The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1100 Right here today, burying the God of Hell!

At this moment, the strong Asuras who saw the magic weapons all over the ground couldn't bear it anymore,

Especially seeing that Brahma, who has only one head, is able to take away that day's magical treasure, the strong Asura clan's eyes are even redder!

Putting the god-killing gun in the Three Realms, it is definitely a powerful magic weapon worthy of the name, and now a big Brahma with only a head left can take away a god-killing gun,

This has completely mobilized the greedy hearts of those Asura powerhouses,

No one paid attention to the fact that Da Brahma's face seemed to be getting ugly at the moment,

In fact, even if they noticed the abnormality of Da Brahma, no one would pay attention to Da Brahma, otherwise they would not be Asuras.

At this moment, the ghost mother also stretched out her hand to grab the Shennong cauldron on the ground in an instant,

With the Shennong cauldron in hand, the ghost mother could already smell the strong smell of medicine in the Shennong cauldron, and the ghost mother was even more excited.

She felt that she had guessed it right. Sure enough, this was the reason why Chu Hao was able to possess a large number of powerful pills.

Even above the Alchemy Dao, he can beat the Supreme Lord. If it is the Asura clan... No, if he owns this kind of magic weapon, he will definitely be able to climb to the top in the future!

Even, he might become the next Patriarch of Styx!

She couldn't wait to explore the secrets of the Shennong Ding, but when she started to investigate, her expression gradually became a little weird,

To be precise, the ghost mother really felt an ominous feeling.

The ghost mother found that even though she got the Shennong cauldron, there was no way to erase the restrictions on the Shennong cauldron by herself!

It doesn't make sense. It is said that Chu Hao is on the verge of death and unable to get out of trouble. How could he have such control over his magic weapon?

The ghost mother noticed something was wrong, but quickly put this feeling behind her,

It's very simple, no matter how weird or bizarre, the ghost mother must get this Shennong cauldron!

She was sure that this must be the most important treasure in Chu Hao's body. Perhaps it was because of this that Chu Hao sacrificed the Shennong Cauldron so many times that he couldn't get rid of the restriction at all.

The ghost mother felt that she had already guessed the truth, she cast her cold eyes on Chu Hao, the flame of greed made the ghost mother even more ferocious,

"A person who is about to die, is he still dead?!"

"Then the only way is to let you die! The five ghosts obey orders and devour the five senses of Prison God Chu Hao!"

In order to completely keep the Shennong Ding as her own, the ghost mother is already desperate. As long as Chu Hao is killed, the restraint will naturally be weakened, and it will be better for her to deal with it at that time.

Although it is said that the ghost mother is also afraid of Chu Hao, but at this moment, the fire of greed is burning in her heart, and the ghost mother has long since put aside all fear and fear,

Who cares how brilliant Chu Hao used to be, anyway, he killed a hundred people!

The five ghosts beside the ghost mother rushed towards Chu Hao,

Nezha stared at the side with angry eyes, throwing the universe circle in his hand at the ghost mother,

"Beast, die!"

However, at this moment, a sword of wisdom descended from the sky, directly hitting the Qiankun circle that was about to hit the ghost mother.

Nezha was shocked, and suddenly looked over, only to see the auspicious king Tathagata sneering beside Medicine Buddha,

The Medicine Buddha and the Five Buddhas have always put on an attitude of watching from the sidelines, but this does not mean that they can do nothing,

Although it sounds a little unbelievable to save the ghost mother, but now everyone in Jingliuli World doesn't care about it.

Anyway, it is only necessary for the ghost mother to go to Chu Hao's thunder, and the Buddhas will not let Nezha disturb this matter.

Nezha was furious, extremely furious, mana surged all over his body,

All of a sudden, the Vajra Circle, Huntian Ling, and the 33-day Golden Exquisite Pagoda were all sacrificed,

It was just trying to rush over to protect Chu Hao with the strongest force.

However, the auspicious king Tathagata did not relax his suppression of Nezha at all.

"Want to save your boss? You have a good idea! The saint is here today, and your boss will die!"

The auspicious king Tathagata sacrificed many magic weapons, and the many magic weapons were like a big formation, trapping Nezha firmly in it,

Although the auspicious king Tathagata was injured in the battle just now, it doesn't mean that he will be weaker than Nezha.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and Nezha is just a one-turn quasi-sage. Even if he tries his best, it is impossible to break through the blockade of the auspicious king Tathagata.


Nezha's eyes were about to burst, and it was only a few steps away to save Chu Hao, but Nezha was firmly suppressed by the auspicious king Tathagata,

What made Nezha even more painful was that the five ghosts sent by the ghost mother were already coming to Chu Hao!

At this time, Vishnu also stood up,

"Hmph, I've heard for a long time that your prison god Chu Hao's defensive magic weapon is so strong that even the Buddha's light from the Western Heaven can completely resist it,"

"It's just that you don't have a chance now!"

Vishnu is holding a 36-grade green lotus in his hand, which was picked up from the ground.

The current Chu Hao has been completely deprived of even the most powerful magic weapon for body protection, which is extremely dangerous.

And Vishnu was still afraid that Chu Hao would not die, so when he saw the five ghosts rushing up, Vishnu himself was still accumulating energy, his whole body was full of thunder and lightning, and a thunder spear was condensed in his hand,

Vishnu threw his spear angrily,

"Suffer to death!"

For a time, the entire world was filled with violent | violent thunder breath,

Under the gloomy atmosphere, the five ghosts had already approached Chu Hao.

This is the most powerful attack of the two Asura demon generals, and now the most powerful defensive magic weapon on Chu Hao has been taken away, and Chu Hao has been completely controlled,

Chu Hao will use his physical body to resist all subsequent attacks!

Sensing the arrival of the five ghosts around him, Chu Hao couldn't help but frowned at the stench and gloom so close at hand.

But Chu Hao wanted to escape but couldn't escape at all.

Even, Chu Hao could clearly feel that the restraining force on his body was getting stronger.

Chu Hao turned his head to take a look, and sure enough, even the arm of Medicine Buddha's half glazed golden body was much thicker, obviously he wanted to get rid of Chu Hao with the help of two Asura demon generals.

It's a pity that only half of Medicine Buddha's body is glazed golden body, the other half is considered useless, otherwise, he can shoot another glazed illusion light with the other hand,

However, Medicine Buddha had already prepared for it,

"Do it! Right here, bury the Hell God!"

Medicine Buddha gave the order, and in an instant, he saw the five Buddhas who had already secretly charged at the same time,

Immediately, above the sky, the Hui Sword, the Subduing Demon Pestle, the Pagoda...the Five Buddhas shot with all their strength and bombarded Chu Hao.

They have been waiting for a long time,

Originally thought that Chu Hao was cheating, and asked the two demon generals of the Asura clan to try it out.

But now that the two demon generals of the Asura clan were approaching, Medicine Buddha still felt that Chu Hao had no way to resist.

So Medicine Buddha didn't hold back anymore, and let everyone attack Chu Hao at the same time!

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