The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1078 Do it yourself, let's get enough food and clothing

Auspicious King Tathagata swallowed, but still collected himself, and continued:

"Everyone in the Hall of Law Enforcement calm down, I did some bad things in Jingliuli World, but it won't cause you to go to war!"

"Please give us some face, our Jingliuli World really has no intention of going to war with you, if we wait for us to settle down, I will personally bring all the Yaocha generals to apologize!"

"Giving half of our Jingliuli World's property will definitely satisfy everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall,"

"Emperor, you are also a sensible person. Fighting wars wastes people's money, so why don't we give you a lot of resources for free, so that you can be harmonious and beautiful?"

Auspicious King Tathagata begs for compromise, although his heart is extremely furious, but his face is full of flattery and flattery,

Now he doesn't care about face anymore, as long as Jingliuli World can survive today, he will definitely let the Law Enforcement Hall know what cruelty is!

Chu Hao's expression was teasing, with a hint of sarcasm,


"Shabby! It's fucking shabby!"

In fact, Chu Hao's battle with Jingliuli World today was already premeditated.

Moreover, premeditated is not a day or two.

At this moment, the system sounded a prompt, this is the main task released a long time ago,

[Fuck, fuck him|!Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, this pure glazed world, don't mind!

[Remarks: This task is the last part of this branch task. Completing this task will open a lucky draw.

The current prize pool accumulation: Chaos Clock Fragment [-], Meteor Pill.

[Task: The time is up, please lead the army to attack Jingliuli World

[Reward 1: 50 merits

[Reward 2: Painlessly promoted to rank three quasi-sage!

[Reward 3: Tianyuan Magic Stone

[Reward 4: Fifty pieces of standard Houtian Lingbao

[Reward 5: Asura Extinguishing Heaven Pill·True

Chu Hao: With so many rewards, do you think I can let go of the Jingliuli World?

"Then two-thirds, I will give away millions of slaves in the realm of celestial celestial beings to the Law Enforcement Hall!" Auspicious King Tathagata was still so anxious,

He now promises all things to be true,

Anyway, when the catastrophe in the Jingliuli world is settled, it will be easy to get it back.

And as long as the Jingliuli world can be stabilized, Xitian will reach a higher level by then. Xitian's gaze has always been to build a closed loop of the three realms and six realms.

No matter how much treasure they had, they could give it up, since it was snatched anyway.

Auspicious King Tathagata did not know that the catastrophe of Jingliuli World was already doomed.

No matter how much the auspicious king Tathagata struggles, it is actually futile.

Chu Hao stroked his chin, looked at the auspicious king Tathagata, and said:

"Do you know? Our law enforcement hall has always been a very simple and hardworking hall,"

"We believe in a word, do it yourself and have enough food and clothing!"

"Guess, if everyone in Jingliuli World dies, how much treasure can we get from the Hall of Law Enforcement?"

Although Chu Hao had a smile on his face when he spoke, the auspicious king Tathagata felt deep malice,

How can someone be so industrious and simple in talking about ransacking the family and destroying the family?

Monkey King, who has been hiding in the law enforcement army, also jumped out and roared:

"Stop talking too much, your Jingliu Li world is full of evil, and you will die more than you deserve!"

Auspicious King Tathagata's face was all wrinkled,

"What do you care about? Monkey King! Why are you here if you don't go to the Westward Journey?"

Sun Wukong had been reminded by Chu Hao long ago and prepared his speech.

"My monkey grandson of Huaguo Mountain was slaughtered by the people of Jingliuli World, that is, General Fazheluo. Today, my old grandson is not attacking the sky, but is here to seek revenge from General Fazheluo!"

"Even if this matter is brought up to the sage, it's justified. Let's stop talking nonsense. Today, you will be removed from the Jing Liuli World forever!"

Sun Wukong couldn't bear it any longer.

Jixiang King Tathagata's face was extremely ugly, he gritted his teeth and stared at Chu Hao, and said in a dark voice:

"Prison God Chu Hao, I can see that you are here to find fault, right?"

Chu Hao sneered,

"I still buy melons. I have been picking on you for a day or two, and today you dare to declare war on your own initiative!"

The auspicious king Tathagata was distraught,

"I said it all, they are controlled by Lutoro!"

"Besides, when they attack you, I have already given you a warning, and I told you to avoid it, you are the one who wants to touch porcelain!"

"Prison God Chu Hao, I advise you not to be too arrogant!"

The auspicious king Tathagata was already a little out of breath.

But Chu Hao suddenly smiled coldly,

"Oh, you can declare war innocent if you have an early warning? So that's the reason, then I will too."

"The law enforcement army obeys the order, rush to me!"

Chu Hao gave an order, and the law enforcement army who had been gearing up for a long time couldn't bear it anymore.

At that moment, the law enforcement army rushed towards the Jingliuli world with majestic momentum like a waterfall of white light!

Auspicious King Tathagata really didn't expect Chu Hao to be so irritable, and he would directly strike at the slightest disagreement? !

Seeing the menacing law enforcement army rushing towards the world of Jingliuli like wolves, the auspicious king Tathagata's eyes widened, he was furious, and roared angrily:

"Prison God Chu Hao, dare you!"

Chu Hao grinned and shouted to Jingliuli World:

"Buddha Yaocha of Jingliuli World, get out of the way, they can't control themselves!"

"Hurry up, don't be so dazed, don't make trouble! Are you touching porcelain on purpose!"

"Damn it, you must have planned it long ago. When you saw my law enforcement army attacking, you didn't dodge it. You just wanted to trick us into slaughtering the Jing Liuli World. You are too hateful!"

At that moment, everyone in Jingliuli World who had been in the middle of the war almost vomited blood from anger,

I have never seen such a brazen|shameless person!

The army directly came over, so arrogant and domineering to declare war, how could it be us who touch porcelain? !

Did you slap us on the face and blame us for using your face to receive the slap? !

If it weren't for the fierce fight with the Asura clan, everyone in Jingliuli World would want to attack the law enforcement army with all their strength.

It's so exasperating!

When King Auspicious Tathagata saw that Chu Hao was so arrogant and domineering, he was even more annoyed.

"Prison God Chu Hao, you, you, I will kill you!"

Auspicious King Tathagata knows that it is useless to say anything now,

This army of law enforcement is not good at coming, so what you say now must be fart, why not just rely on the advantage of the realm, kill Chu Hao, capture the thief first and capture the king!

Chu Hao raised his eyebrows, it seems that the auspicious king Tathagata is quite courageous,

It's a pity that this auspicious king Tathagata still underestimated himself too much.

"I'm thoughtful, how could I confront you head-on?"

Chu Hao stood where he was, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth,

Auspicious King Tathagata sensed Chu Hao's intention of calmness, he instinctively gave up this attack, and quickly used defensive methods!

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