three!

Seen by the four girls, Chu Hao was too embarrassed to add.

In fact, this is only part of it. I actually extorted four Nine-Turn Great Luo Golden Pills, and the outside world had two Nine-Turn Great Return Pills.

Of course, Chu Hao didn't say it out. If the four girls thought that Chu Hao was just killing people and stealing goods, they would be really scared to death.

Even so, it took a long time for the four daughters to finally accept the reality that Chu Hao blackmailed the Supreme Lord.

But Fairy Sanxiao is still very restrained,

Yun Xiao took the initiative and said: "Senior Brother, you must rank Nine Great Luo Golden Pill to be promoted to Da Luo Jinxian, this elixir is better for you to promote, with my two younger sisters protecting the law for you, plus the senior sister, it should be enough. "

Chu Hao chuckled, "No need, how should I put it... I'm confident that I'll be promoted."

Chu Hao didn't say that he had a system-customized Nine-Turn Daluo Golden Pill, and that elixir was much more effective than the elixir given by the Taishang Laojun.

Not only can it strengthen the physique during the promotion, but it can even promote the soul and body simultaneously, saving a lot of trouble.

Of course, these explanations are too troublesome, and Chu Hao didn't intend to say them.

"These three nine-turn Great Luo Golden Pills are reserved for you, otherwise I would not have rescued you from the list of gods. You can take them now and return to the Great Luo realm as soon as possible."

"Three days later, I will unseal the seal above the East China Sea and be promoted to Daluo Jinxian. At that time, I will get rid of the four guardians to protect me."

Under Chu Hao's various explanations, Fairy Sanxiao finally accepted the Rank Nine Great Luo Golden Pill.

Fairy Sanxiao's eyes are full of gratitude, even vaguely infatuated...

This senior brother is too proud, in the Three Realms, Five Elements, Four Directions and Six Paths, even going back to the time of Conferred God, he has never seen such a proud person.

The meeting gift is directly three Nine Rank Great Luo Golden Pills.

Now Fairy Sanxiao's feelings for Chu Hao, not to mention dying for Chu Hao, even if it was an exaggerated matter, as long as Chu Hao brought it up, they would do it without hesitation.

Chu Hao couldn't stand their hot eyes, so he quickly slipped away.

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