The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1077 Nezha's Counterattack, Vice-Hall Master of the Quasi-Saint!

At this moment, the auspicious king Tathagata suddenly found that he seemed to have experienced the horror that happened that day in the evil world of five turbidities.

Before that, King Auspicious Tathagata was still thinking about how to make money in such an evil world. Why should he be afraid of a newly established law enforcement hall?He was beaten so hard that he didn't dare to fight back?

But when the auspicious king Tathagata really faced the team of the law enforcement hall, he felt the real fear!

At this moment, the battle between the Jingliuli World and the Asura Clan is already in full swing, and the strength of the Jingliuli World is higher than that of the Asura Clan.

Just a little bit, you can easily wipe out all the Asura clan,

However, at this extremely critical moment, the Hall of Law Enforcement is here!

This is completely a hooligan who broke the battle situation!

Originally, the Jingliuli world was already in a situation where Medicine Buddha was seriously injured and lacked top-level combat power, and Xitian was still too busy to take care of himself, so there was no way to help the Jingliuli world.

When Jingliuli World was in the most difficult time, the Law Enforcement Hall stood up!

It's fine to take advantage of the fire to rob, or to kill you while you are sick,

When Chu Hao led the people in the law enforcement hall to appear here, the auspicious king Rulai already understood that something big might happen to Jingliuli World today.

The auspicious king Tathagata was very wronged, he was touched by Chu Hao the first time he saw him, and seeing that the whole Jingliuli world was going to be involved in the war,

Auspicious King Tathagata suffered even more!

Although the auspicious king Tathagata knew that Chu Hao had ambushed the law enforcement army ahead of time, and that the comers were unkind, the auspicious king Tathagata still wanted to struggle.

He stared at Chu Hao, and said very seriously:

"Prison God Chu Hao, Lord Dijun, first of all, let me state our position on the Jingliu Li World,"

"Our Jingliuli World has always respected the majestic and righteous emperor, and we are brothers and sisters with Tianting. Our two families have been so friendly for thousands of years,"

"Right now, there is a little situation in my net glass world,

Just now Lutoro, the demon general of the Asura tribe, controlled one of our Yasha generals, and led all the monsters Yasha to attack you. This is definitely not our intention! "

"We are eternal friends and good friends with Tianting, but we also know that every law enforcement officer is very important,

Otherwise, our Jingliuli World is willing to compensate, as long as the Prison God wants, we can give it! "

Auspicious King Tathagata is considered very sensible, he already knew that Chu Hao is a very just law enforcer, so he asked for reasonable compensation in an attempt to settle the matter,

Although it is said that Chu Hao's group of law enforcement officers who were slaughtered were all a group of death row prisoners, they were all damned prisoners who were brought here to touch porcelain,

But the auspicious king Tathagata knew that now was not the time to be reasonable, Chu Hao mobilized the crowd, if he was reasonable, he would be seeking his own death.

For the present plan, only compensation is the only way to donate all the properties of Jingliuli World, as long as Chu Hao can take people away, everything is easy to talk about!

When the catastrophe in the world of Jingliuli is settled, when Asura is destroyed, and Xitian is even stronger, then I will settle the score with Chu Hao!

Auspicious King Tathagata thought so in his heart, but he didn't show any unfriendliness on his face. Instead, he was full of flattery, as if he sincerely wanted peace talks.

But Chu Hao had a weird face and was very joking.

"Ah, Auspicious King Tathagata, let's call you Little Jiji."

"Little Jiji, do you think that my law enforcement hall is the kind of person who buys his life with money?"

"Nezha, tell me, so many law enforcement officers in my law enforcement hall have been killed, can this kind of thing be negotiated?"

"Hmph, the world of Jingliuli declared war on its own initiative. If my Law Enforcement Hall can't take revenge, wouldn't it be treating Tiantiao as a joke and using life as a bargaining chip?!"

"It's just a micro battle!"

At this moment, Nezha's body was full of fighting spirit, and his breath suddenly exploded. He was already a quasi-sage and strong man!

Xiaoqiong has already silently pulled out a brick by the side——Fan Tianyin,

"This group of Buddhas is really disgusting. The people in my Law Enforcement Hall will kill them as soon as they say they want to, and even use money to humiliate us?!"

"Brother, don't worry, I won't strike too harshly, just kill a Tathagata and leave."

Auspicious King Tathagata's face turned green instantly,

Because he only felt at this time that Nezha and Xiaoqiong's strengths were already in the realm of quasi-sages,

Forget about Xiao Qiong, in the last battle of the five turbid worlds, it has been proved that this is an extremely strong man even in the quasi-sage realm,

But how can Nezha be promoted to quasi-sage? !

Can your Zhunsheng sell wholesale?

In the last war of the five turbidities, Nezha's strength was only half a step quasi-sage!

This strength has improved by leaps and bounds, which is unbelievable, and it can be faked!

Auspicious King Tathagata felt that he was not practicing the same practice as them!

The auspicious king Tathagata didn't know that this was Chu Hao's money-making ability,

Moreover, Nezha's promotion to quasi-sage is also thanks to Xitian.

The last place Chu Hao robbed...helped Zen Master Wuchao to pack up the relics, and also received a gift from Zen Master Wuchao - the leaves of the hibiscus tree,

That leaf is an extremely essence, otherwise it would not have been kept as a treasure by Zen Master Wuchao.

The leaf of the hibiscus tree has an extremely powerful effect, it can lift the heel, and it is very arrogant. After all, the hibiscus tree is the highest spiritual root since the beginning of the prehistoric era, and it is normal for it to be a bit rascal.

At that time, Chu Hao had already planned to give the leaves of the hibiscus tree to Nezha,

After all, it doesn't matter whether it's for Bi Fang or other monsters. They are great demon gods in the first place, and their bloodlines are basically at the end.

But it was an earth-shaking change for Nezha. The previous Nezha was limited by his lotus root incarnation, so even if Nezha practiced in every possible way and took countless treasures, he did not see much growth.

If this was replaced by his original body, he would have already broken through.

But it was that piece of hibiscus tree leaf that suddenly transformed Nezha's lotus root into a very strong body, and even his heels and feet had risen by an unknown number of levels.

Therefore, Nezha, who used the leaves of the hibiscus tree, has been promoted to a very strong state in an instant,

The main reason is that the incarnation of the lotus root is too much of a drag. The leaves of the hibiscus tree do not need to be given to the highest heel, but only need to let the drag of the incarnation of the lotus root of Nezha become a boost.

Nezha entered the quasi-sage realm with great vigor, and became the deputy hall master with justification!

It is the time when the potential dragon comes out of the abyss and the dragon soars into the sky!

In the Law Enforcement Hall, with Chu Hao, Nezha, and Xiaoqiong three quasi-sages, it can be regarded as a first-class force,

Now, if the Hall of Law Enforcement and the Asuras attack the Jingliuli World together, there will be ghosts if the Auspicious King Tathagata does not panic.

The auspicious king Tathagata was a little terrified by the sharp eyes of everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall. He was obviously a very strong quasi-sage, so he was scared at this moment?

However, don't be afraid that it won't work, it's a catastrophe of extermination!

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