The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1064 Fanatics from Jingliuli World!

At this moment, because Brahma opened the gate with his life, the Asuras rushed in,

In an instant, countless strong Asuras poured into the gate of the entire world!

Especially those dozens of strong asuras in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, their belligerence and hatred are not weaker than others at all,

These dozens of Asuras in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian all rushed to the forefront and took the lead.

The pure colored glaze world, a pure land made of colored glaze, was stained with the scarlet of the sea of ​​blood at this moment.

Seeing this scene, the remaining five Buddhas were so frightened that their faces turned livid.

It's over, if all the Asuras flood in, the Jingliuli World will fall!

Auspicious King Tathagata gritted his teeth and roared angrily:

"Buddhas, Yacha gods and generals, go up to me, and block the gate of the world for me!"

"We must not let this group of dirty things defile our Jingliuli world. These lowly beings want to touch the pure land. I want them to die!!!"

At this moment, the auspicious king Tathagata was as ferocious as a demon,

He was really in a hurry.

He really didn't expect that a quasi-sage with such a powerful existence as Brahma would be willing to separate himself from his body and open the door of the world.

The auspicious king Tathagata did not know why Brahma could guess the truth about the gate of the world.

Brahma deduced the relationship between the gate of the world and the world of pure glass from the reason why the gate of the world is difficult to destroy from the outside world.

It can't be destroyed, but it can be opened violently.

This scene, in principle, is the same as when Pangu separated the world.

However, now is really not the time for King Auspicious Tathagata to care about principles. He only knows that if he can't expel the Asura clan out quickly and close the door,

Then the world of Jingliuli is probably about to encounter a catastrophe!

Under the order of the auspicious king Tathagata, all the people in Jingliuli World also moved,

But everyone knows that the current Asura tribe is like a river flooding, out of control.

Especially for this group of red-eyed Asura, it is not so easy to solve. Even if eleven Yaosha generals are placed on it, they will probably be broken.

As for the high-end combat power of Jingliuli World, the Five Buddhas must deal with those strong men of the Asura clan,

Among them, Fahai Leiyin Tathagata and Wuyou Tathagata had to find an opportunity to recite the mantra of closing the door, and it was even more impossible for the remaining three Buddhas to spare their hands to deal with this group of asuras who rushed in madly.

However, it does not require high-end combat power,

Jingliuli World has been prepared for a long time, or in other words, they are not afraid of this kind of brave charge.

After all, the Jingliuli world is a country made up of beliefs.

Among the eleven Yaosha generals, General Fazheluo stood up,

He has a smiling face and a long-lived childlike face, holding a vajra in his hand,

The whole body is blue in color, now in the shape of wrath, with lush hair, wearing a dog crown, holding a sword in his right hand, and a fist in his left hand,

It looks very funny, but he is an extremely important existence among the Yacha generals, with a smiling face and a cruel heart.

But seeing General Fa Zheluo suddenly waved his hand, and ordered with a smile:

"Faithful believers in Jingliuli World, it's time for you to play a role!"

"Go, use your lives to resist this group of filthy things coming in! For the sake of Jingliuli World, for faith!"

General Fazheluo gave an order, and in an instant out of the [-] medicine forks, a group of well-dressed medicine forks rushed out.

This group of monsters, Yaksha, is powerful one by one, their eyes are firm and fanatical, but when you look closely, they are exactly the same, empty and lifeless.

It's like a group of walking dead.

Seeing this, the members of the Demon League, who had been hiding on the sidelines and watching on the wall, suddenly exclaimed,

"That is, my mother! And my father!!!"

"It turns out that they were really caught and made medicine forks... But why can't I feel their souls?"

"How is it possible? From their bodies, I can't feel the primordial spirit, nor can I feel the true spirit. They are demons, not witches!"

The Peng Demon King was the most touched, because among the more than 1 medicine forks that stood out, the Peng Demon King saw his entire family,

Whether it's parents, brothers, or uncles...

The whole family is neat and tidy!

In an instant, the Peng Demon King recalled all the childhood events in his mind, and the entire family was uprooted by Xitian and taken away.

I was the only one who escaped alone, was displaced, and met countless people of the same kind, all of whom were also taken away, as if everything that happened in childhood happened right in front of my eyes.

There was a little more panic in the eyes of the Demon King Peng, as if he was helpless when he saw a tragedy happen in front of him when he was a child.

Peng Demon King tried to shout,

But I found that no matter how loud I yelled, none of my parents and brothers responded.

Their eyes are all the same crazy, the same frenzy.

No one paid any attention to the Demon King Peng.

Those more than 1 monsters, Yaksha, all looked like walking corpses, flying towards the gate of the world,

The Roc Demon King's eyes became terrified, he seemed to have noticed something, and the Roc Demon King flew over quickly!

Demon King Peng stood in front of Yaocha, the monsters, and shouted nervously:

"Don't pass, don't pass, stop!"

However, no one glanced at Demon King Peng,

The auspicious king Tathagata stared at Peng Mowang coldly, and threatened in a cold voice:

"You flat-haired bastard, it's already a great celebration for you to be accepted by me in Jingliuli World to become Buddhas and ancestors.

Don't you still not cherish it, and you still want to stand on the side of the Asura clan? ! "

"Get out of here quickly! Delaying the fighter plane, you are the only one asking!"

The auspicious king Tathagata released endless coercion. For a moment, even the Peng Demon King couldn't help but be aroused with fear in his heart.

Then Hujiao and Changyou quickly flew up and pulled Demon King Peng away,

If the Demon King Peng was allowed to confront the Tathagata King Jixiang without hesitation, it would definitely be a dead end.

At least, not to die in vain.

But Demon King Peng struggled in panic and hastily. He shouted nervously to the group of monsters, Yaocha:

"No, stop quickly!!! Wake up!"

However, no one paid any attention to the Demon King Peng.

Under the command of General Fazheluo, these tens of thousands of monsters, Yaocha, walked towards the gate of the world,

Different from the evil madness, hatred and killing intent in the eyes of every Asura,

There was no superfluous expression in the eyes of this group of monsters, Yaocha, as if they were walking dead,

It's just like the Asuras have fought against those earth treasures under the evil world of five turbidities for countless years, without any emotion.

It's just that these monsters, Yaksha, have fanaticism written on their faces, and those Jizo's faces have solemn | solemn,

But they are not far from each other, they are all like zombies.

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