The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1081 Go all out!Bao~ It hurts, bear with it


When Wuyou Tathagata was hit on the back of the head by Xiaoqiong's Fantian Seal, Wuyou Tathagata flew out like a cannonball.

It stopped after smashing several glazed pagodas in the Pure Glazed World!

When Wuyou Tathagata came back to his senses and staggered up from the ruins, his head was bleeding and he was extremely desolate.

Worry-free Tathagata: I am stupid!

What he Wuyou Tathagata is most proficient in is the way of defense, otherwise he would not have fought for so long with Vishnu, who has seen and heard violence,

But when this brick hit the back of Wuyou Tathagata's head, Wuyou Tathagata knew what a real violent maniac is!

This brick was photographed by Wuyou Tathagata until the physical defense was completely broken, which led to bloodshed!

You know, just now Vishnu had been playing here for a long time, and he scratched his skin.

Now that Xiao Qiong was directly photographed, his head was bleeding, and his combat power dropped by more than [-]%!

Even Vishnu was stunned, looking at Xiaoqiong holding the Pantian Seal, Vishnu laughed silently, took a step back,

Just kidding, even Wuyou Tathagata, who is as hard as a turtle, was beaten to death by a brick,

Vishnu felt that if he was hit by a brick, he would basically be nothing.

It's no wonder if it's not fierce,

Xiaoqiong's bloodline of the ancestral dragon is a quasi-sage who has awakened the divine power of the ancestral dragon, and this Wuyou Tathagata is so stupid as to physically accept the Heavenly Seal,

If this brick is not shot to death, then it is the luck of Wuyou Tathagata!

Xiaoqiong laughed, the two tiger teeth looked very cute, holding the pink brick Fan Tianyin in his hand, running after Wuyou Tathagata,

"Let's do it again!"

Wuyou Tathagata was so frightened that his face turned green, he turned and ran while covering the back of his head, and shouted while running:

"Don't come here!"

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata at the side was furious when he saw Xiaoqiong raging,

"A mere little bug dares to be arrogant here!"

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai held up the sword in his hand and was about to attack Xiaoqiong.

And at a certain moment, Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai suddenly felt a sense of extreme terror,

He suddenly turned around, only to see Chu Hao pointing at himself with a black and red spear in his hand. The coldness in his eyes made Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata freeze in place, shuddering!

"Little bug? Sounds like you're brave?"

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata was not only afraid of Chu Hao, but he knew that this killing god was a madman who dared to harm Medicine Buddha.

So feeling that Chu Hao was staring at him, Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai ran away without entanglement with Chu Hao at all.

Chu Hao twitched the corners of his mouth. Anyway, Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai is also a strong man who is only close to the three-turn quasi-sage.

I have just entered the second rank quasi-sage for less than a few months, why is Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai so cowardly?

However, seeing Bao... Tathagata running away, Chu Hao chased after him, sneered,

"Bao~ You can't run away, let me show you my spear today, is it tough!"

Bao Rulai was shocked when he heard it.

"No, it's too hard, I can't stand it!"

However, Chu Hao didn't intend to show mercy at all, so he shot with all his strength!

With cold eyes, the spear shot, piercing the sky!

At that moment, the God Killing Spear turned into a terrifying ray as thick as a sky pillar in the sky,

You can even vaguely hear a roar coming from above the God Killing Spear, the majesty is like the roar of the Chaos Demon God,

Lutoro, who was about to attack Baorulai at this moment, heard the voice, and was so frightened that he manifested his real body, and stepped aside in fear, his face was extremely shocked,

"This kind of majesty, is this the strength of Emperor Gouchen!? How much strength does he hide!"

Lutoro himself is also a quasi-sage, he knows what the strength of a quasi-sage should be,

But the strength Chu Hao displayed at this moment is not at the normal level of the second rank quasi-sage at all!

Just the aura of this god-killing spear alone has even made Lutoro feel the fear of death,

No matter how awesome the second-rank quasi-sage is, it is impossible to make such a terrifying blow!

Lutoro stepped aside obediently, knowing that Chu Hao took over the battle and basically had nothing to do with him.

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata was locked on by the God Killing Spear at this moment, and the fear he felt was more direct and deeper!

He only felt that what was following behind him was not a long spear, but a Chaos Demon God who was killing everywhere in the chaos.

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai just felt like a sheep being targeted by a tiger, so scared!

"Prison God Chu Hao, I surrender, I join the Heavenly Court, I am willing to be your cow or horse, don't do it!"

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai was already terrified, frantically begging for mercy.

But Chu Hao remained expressionless, just chasing him indifferently,

It wasn't because his name was too long that he had to be killed. Chu Hao was just trying to ransack his family and exterminate his family, and it wasn't a deep hatred.

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata is in great pain at this moment, obviously he is a very powerful existence that almost touches the third-rank quasi-sage,

Why was he being chased by a Chu Hao!

It doesn't make sense!

It should only be a few months before he was promoted to the second rank quasi-sage!

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata still did not escape the pursuit of the killing gun.

This shot directly pierced through Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai's chest!

At that moment, Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was carried by the god-killing gun and hit the ground of Jingliuli World.


Yu Wei, who was shot on the ground by the killing gun, created a terrifying deep pit with a diameter of more than ten miles.

Countless glazed pagodas and halls built on top of this Buddhist kingdom instantly vanished into nothingness!

Even the Joruri world was in turmoil in an instant,

The power of this shot really shocked everyone on the field!

No matter if they are from the Asura clan or the people from Jingliuli World, they couldn't help but glance at Chu Hao,

I am even more afraid of Chu Hao!

This Emperor Gouchen is powerful and terrifying!

It has not been a year or two since Chu Hao has followed the God Killing Spear. During the long years, the God Killing Spear has been recovering all the time.

The majesty of Heavenly Dao's killing of strange treasures is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary magic weapons.

What's more, it is called the God Killing Spear, and the energy absorbed by following Chu Hao, killing gods and destroying Buddhas, also makes the God Killing Gun more powerful.

However, for a long time, Chu Hao didn't use his real strength much,

Every time there was a life-and-death crisis, it was basically because of being targeted by the most powerful people, and there were very few opportunities for Chu Hao to do it.

But now, Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata is very lucky, Chu Hao finally revealed the true power of the killing gun!

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