The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1082 I have no experience in raiding the house for the first time, be careful next time

Chu Hao's shot pierced the chest of Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai, and even punched the Jingliu Li World into a deep hole.

However, Chu Hao frowned,

"Huh? Isn't he dead yet? Am I being too merciful?"

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata is still not dead after all, but it has already been abolished,

The moment he was pierced by the God Killing Spear, he felt the terrifying devouring power from the God Killing Gun,

Instinctively, the God Killing Spear began to devour all flesh and soul of Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata,

Maitreya Buddha, the Buddha who came from the east, also suffered from the killing gun. If he hadn't broken his arm to protect himself, Maitreya Buddha would be gone now.

And Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai was also very decisive, and directly cut off the pierced chest!

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata had a huge blood hole in his chest, including the entire lung, and the heart was thrown away together!

And all the flesh and blood that was lost was instantly swallowed by the God Killing Spear,

But only a small piece of Tianyuan magic stone was condensed at the end of the god-killing spear.

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai's face was pale, he was tired and frightened, if he hadn't made a sudden decision just now,

Now the one swallowed by the God-killing Spear is his own life!

No wonder Maitreya Buddha chose to break his arm to survive when facing Chu Hao. At that time, Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata thought it was too exaggerated.

But Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai didn't understand the fear until he personally faced the majesty of the God-killing Spear!

The power of this god-killing gun, and Chu Hao's hidden strength, have far exceeded the concept of a second-rank quasi-sage.

This is already beyond the outline!

As soon as Chu Hao stretched out his hand, the God Killing Spear returned to his hand,

Chu Hao started targeting Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai again.

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai was terrified, if this happened again, he would be gone!

Now that he is seriously injured, I am afraid that even Lutoro can clean himself up.

However, Chu Hao smiled faintly,

"I was just joking with you just now. In fact, I like to bully the weak. I don't really want to hit you."

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai wants to scold your mother, I will beat you to death,

You even beat me to the heart, and you said you were playing tricks on me? !

In fact, Chu Hao really didn't want to continue chasing him,

Chu Hao shot with all his strength in that blow just now, and he has already absorbed less than half of the Tianyuan magic stone.

Chu Hao found that killing Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai seemed not cost-effective, no matter the energy spent or the harvest, it was not good-looking.

Now other people seem to be out of shape in the battle, Chu Hao is such an enthusiastic person, he wants to find those Yaocha masters and Yaocha to try more.

Chu Hao thought for a while, and suddenly a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he raised his god-killing gun in his hand,

"But if you hit me, I will kill you."

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai stared wide-eyed, what kind of human language is this? !

But Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai didn't dare to be careless, and quickly defended in the direction of Chu Hao with all his strength.

He was terrified in his heart, if Chu Hao were to make this blow again, then he would have no choice but to appoint him!

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai concentrated on guarding against Chu Hao's attack, and Chu Hao also hit another blow as she wished,

A black and red wild dragon roared and bit towards Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata!

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai defended the front with all his strength in fear, fearing that Chu Hao would really take care of him,

However, in the midst of this concentrated defense, he ushered in Chu Hao's attack!

That black dragon flew to Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata,

Close, closer!

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai shivered and defended, all his mind was in front of his eyes,

However, that black and red mad dragon came to him and opened its bloody mouth!


Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai, who was trembling to meet the attack of the black mad dragon, was completely stunned.

He watched helplessly as the black mad dragon hiccupped in front of his face, and then slowly disappeared into the air.

That scene was simply too weird!

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata: "???"

what's the situation?

wrong!He cheated!

Is Lutoro coming to sneak attack? !

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata realized this, turned around suddenly,

But I saw a little girl with two ponytails, smiling and showing her cute canine teeth, holding a pink brick and looking at herself,

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai's face turned green!

However, there was no chance,

Xiaoqiong's Fantian seal is designed to hit the back of the head!

Another crisp sound spread, but it was clear and loud,

It sounds good, it's a good head.

Everyone was terrified, and for some reason they all felt a shade on the back of their heads, so they hurried away.

With Xiaoqiong taking over Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai, Chu Hao doesn't have to worry.

After all, quasi-sages are extremely difficult to kill, and they have to be on guard against them escaping, so Chu Hao also knew that he had to figure it out slowly,

And Chu Hao's goal was never just to kill a few high-end fighters, Chu Hao simply wanted to steal his family.

Now the Five Buddhas of Jingliuli World have basically fallen into a disadvantage, and failure is only a matter of time.

Chu Hao naturally chose to be exposed to both rain and dew.

Chu Hao held a god-killing gun and stepped on the 36th-grade fortune-telling green lotus, flying towards the Yaocha generals who were in chaos.

"General Yaocha, here I come!"

Seeing Chu Hao rushing over, the ten Yaksha generals turned green with fright!

"Damn God of Hell, we are not equal in strength, you should stop bullying the weak, you should show some face!"

"You are a majestic prison god of law enforcement in the three realms, Emperor Gochen, you will definitely not attack us little Yacha generals, right?"

"Chu Hao, God of Prison, you have the ability to call Buddha, we are not in the same class, you will lose your reputation if you beat us!"

"Yeah, if you have anything to say, go talk to the Buddhas, don't talk to us!"

The faces of the Buddhas in Jingliuli World are extremely ugly, don't, don't look for us either.

If it weren't for Chu Hao's joining, the quasi-sage's battlefield would not have been completely reversed and he would have fallen into a complete disadvantage.

Now that Chu Hao is looking for trouble with the God General Yaocha, in principle, the Five Buddhas need to yell at him and hold Chu Hao back.

But they finally chose to remain silent,

They themselves are already mud bodhisattvas crossing the river, who can protect whom?

Chu Hao grinned grimly at the masters of the Yaocha in Jingliu Li World, but there was a playful look on Chu Hao's face,

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm inexperienced in ransacking a house for the first time, so please forgive me."

"Let's make do with it this time and let me slaughter you all. I will definitely change it next time."

Chu Hao said with a smile, everyone in Jingliuli World cried and listened!

This Chu Hao doesn't play cards according to common sense!

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