The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1080 A little girl, so why not bear her?

When the Buddhas and Yaocha masters from the Jingliu Li World saw Chu Hao, they all hated Chu Hao to the bone, and wanted to smash Chu Hao into thousands of pieces.

However, he could only shout very gently:

"Emperor, quickly take away your supernatural powers, our Jingliuli World and the Heavenly Court are friends in need, we live and die together!"

"Yes, if you have something to say, don't hurt your friendship!"

"Dijun, please don't act on your will, our Jingliuli World really has no malice towards you!"

All the Buddhas in the Jingliuli World said that they were different from Chu Hao just a second ago, but now they saw the army of law enforcement coming, and they were full of fear.

They still have enough winning percentage against the Asura clan, but if they add a Law Enforcement Hall, then the Jingliuli World will be cold.

Chu Hao sneered,

"I think you guys don't understand at all. You do a lot of evil in Jingliuli World, and you don't know good from bad,"

"My Hall of Law Enforcement originally planned to come here to help you clean up the demons of the Asura clan, but you actually took the lead in attacking us!"

"Since you can't bear it, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

"All the officers and men obey the order and act on behalf of the heavens. Just today, kill all the Buddhas first, and then destroy this world. People in the Jingliuli world will kill one by one, no matter how strong or weak!

After this battle, the world of pure glass will no longer exist! "

Chu Hao's voice echoed in the Jingliuli world,

The murderous aura, the madness|violence of the momentum, and the firm attitude make people shudder!

This declaration of war surprised everyone, even the Asura clan.

You know, what Chu Hao is doing at this moment is extremely extreme, this is definitely a death-for-death declaration of war!

This is completely different from Chu Hao's previous style.

In the past, Chu Hao, even when Xitian was in trouble, at most he was just embarrassing Xitian, beating the autumn wind, and extorting in a friendly way. He never expressed his malice very clearly.

It even made Xitian misunderstand that Chu Hao can be recruited and persuaded. After all, he seems to be only for profit.

Those who are loyal for profit will naturally be able to betray for profit,

However, despite Xitian's countless threats and temptations, he still failed to attract Chu Hao. Instead, he saw that Chu Hao became stronger and more hostile.

Until now, Chu Hao, Chu Hao has directly announced in Jingliuli World the declaration of a deadly battle to raid his family and exterminate his family, and it is even an order to kill without pardon.

Such a crazy order is obviously not the old Chu Hao who only knows how to insinuate the autumn wind.

Until now, the people in Jingliuli World finally saw Chu Hao baring his fangs!

That killing intent cannot be appeased by any means!

At this moment, everyone in Jingliuli World has completely given up their fantasy,

Seeing Chu Hao like this, only a fool would believe that this is revenge for the team of executioners on death row.

This is basically prepared, the arrival of the law enforcement army is to slaughter the entire Jingliuli world!

All the Buddhas in the Jingliuli world were furious and cursed one after another:

"Damn Chu Hao, the God of Hell, you actually go with evil spirits. My Jingliuli World is a world of compassion and salvation for all living beings. If you dare to attack us, this is a great treachery!"

"Chu Hao, what you have done today is committing a great sin, and one day you will be punished, fall into the endless hell, and suffer endless torture!"


"Prison God Chu Hao, if this is what your heavenly court means, your heavenly court is also working with evil spirits, and you will be cast aside by all living beings!"

Facing Chu Hao's hatred to the bone, everyone in Jingliuli World used the most vicious curses in an attempt to shake Chu Hao a little bit.

However, there was a cold smile on the corner of Chu Hao's mouth, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

In Chu Hao's mind, he recalled the endless suffering people he saw in the world,

Those temples of thieves who enclose themselves and occupy the land as kings hide countless people wearing cassocks, but they enjoy eating people, and they have been oppressing the animals of the people;

There are also countless people who are under the control of the Western Paradise, who do not have a living, and who do not even have human dignity. They can only kneel in front of the Buddha and beg for mercy from birth, and are the production tools for the merits of the Western Paradise;

There are also countless wandering demon clans in Xiniu Hezhou. Under the endless plunder of the Western Paradise, they either turned into slaves, or wandered in exile, or had nowhere to go until they blew themselves up...

Chu Hao vividly remembered all of this, and was angry in his heart!

In the entire Xiniu Hezhou, people are not like people, and ghosts are not like ghosts. Only those who are in the same boat as Xitian and eat people for pleasure can survive.

Such a world even claims to be a beautiful and peaceful world!

In fact, no matter whether the system gives this reward or not, Chu Hao must get rid of this cancer in Xitian!

Even if I spend my whole life, I still want to get rid of this dirty and disgusting cancer!

But now that he has the opportunity to get rid of part of the cancer first, how could Chu Hao let it go?

People in Xitian never knew why Chu Hao hated Xitian so much, but it was because they didn't know how clearly Chu Hao could see right from wrong.

In other words, they have never felt that it is wrong for them to exploit and oppress all living beings. They just give pain and sell salvation at the same time.

Therefore, those who sell salvation have always obtained benefits and moral satisfaction, but deliberately forget that they are also among the ranks of cannibals.

No one in the Western Paradise is innocent!

Therefore, when Chu Hao moved his hands, he was indeed not polite at all!

Following Chu Hao's order, the law enforcement army also felt Chu Hao's firm killing intent,

This is the highest and craziest order Chu Hao has issued since the establishment of the Law Enforcement Hall.

But no one felt wrong,

On the contrary, the same fighting spirit as Chu Hao's was ignited in the eyes of everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall,

Those who can come to the Law Enforcement Hall, there are not many who have a good impression of Xitian.

Nezha took the lead in throwing the Qiankun Circle, and then sacrificed the 33-day Golden Linglong Pagoda, throwing it at Fahai Leiyin Tathagata who was fighting with the ghost mother.

That Fahai Leiyin Tathagata was unprepared for a while, was trapped by the Qiankun circle, and actually endured the endless sky fire of the Golden Linglong Pagoda for 33 days,

The pain caused Fahai Leiyin Tathagata to look up to the sky and howl,

"Ahhh!! Shameless, despicable!"

Nezha sneered,

"Western Heaven aided the emperor and abused him. Back then, he borrowed this thing from Natuota Heavenly King to suppress me for tens of thousands of years. Now, it can be regarded as collecting some interest from you!"

And Xiaoqiong's strength is even higher than that of Nezha. She took the Fantian Seal and quietly sneaked behind Wuyou Tathagata,

The worry-free Tathagata has already noticed Xiaoqiong's back, but the worry-free Tathagata is fighting with Vishnu, it is very critical, and he can't free his hands.

Wuyou Tathagata thought about it, a little girl's house, so why not bear with her?


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