The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1102 Shiva awakens: I am familiar with this situation!

The scene where everyone shot at the same time just now was extremely grand, whether it was Vishnu and the ghost mother of the Asura clan, or the all-out attack of the Five Buddhas of the Western Heaven,

As the saying goes, most ants kill elephants, not to mention that these people are not rookies.

They are all quasi-sages, especially the auspicious king Tathagata, who is even above the rank three, and his strength is unquestionable.

Although it is said that the five Buddhas were all in a state of serious injuries, the power of the attack they launched with all their strength is definitely beyond the tolerance of any second-rank quasi-sage.

Even, even the auspicious king Tathagata himself would never have dared to take such an attack in his heyday.

And now Chu Hao, who was in the storm, had his whole body blocked, relying on his physical body to resist the damage,

This kind of thing is impossible to happen,

However, just now, that voice came out of the storm,

Everyone in the Asura tribe and the five Buddhas swallowed secretly. They shouldn't be too familiar with the voice just now!

Wuyou Tathagata, whose head was blown off by Chu Hao's hammer, instantly became extremely terrified at this moment, and was a little confused for a while.

"This, this, this... why is this damned prison god Chu Hao still alive! There is deceit, there must be deceit! Medicine Buddha, let's run away, this lunatic will definitely take revenge!"

After all, Wuyou Tathagata was a person who was hammered to the head by Chu Hao and almost died.

His fear of Chu Hao can be imagined, especially when he saw that Chu Hao was able to make such an understatement under such an attack, Wuyou Tathagata was terrified!

Auspicious King Tathagata gritted his teeth, his face extremely restless,

"Impossible, I don't believe it! He's at the end of his rope, he's already at the end of his rope, what can he do to make a comeback!"

"He must be playing tricks, don't be fooled by him, continue to attack, increase the attack, don't stop!"

The words of the auspicious king Tathagata are a little reassuring,

A gloomy look flashed across Medicine Buddha's face, but he said coldly:

"What King Auspicious Tathagata said is very true. The God of Hell is treacherous and cunning. We must not mess ourselves up."

"Furthermore, I'm now covered in glass, why should I be afraid of his little second-rank quasi-sage?! Attack with all your strength, output with all your strength!"

Medicine Buddha's face was full of madness, but amidst this madness, he could glimpse a bit of uneasiness,

For Medicine Buddha, nothing is unacceptable,

But it is absolutely unacceptable that Chu Hao can go back alive!

Chu Hao must be killed here today, otherwise, all the deaths and injuries in Jingliuli World will be in vain!

Under the comfort of Medicine Buddha, the five Buddhas were relieved,

It doesn't matter whether what Medicine Master Buddha said is right or not, but the facts are here, Medicine Buddha's half body is colored glaze, and his strength has returned to the rank four quasi-sage.

No matter how awesome Chu Hao was, he was only a rank-two quasi-sage, no way, Chu Hao couldn't just swipe and hammer the Medicine Buddha on the ground, right?

should not be able to...

The five Buddhas felt a little more at ease, and all of them stabilized their minds, and continued to strengthen their attacks.

But the people of the Asura clan are already a little suspicious,

The ghost mother's face was particularly ugly. She couldn't see Chu Hao's situation clearly in the storm, but she could feel a sincere sense of ominousness.

The ghost mother murmured nervously:

"What's going on? Why haven't the five ghosts returned yet? Why haven't they eaten the five senses of the prison god Chu Hao? Could it be that they were affected by the attack?"

"But it doesn't look like it. Even if it is attacked and killed, I can still detect it. What is going on? Why are there no news from them?"

The ghost mother's face was full of surprise. Logically speaking, such a thing would never happen to the five ghosts.

Even if it was the five senses that devoured the Buddha before, it was easily devoured, and then you will get feedback,

But now the fart has not happened, even if it is a fart, the ghost mother can detect it, but now it just disappears, and there is no news at all!

The same is true for Vishnu next to him. The thunder spear he threw has never hit the target.

Even if it pokes Medicine Buddha's ass|ass, at least you can feel some of it,

But until now, nothing has been poked, as if entering a black hole, never hitting the target,

Vishnu seemed a little panicked.

Da Brahma held the god-killing gun in his mouth and didn't speak, but his face was very livid and flushed,

It was as if he was biting a big mountain in his mouth, and this kind of mountain was full of pulling power!

Da Brahma was filled with a sense of uneasiness. The God-killing Spear that fell on the ground just now seemed to have no owner, without any power.

But now there is an extremely powerful pulling force above the God Killing Spear,

The God Killing Spear has already begun to struggle, trying to get out of Brahma's control, and this power is so strong that even Brahma can't grasp it for a while.

Only then did Da Brahma feel the panic,

To be able to bring such a powerful pulling force, unless Chu Hao is still alive and kicking,

However, looking at the terrifying storm that was enough to destroy most rank-three quasi-sages, Da Brahma didn't believe it at all, how could it be possible to live like this? !

Must die, okay?

But what's the matter with the pulling force from the gun? !

Da Brahma did not let go, his eyes were full of resentment and greed, and he roared wildly in his heart: The God Killing Spear is mine, it must be mine!

At this moment, Nezha, who also heard Chu Hao's voice, woke up instantly. All the sadness and despair just now disappeared in Chu Hao's calm voice.

Nezha was so ecstatic that he quickly interrupted his self-explosion,

After all, self-explosion was Nezha's revenge method at the desperate moment of Chu Hao's death, but hearing Chu Hao's tone just now, Nezha's heart was ignited with hope in an instant.

"Boss, are you okay?! Boss! I'll save you now!"

"Together, we killed this group of beasts today, and let Jingliuli World pay the price!"

Nezha was extremely excited. He had just faced the despair of Chu Hao's death, but now he rekindled the hope of life, and the madness of exterminating all Buddhas!

At this moment, the scene in the field was also seen in the eyes of Shiva and Lutoro outside,

Although Medicine Buddha emphasized that Chu Hao pretended to be a ghost, and even more that he beat Chu Hao to death as if it was just for fun, the fear in Shiva's heart had been completely ignited!

Shiva's eyes were full of horror, this situation and this scene have never been similar!

Every time before Chu Hao seemed to be in a desperate situation, everyone was so excited and crazy, as if he really wanted to succeed.

However, every time, it was arranged clearly by Chu Hao!

Shiva was frightened, very frightened,

"Escape! Must escape!"

"Don't worry about anything, run away!"

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