The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1099 Chu Hao Will Die?The God-killing Spear was seized?

Nezha roared, like a madman, charged at Chu Hao with all his strength,

The other law enforcers were furious, but Nezha went to rescue Chu Hao by himself regardless of Chu Hao's order.

It's fine to go alone, but Nezha doesn't want everyone to disobey Chu Hao's order, so he wants to go into the dragon pool and tiger den alone.

Nezha chose a dead end!

It is clear to all,

The danger of Chu Hao's situation now is immeasurable,

In front of him is controlled by the Medicine Buddha with a golden body of glass, and there are five Buddhas looking around,

There are also the three strong Asuras and the endless surviving Asuras staring at Chu Hao,

No matter who is going to save Chu Hao, he must be in a state of death, whether there is death or not, everyone is the same.

If Nezha goes here, he will only die!

But Nezha can't take care of anything anymore, he is different from everyone else in the Law Enforcement Hall,

Nezha and Chu Hao met 500 years ago. Chu Hao helped Nezha get rid of Li Jing's control, and even helped Nezha find his own way.

Chu Hao is also a teacher and friend to Nezha, if you ask Nezha what is the most important thing in the world, you must choose Chu Hao!

Even if the three realms and six realms are destroyed, Nezha doesn't care, as long as Chu Hao is fine,

Nezha is in charge of the Law Enforcement Hall, and he walks the right path, all under the guidance of Chu Hao.

If Chu Hao wasn't even there, Nezha couldn't possibly care about the righteous way of this world.

He was originally a puppet abandoned by his biological parents and manipulated by others. It was a more painful tragedy than a dead person.

If it wasn't for Chu Hao, Nezha would still be suffering under Li Jing's torture.

Even though Chu Hao ordered Nezha not to come over, Nezha was very firm and would never let anything happen to Chu Hao, never!

The people in the law enforcement hall followed Chu Hao's order to intercept, but saw Nezha leaving the team and entering Longtan alone,

Taigu Tianying was so anxious that tears came out, crying and stamping his feet and shouting:

"Nezha, you are despicable! Ah, I also want to save the boss!!!"

Li Yuan Golden Turtle gritted its teeth, but still could only take everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall to intercept the remnants and defeated generals.

"Nezha, you should replace me, I resist beating, you will be a fart!

You better hold out till we get back!Otherwise, I will spare you! "

The black bear clenched his fists tightly, and fire spewed out from his eyes.

"The Asuras really don't know what's good and what's wrong. We helped them attack the Jingliuli World, and even came to bite the boss when he was injured!"

"If we can escape this difficulty, we will surely let the Asuras know how powerful the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation is in our Law Enforcement Hall!"

There are tears in the eyes of Bai Gujing, the only good person I have met in this life is about to be defeated by the clutches of the Asura clan and the Buddhas of the Jingliuli world.

But I can only watch with my own eyes, this kind of pain makes the simple bone spirit full of torment.

But everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall had no choice.

Obeying orders is their highest loyalty.

Just as Chu Hao was worried, once those 70 lunatics were allowed to go from the lower realm, the law enforcement hall had been laid out for 500 years, and the human world, which had been rectified with great difficulty, would be in chaos.

Even if Chu Hao is rescued, the human world that Chu Hao laid out will lose its greatest advantage.

Everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall knows this truth, so for the present plan, they can only obey orders,

And Nezha also made the most correct choice. Anyway, it doesn't make much sense for him to go back to intercept the defeated generals. It's better to go alone.

Even if you can't save Chu Hao, even if you delay for a while, at least you have to wait until the Law Enforcement Hall kills all the remnants and defeated generals. is really difficult for Chu Hao to last until then.

Now, they can only pray...

But at this moment, Nezha rushed towards Chu Hao, and his speed was even faster than that of the Asura clan.

"Boss, I'm here to save you!"

"You evil demons, how many hurt my boss, my law enforcement hall will definitely invite the Jade Emperor to join hands with Xitian to kill the Asura clan!"

"If you don't want to be besieged by my Heavenly Court and Xitian, just retreat and forget the past! If not, you will be killed without mercy!"

Nezha rushed into the camp of the Asura tribe and stood in front of Chu Hao. His eyes were as firm as Mount Tai, and he had the courage to stand in front of everyone!

Chu Hao couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he watched behind him. He really grew up.

If this were replaced by the old Nezha, he would just fight around in a daze. Now Nezha at least knows how to take advantage of the situation and use it to suppress others.

But still too tender.

Everyone in the Ashura tribe hesitated when they heard Nezha's threat.

Instead, Da Brahma smiled sinisterly and said:

"Don't you kiddos try to scare us? The dead prison god Chu Hao is worthless, and the Heavenly Court will not take action for you, a dead Chu Hao."

"Furthermore, this time Jingliuli World suffered heavy casualties, almost the entire world collapsed, and your Law Enforcement Palace was also an important promoter. How could Xitian reach a cooperation with you? Ridiculous!"

"In addition, I want to remind you of the truth. Whether it's me or the group of Buddhas, what they are afraid of is Chu Hao, not the Hall of Law Enforcement, nor you, an unknown little doll!"

"Without Chu Hao, your Law Enforcement Hall and Heavenly Court are nothing to fear! Kill!"

Da Fantian grasped the key to the contradiction. Although Nezha said it was scary, but in terms of facts,

As long as this vote is made, the Asuras can hide back in the bloody sea of ​​​​Styx,

With the style of the Jade Emperor, he would definitely not waste too much energy in the endless sea of ​​​​Styx blood, at most he would just condemn him, but the biggest enemy of the Heavenly Court is Xitian, and the Heavenly Court cannot pursue it for too long.

Even if Heaven really will investigate for countless years...

But, that's worth it too!

Chu Hao is an indeterminate time bomb, keeping it in the past can still check and balance Xitian, let the Asura tribe take a breather,

But after today, Jingliuli World has been defeated, and Xitian will not be able to control his Asura clan for a long time in the future.

In this way, the greatest danger of the Asura clan will become the Hall of Law Enforcement, and even the Hall of Law Enforcement will be more dangerous than Xitian!

Because the Xitian exterminates the Asura clan, it will only do it when it is free. This may be a matter of how many years later,

But the Law Enforcement Hall is the existence that controls the righteous way of the sky. Demons like the Asura, who practice the magic of killing and drinking blood, will eventually conflict with the Law Enforcement Hall.

And with the style of the Law Enforcement Hall, once the Asuras do evil, they will die, and they will have a stronger killing intent than Xitian!

Look at the group of remnants and defeated generals. Once defeated, they would never even have a chance to surrender.

Therefore, all the Asuras knew that if they could kill Chu Hao, they would definitely reduce one enemy of the Asuras, in exchange for the long-term stability of the Asuras.

At this moment, Da Brahma was the first to win the crowd. He rushed over, snatched the God-killing Spear on the ground, and turned into a huge demon with condensed devilish energy.

But at that moment, Da Brahma's face suddenly became a little ugly.

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