The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1075 Dare to Kill Law Enforcers?I cried, I pretended~

Later, even when the Asuras learned the news from the members of the Demon League, it was Kui Mulang who pretended to say it inadvertently.

The alliance between the Asura clan and Chu Hao is very tacit and insidious.

No matter how the sage investigates, it is impossible to find out that there is communication, and naturally he is not qualified to hold Chu Hao accountable afterwards!

The Ashura tribe also boldly launched this sky-hunting operation,

Although the alliance was not clearly signed, the Asuras still chose to give it a go!

Because the Asuras also felt that Chu Hao would never let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hunt the sky, and this was the best time to weaken Xitian's strength!

Sure enough, when Chu Hao just drove away Da Ri Tathagata and others, and let go of the Asura tribe, the Asura tribe also felt Chu Hao's hint again,

Therefore, the Ashura clan did not hesitate to launch a strategy of attacking the gate of the world. Even if the Medicine Buddha made a move, they still would not back down!

But in fact, when seeing Chu Hao appear, the Asura clan was even more confident, so they did not hesitate to sacrifice countless soldiers and horses to open the door to the world!

All of these have been secretly formed in a tacit alliance, without any clues or flaws,

Even if a sage is held accountable in the future, Chu Hao will be fine!

Now that Shiva and Brahma felt Chu Hao's bad water more insidious than demons, they were even more afraid of Chu Hao.

Fortunately, this time, Chu Hao was on this side.

Looking at the auspicious king Tathagata who went to the battlefield to stop the monster Yaksha after all the hard work over there, Shiva and Brahma sneered and shook their heads,

The auspicious king Tathagata has not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

At this moment, the auspicious king Tathagata already faintly felt uneasy,

Although Chu Hao said before when he blocked the Asura clan outside the gate of the world, he said that he would bring the Hall of Law Enforcement to wipe out the Asura clan and make contributions to justice.

But at that time, King Auspicious Tathagata still thought it was just nonsense. How could Chu Hao, the most evil and righteous person, do such a nonsense?

But when Auspicious King Tathagata saw Chu Hao leading a bunch of law enforcement officers with crooked melons and jujubes coming over, the Auspicious King Tathagata always had an ominous premonition in his heart.

No matter how you look at it, this guy doesn't look like he came for a walk!

This law enforcement prison god, why did you bring people here?

At this moment, the god general controlled by Lutoro has led all the monsters and medicine forks to the law enforcement hall.

Auspicious King Tathagata saw that it was too late, so he shouted:

"Law enforcement prison god, get out of the way, they can't control themselves!"

"Hurry up, don't be dazed, don't make trouble!"

Auspicious King Tathagata felt that what he said would definitely make Chu Hao react. After all, he watched helplessly as a god general led a powerful monster Yaocha team to charge towards him.

Even a fool knows how to react,

He is a law enforcement prison god who is very protective of his weaknesses. According to normal circumstances, Chu Hao will definitely use his full strength to kill this group of monsters.

After all, even with the general and all the monsters, it would definitely not be enough for Chu Hao to fight.


At this moment, the situation on the court was not at all what the King of Auspicious Tathagata had imagined.

Chu Hao heard the voice of the Auspicious King Tathagata, but he glanced at the Auspicious King Tathagata lightly, and smiled wickedly, which was fleeting.


There's no after that.

Chu Hao didn't intend to protect his group of law enforcement officers at all!

At this moment, the auspicious king Tathagata's mentality was instantly cooled, and it was over!

This Chu Hao is here to make trouble!

He appointed to do something!

Don't be too familiar with Chu Hao, the King of Auspicious Tathagata,

The boss of their Jingliuli World, Medicine Master Buddha has been harmed by Chu Hao for countless times, and even now he has not come out to protect the Jingliuli World because he was harmed by Chu Hao.

Everyone in Jingliuli World hated Chu Hao deeply, and they were also extremely afraid.

They all know that they must not be fooled by Chu Hao's righteous appearance. This person is definitely more evil than demons. He can pour out a bucket of bad water when he is hung upside down, and his belly is all black when he is cut open!

Now, Chu Hao made it clear that if you dare to touch me, I will go crazy,

Auspicious King Tathagata will know it all!

"No, my auspicious king, Tathagata, is a genius in the sky. I have to use my little brain. I think I can still save it!"

The auspicious king Tathagata was eager to gain wisdom, he knew that Chu Hao was here to play tricks,

Although he scolded Chu Hao in his heart, he probably didn't know when he would form an alliance with the Asura clan, but even if he was killed now, he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone in the Law Enforcement Hall!

Auspicious King Tathagata let out a roar, and launched an attack with all his strength, and in the sky, he saw endless Buddha lights like an overturned sea, slapping the seven thousand monsters' medicine forks,

Even if it is to kill the monster Yaksha with his own hands, it is better than letting the law enforcement hall call him.

The auspicious king Tathagata is indeed very courageous. With all his strength, his attack speed just caught up with the monster Yaocha.

This palm, although said to have been struck hastily, was also an angry blow from King Auspicious Tathagata.

And the monster Yaksha had already discarded his helmet and armor, without any defenses, and there were few powerful cultivators among them,

So under the angry blow of King Auspicious Tathagata,

More than half of the seven thousand monsters were involved in the blow of the auspicious king Tathagata, and they were instantly wiped out!

On the field, there were only a thousand or eight hundred monsters left here and there, even fewer than the group of enforcers led by Chu Hao.

The auspicious king Tathagata was ecstatic and laughed triumphantly in his heart:

I'm simply a little genius. The remaining [-] monsters and medicine forks have thrown away their helmets and armor. How could they have an impact on Chu Hao's law enforcement team?

After all, as far as King Auspicious Tathagata knows, all of Chu Hao's enforcers started out as celestial beings. When the Hall of Law Enforcement was first completed, millions of celestial beings were known all over the world.

Everyone knows that the Law Enforcement Hall is equipped with elite troops and extremely luxurious equipment.

So the Tathagata King of Auspiciousness felt that if such a law enforcement officer came to kill these thousand or eight hundred monsters, it would be absolutely crushing.

It can't be that you can't beat it...

Then, the auspicious king Tathagata was dumbfounded!

Because, when King Auspicious Tathagata saw these thousand or eight hundred monsters and Yakshas fighting hand-to-hand with law enforcement officers, the scene stunned King Auspicious Tathagata!

What did he see?

The weapons used by those law enforcement officers are hoes, hammers, piercing steel forks, and even fucking toilet sticks!

Then the nearly [-] law enforcement officers fought hand-to-hand with the nearly [-] surviving monsters, Yaksha,

The group of law enforcement officers who took the toilet was the first to die, and a large number of them died!

And the one with the hoe followed,

Under the massacre of the surviving monster Yaksha, that group of strange law enforcers were wiped out!

Auspicious King Tathagata:? ? ?

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