The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1076 Chu Hao: You Insulted My Morality Too Much

Auspicious King Tathagata: What scene have I never seen?I have never seen this scene!

You know, the last time Chu Hao led the law enforcement army to kill the evil world, the scene was so terrifying that all three realms and six realms felt the strength of the law enforcement army.

It is also since then that the Hall of Law Enforcement has become synonymous with justice, because it is strong enough!

Moreover, in that war, all law enforcement officers were well-equipped, and their strengths were all beyond the realm of heavenly immortals, and the pill formation was used casually.

It shows the true nature of the poor family in the law enforcement hall!

Therefore, for anyone, the image of the law enforcement army must be extremely powerful and indiscriminately killing.

However, when the Auspicious King Tathagata saw the group of law enforcement officers who looked like old and weak women and children, the Auspicious King Tathagata was stunned.

He couldn't hold on for even a few minutes, and died directly under the charge of monsters without armor, Yaocha,

The strength of that group of law enforcement troops is roughly comparable to that of a dog tied in place, and even throwing a handful of rice on the ground, the chicken's body skills are more coquettish than them.

This is what came up to die!

Such a thought flashed through, and the face of King Auspicious Tathagata suddenly froze,

Wait, he's not coming...

Touch porcelain?

Then, on the other side, Chu Hao, who was looking at the dead group of old, weak, sick and disabled law enforcement officers, suddenly shouted in fright,


"Damn Jingliuli World, with good intentions, I brought a law enforcement army from thousands of miles to help you wipe out the Asura clan,

You dare to kill my powerful and righteous law enforcement army, this enmity is irreconcilable! "

"Pity my group of children, they are just poor little ones who want to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, why do you kill them, why!"

"Jingliuli World, you dare to tear up the armistice agreement, my Law Enforcement Hall will definitely take revenge!!!"

This burst of anger was delayed for a few minutes, and it was not until the bunch of executioners on death row were clean that they shouted out.

Chu Hao's roar echoed throughout the sky,

Even the people fighting in chaos in the Jingliuli world could hear clearly.

All the Buddhas and God Generals of the Jingliuli World turned green when they heard this.

Although they didn't know what happened, but hearing Chu Hao's voice, they were going to fight!

Everyone in Jingliuli World felt a deep sense of fear. If the Hall of Law Enforcement were added, wouldn't it be...

In the summer, my heart is much colder in an instant.

Everyone complained secretly in their hearts, and the auspicious king Tathagata tried to dissuade them, which is not effective at all!

Otherwise, such a powerful law enforcement army would not be easily slaughtered!

Auspicious King Tathagata: What the hell am I...

Auspicious King Tathagata feels extremely wronged now, and his heart is full of madness.

Blame my ass, this Chu Hao obviously brought someone here to touch porcelain!

The auspicious king Tathagata suddenly came to his senses, and pointed at Chu Hao while clutching his chest and roared angrily:

"Wait, you just said that this group of people are doing crimes and meritorious deeds? You fucking law enforcement officers are basically a group of death row prisoners! They are not real law enforcement officers at all, are they!"

Auspicious King Tathagata suddenly realized at this time, he was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother,

He just remembered that Chu Hao is not only the ruler of the Law Enforcement Hall, but also the Hell God of the Nine-story Prison!

This Chu Hao just casually dragged a group of condemned prisoners from the Ninth Floor Prison over, just to touch porcelain!

Damn it, damn it!Why didn't I think of this one! ! !

What the hell, my heart is black!

Chu Hao looked at the auspicious king Tathagata innocently, and asked dissatisfiedly:

"Oh, why are you so dark-hearted?!"

"You dare to kill the law enforcement officers in my Law Enforcement Hall, and even frame my morality, and you actually say that I came to touch porcelain? It's simply too hateful! It hurts people's hearts!"

"Ah, yes, that's right, they are indeed death row prisoners in the Ninth Floor Prison..."

Jixiang King Tathagata was so angry that he was about to have a heart attack. He clutched his chest and cursed in pain:

"How dare you admit it, you are here to touch porcelain! Damn, you are shameless!"

Chu Hao looked dissatisfied, and said righteously:

"However, our Law Enforcement Hall upholds the spirit of fairness and justice, and gives them the opportunity to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. They are official law enforcement officers!

My Hall of Law Enforcement is the real equality of all beings. They are law enforcers for a moment, and they will always be official law enforcers. "

Auspicious King Tathagata was so angry that his chest was full of blood, and he roared angrily:

"I'm right | your uncle, Prison God Chu Hao, you're cheating on me! If you dare to start a war, the saint will definitely find out the truth, and you will inevitably be held accountable!"

Chu Hao's expression became even more dissatisfied.

"Now you have killed my group of righteous law enforcement officers, and without self-reflection, you even insulted my noble and righteous character. You are damned!"

"It should be noted that the prison god who enforces the law must not be insulted, and the righteous emperor who enforces the law must not be insulted!"

"You killed me and humiliated my character. This is starting a war. I won't let you give up easily today!"

The auspicious king Tathagata was so angry that Chu Hao's chest heaved up and down, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

It's really shameless!

But the auspicious king Tathagata knew very well that this Chu Hao could not be resolved with reason.

The current plan is to get rid of the Asura clan before the people from the Law Enforcement Hall arrive!

In this way, even if the law enforcement army arrives, they will not be able to please the world of Jingliuli...

The auspicious king Tathagata thinks it is quite beautiful,

After all, he knew that the Heavenly Court was far away, and it would take some time for Chu Hao to go back to shake people. As long as he worked harder and dealt with the Asura tribe first, it would be much better then.

However, the auspicious king Tathagata obviously underestimated the danger of the human heart.

Just when King Auspicious Tathagata was about to turn around and destroy the Ashura clan, he suddenly saw Chu Hao standing there, with a smile on his lips,

The auspicious smile Wang Rulai knew was the smile that Chu Hao had just watched the army of death row prisoners go to death!

The auspicious king Tathagata instantly felt a huge and incomparably ominous feeling with that bad smile,

Then, I saw a sinister smile on the corner of Chu Hao's mouth, and suddenly shouted loudly:

"Where is the law enforcement army!"

In the next second, the face of Auspicious King Tathagata turned green!

He saw endless cultivators from the sky, riding the mist and clouds, rushing towards the Jingliuli world with murderous aura!

That Endless Cultivator, with excellent armor, is almost armed to the teeth, and everyone carries a bunch of pills on their waists, ready to heal at any time!

This is the grassroots combat power, which is strong enough and dazzling,

And the mainstay powerhouses, golden immortals per capita, a lot of Da Luo, each with a standard Houtian Lingbao, stood in an orderly manner, and two square formations came over!

And rushing in front of Endless Cultivator, there are many familiar strong figures!

The great god of Santan Haihui, Nezha!

Ancestral Dragon Bloodline Immemorial Dragon Whale, Xiao Qiong!

Monkey King, Monkey King!

The ancient demon gods, the Immemorial Sky Eagle, and the Liyuan Golden Turtle!


All the powerhouses in the Law Enforcement Hall are dispatched in full force, menacing and earth-shattering!

Auspicious King Tathagata: By the way, I'm sure, this is a premeditated touch.If I'm not wrong, Jingliuli World is going to be cool!

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