The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1065 The evil of the Buddha, the Asuras call experts directly

The Asura clan who rushed into the gate of the world frantically saw this group of monsters, but they were not afraid.

Headed by dozens of Daluojinxian realms, the striker is composed of a powerful team of ten Ashura princesses,

Their eyes were crazy, and they slammed into the monster Yaocha head-on in anger.

The hatred between the Asura clan and Xitian caused them to not care about their own life and death at all.

But they unexpectedly found that the group of monsters opposite Yaksha had no fear on their faces.

Obviously among them, some monsters are still children, and there are pregnant and old monsters,

The strength of many monsters, Yaksha, didn't even reach the level of Earth Immortals, which could be regarded as the level of ordinary heavenly soldiers and generals, but they still charged at the forefront.

However, the Asuras kill people like hemp, and they don't care about it.

There are only enemies on the battlefield, and there is no concept of old, weak, women and children.

Ordinary people will be soft-hearted, but gods will not, and the demons of the Asura tribe will not. Of course, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will be the last.

If you want to use these old and weak women and children to resist the Asura tribe, then you really look down on the Asura tribe.

Just when the Asura people were about to break through this line of defense, suddenly, they felt a completely wrong breath,

The aura in the air suddenly became extremely chaotic, extremely terrifying,

The people of the Asura clan were suddenly a little shocked, and suddenly raised their heads, but they screamed out loud,

"Damn it, these fanatics are using themselves as weapons, retreat quickly, don't waste combat power!"

The people of the Asura tribe watched the sudden body changes of the Yaocha monsters, and their bodies were expanding rapidly.

The speed of the expansion was so fast that even the aura between the heaven and the earth became chaotic|turbulent.

There is only one possibility for this expansion speed, and the disorder that affects the aura,

Blow up!

It is true that the Asuras and others are not afraid of death, but it is not that they want to seek their own death,

It's not worthwhile to die with this group of self-explosive drug forks in vain!

Asura want to retreat,

However, it was too late.

The leading group of Asuras suddenly saw an extremely dazzling light shining in front of them,

Seeing the group of monsters at the head, Yaksha, suddenly their bodies swelled rapidly,

Whether it's old people, children, or pregnant banshees, they all explode at this moment!

At that moment, bombs exploded before the gate of the world,

The self-detonation of each monster's Yaksha, followed by one after another, constituted a terrifying power, which actually blasted back the group of Asuras who rushed in.

Moreover, this is not one or two yoke forks, nor ten or eight yoke forks,

When tens of thousands of monsters and monsters rushed forward and exploded quickly,

In front of the gate of the world, it fell into chaos in an instant.

One after another, the monster's medicine fork exploded, making everyone in the Monster League suddenly feel almost collapsed.

In the eyes of others, these monsters exploded themselves with medicine forks.

But in the eyes of everyone in the Demon League, they just watched their parents, uncles, brothers and sisters blew themselves up in front of them!

They used to be family,

It's just because the world of Jingliuli was plundered, it was controlled and used as a cheap magic weapon, even worse than a magic weapon, it was directly used to explode and block the door!

This kind of madness is really unacceptable to everyone in the Demon League.

Because, everyone in the Demon League hates the Jingliuli world in their hearts!

"They, how could they do this! How could they do this!"

"What did Jingliuli World do to them? My mom and dad actually died for them?!"

"Ahhh!!! Damn Jingliuli World, you actually did such despicable and nasty things, you are the demons!!"

Everyone in the Demon League roared with tears in their eyes like they were going crazy,

And Demon King Peng was even more heartbroken,

At this moment, he only wondered if he was in a nightmare,

Right now, he saw with his own eyes that all his clan blew themselves up like walking corpses, and beat out the Asura clan members with their lives!

This kind of madness almost made Peng Demon King's mind go blank for a while.

The members of his former clan, even monsters who don't care about feelings, turn into walking corpses when they see their own clan members.

He even blew himself up for the sake of this pure glass world. This kind of scene made the Peng Demon King choke up instantly.

He wanted to scold, but it was like a lump in his throat, unable to speak.

Peng Demon King was in tears, his mind was filled with scenes of being kidnapped by Xitian and being displaced.

That scene was just like the fact that all the clansmen rushed up and blew themselves up to guard the gate of the world like walking dead believers!

At that moment, I was displaced and alone;

At this very moment, my whole clan blew itself up right in front of me!

Peng Demon King's face is full of pain, this pain is indescribable,

He could only stare at his parents, his lovely sister, all flying to the gate of the world to blew himself up,

Go to the Jingliuli world, which the Peng Demon King hates and hates so much, and guard the gate of the world!

Amidst the grief of Peng Demon King, a thought suddenly flashed in his blank brain,

The next one will be me!

The thing that Peng Demon King has never dared to face, at this moment the reality is bloody revealed:

Once the Demon League joins the Jingliuli World, it is very likely that everyone in the Demon League will be controlled.

Including those who are still in the lower realm, the demon soldiers in the Demon League headquarters will also be controlled.

The beautiful name is to become a Buddha and become a ancestor!

Maybe a quasi-sage strong like Peng Demon King will make another plan, but those who are not strong enough will probably be brainwashed|brainwashed into monsters like this.

It seems that they are well-dressed and the Buddha's light shines everywhere, but they have no emotion, just like a fanatical believer,

And once such a thing happens again, the members of the Demon League will also turn into self-destruct soldiers guarding the gate of the world!

When the time comes, Demon King Peng will watch helplessly as the brothers of Demon League rush to the gate of the world and explode themselves.

Even, it may be that the Peng Demon King will lose his own consciousness by then,

Is it really what I want when I humble myself and bow my head like this?

This thought flashed for a long time,

Peng Demon King finally raised his head slowly, his eyes were red,

What was brewing in his heart was the madness of an honest man driven to a desperate situation!

When the Asuras saw the Jingliuli World, they used the monster Yaksha as a self-explosive soldier, directly resisting the impact of the Asuras,

Even the Ashura clan can't imagine that the world of Jingliuli controlled the Yaocha monsters to blow themselves up, this is simply crazy!

But it's not unexpected that as demons, they themselves feel that this method is time-consuming, laborious, and shameful, so they don't like to use this method.

However, I didn't expect Jingliuli World to be able to persuade this group of monsters to explode themselves. Is this the power of faith?

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