The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1101 Self-destruct?Little Nezha, why are you so desperate?

At this moment, the two powerful demon generals of the Asura clan and the five Buddhas of the Jingliuli World shot at the same time,

The soaring demon energy and the dazzling Buddha light all rushed towards Chu Hao,

The two ways of Buddha and Demon joined forces at the same time, and they were determined to kill Chu Hao here!

Nezha next to him, his eyes tearing open, roared hoarsely,

"Stop, stop quickly!!!"

"Ah! You are shameless, let go of my boss!"

However, Nezha's roar had no effect.

Even if the auspicious king Tathagata was only distracted, he completely suppressed Nezha,

Even a saint cannot overcome the gap in realm, and Nezha is no exception.

However, Nezha struggled desperately to no avail, and madness was written in his eyes!

He did something that no one expected, his whole body gradually began to swell, and the aura between the heaven and the earth began to become disordered in an instant!

That's right, at this time, Nezha knew that he was powerless to stop everyone,

Nezha also knew very well that this time Chu Hao might be really in danger.

It's better to take revenge with your life!

Of course, Nezha was not crazy enough to explode himself,

After all, that is a completely irreversible end once the self-destruct begins. Nezha chose to self-destruct physically, and there is still a chance.

Nezha kept Chu Hao's teachings in mind, and acted calmly at all times.

So even if Nezha sacrificed his self-destruction at this moment, he clearly chose the method of physical self-destruction. He wanted to deter the powerful through this, and it would be best to make them retreat.

In this way, Nezha can save Chu Hao.

At this moment, everyone in the field felt the restless aura on Nezha's body, and they all reacted instantly.

The faces of the Five Buddhas changed in surprise. They had just experienced a big battle, and they were not feeling well at all.

If this is how to deal with such a close-range physical self-destruction, it will cause serious injuries, and if one has no defense, he will die on the spot!

The five Buddhas were all out of breath, terrified, and cursed loudly.

"Damn it, is this brat crazy? Why did he do such a thing as self-explosion!"

"For tens of thousands of years, there are only two quasi-sages who choose to blew themselves up. Just now, the Peng Demon King is dead. Doesn't this Nezha know the beauty of life?"

"Even if the Prison God is dead, shouldn't Nezha be more happy? Soon he will be the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall and become the new Law Enforcement Prison God of the Three Realms. What is he thinking!"

"Crazy, the law enforcement hall is full of such lunatics, what should we do, should we run away?!"

"But this is the best chance to kill Chu Hao. If you don't kill him this time, when will you wait!"

Panic was written all over the faces of the Five Buddhas. Even they dared not forcefully detonate a quasi-sage without any defense.

Five Buddhas began to panic,

But Medicine Buddha had a gloomy face and said angrily:

"Don't retreat, I will carry it, no matter what happens today, Chu Hao must die!"

As Medicine Buddha said, his body moved in front of the five Buddhas, and he actually used his body as a shield, allowing the five Buddhas to attack with peace of mind!

It has to be said that Medicine Buddha's killing intent towards Chu Hao at this moment should be the strongest among all the people.

Medicine Buddha also hated Chu Hao to the bone. As early as when the Jingliu Li World was closed, Medicine Buddha had already made an oath to never share with Chu Hao.

That's not just talking harshly, Medicine Buddha had many interactions with Chu Hao from a long time ago, many times it was Medicine Buddha who suffered,

Even in Wuzhuang Temple, Medicine Buddha was beaten to pieces by Chu Hao, so he could only hide in the glazed pagoda to recuperate.

Even when Jingliuli World was attacked, Medicine Buddha could only shrink inside and heal his wounds obediently.

Medicine Buddha thought that when only the Asuras attacked the sky, he didn't plan to make a move. After all, the Jingliuli World must be able to handle it.

But when Medicine Buddha saw Chu Hao coming, Medicine Buddha felt the crisis!

Chu Hao must be sabotaging it!

This is the experience that Medicine Master Buddha gained from dealing with Chu Hao for many years. As long as Chu Hao appears, nothing good will happen!

Therefore, when the gate of Jingliuli World was about to fall, Medicine Buddha interrupted his cultivation, dragged his extremely tired body, and pretended to be unscathed to come out and close the gate of the world,

Medicine Buddha's plan was a bluff.

But who knows, even saw the Demon King Peng self-detonation, this thing is really unexpected.

After all, in the Three Realms, there has never been a quasi-sage who would give up his endless life for tens of thousands of years, and only the Peng Demon King could do such a thing.

Afterwards, the Law Enforcement Hall swarmed in, uniting with the Asura Clan to destroy the entire Jingliuli World to almost shattering,

Medicine Buddha's hatred for Chu Hao was already so deep that he could not share the sky.

He has sworn that today either Chu Hao will die or he will die!

At this moment, Nezha was about to blow himself up, and Medicine Buddha was not cowardly at all.

His hatred for Chu Hao has surpassed his fear of death,

What's more, his half-body glazed golden body is also extremely defensive, even if Nezha's physical body explodes, it may not be able to kill himself.

Medicine Master Buddha is so determined, even if he is crippled by Nezha's self-destruct, he will let Chu Hao die here!

But the Five Buddhas could not help but feel at ease when they saw Medicine Buddha standing in front of them.

With Medicine Buddha standing on his back, what are you afraid of?

The five Buddhas no longer worried about Nezha's self-destruction, and continued to attack with all their strength.

Even, with the protection of the Medicine Buddha, the five Buddhas increased their attacks even more.

And the attacks of the two demon generals of the Asura clan also came to Chu Hao,

The five ghosts had already arrived around Chu Hao, biting Chu Hao's eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and brain!

And Vishnu's thunder spear pierced the sky and came in front of Chu Hao.

In addition, the attacks of the five Buddhas, the sky-filled wisdom swords, pagodas, and subduing demon pestles... all shone with endless golden light and came to the top of Chu Hao's head.

At this moment, Chu Hao, who was in the midst of the storm, sighed deeply,

With his head down, he was like a death row prisoner who accepted his fate, welcoming the coming of the beheading blade.

Nezha watched with tears streaming down his face, watching helplessly as his boss was about to die in front of him, and he could only watch helplessly by the side,

This kind of helplessness and pain is like a chisel, beating Nezha's heart hard,

Despair completely enveloped Nezha,

This kind of despair is deeper than Nezha's despair of cutting his bones to return his father and his flesh to return his mother!

At that time, it was just the pain of being betrayed by a loved one, but now I can't do anything about watching my loved one die before my eyes. This kind of pain makes Nezha feel like he is facing the abyss of despair!

Nezha has even accelerated the speed of self-destruction. Although he can't save Chu Hao, at least he can let himself go with Chu Hao...

Between heaven and earth, all eyes were on Chu Hao who was in the storm. Although he couldn't see Chu Hao's face, everyone was sure that Chu Hao must have been crying in despair.

However, at this moment, a faint voice sounded in the storm,

"Little Nezha, why are you so desperate?"

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