The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1063 Bao~ Hurry up, push him out~

The ghost mother appeared so abruptly that she didn't even show up from the beginning, she just hid aside and arranged secretly.

It wasn't until Da Brahma interrupted the door that the ghost mother sneaked in with Lutoro.

Lutoro's shot, he knew that he would fail, he just wanted to cover up the ghost mother's breath and create a sneak attack opportunity for the ghost mother,

This group of people from the Asura clan is more sinister than each other, and they are more desperate than each other!

Their hatred all stems from their hatred of Xitian,

It also stems from the desire to survive that he must beat Xitian hard in order to give Styx Blood Sea a chance to breathe,

These two are the strongest obsessions between heaven and earth, so they are not ambiguous at all when they play their lives.

Fahai Shenghui's supernatural powers were instantly engulfed by the little ghosts trained by the ghost mother for countless years.

Although there is no death, and even Fahai Shenghui's game Supernatural Tathagata can continue to chant mantras, but the moment he loses his five senses,

Fahai Shenghui's supernatural powers are frightened.

The darkness where no light can be seen, the dead silence where no sound can be heard, the coldness where no smell can be smelled...

Fahai Shenghui's supernatural power in the game doesn't even know if he will be attacked by the ghost mother in the next second when he recites the mantra like this.

In extreme panic, Fahai Shenghui turned around and ran away in order to protect himself.

Fuck the |mom|closing the door spell, I won't recite it anymore!Save your life!

Fahai Shenghui lost his facial features in the game, and the fear in his heart swallowed his reason, and he turned and ran away.

Why would he die with the longest name? Isn’t there still Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata, go find him!

Target me just because I'm weaker?

slip away!

Fahai Shenghui escaped like this, and closed the door for the third time, and was interrupted again!

Auspicious King Tathagata's face turned green. How can he still be a ghostly Buddha with this psychological quality?

"Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata, hurry up!"

The auspicious king Tathagata gave an order.

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Rulai swallowed, did not refuse, but still firmly said:

"Auspicious King Tathagata, I have changed my name. Now I have a single character, Bao. You can just call me Bao in the future."

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata: I don't want to die either. My name is too long and I die too quickly.

The auspicious king Tathagata has a dark face,

"Bao, go quickly."

Why are you so awkward!

In any case, Baoyue Tathagata was also very obedient, and quickly rushed up to fight side by side with Wuyou Tathagata and Fahai Leiyin Tathagata.

And the auspicious king Tathagata was ready to attack again, his eyes were cold,

"I don't believe it, how long can you last at the end of your strength!"

But at this moment, Brahma, who was standing in the center of the gate of the world, suddenly let out a sinister laugh,

"I've said it before, I'm only here to kill you, even if there's only half of your head left, I'll kill you!"

"Warriors of the Asura clan, attack with all your strength!"

In order to prevent the door of the world from being closed, the Ashura paid a huge price:

Da Brahma stands in the middle of the gate of the world, guarding the gate alone, blocking the attacks of all the strong men in the Jingliuli world. The majestic old quasi-sage is now just a candle in the wind,

And Lutoro has been seriously injured, life and death unknown.

The ghost mother is also having a hard time, being directly surrounded by three Tathagatas, she is already in danger.

Of course, Jingliuli World is not much better.

The worst one is the Tathagata who was beheaded by a sword and died because his name was too long;

In addition, the five-featured imp who was raised by the ghost mother ate the five senses. Fahai Shenghui directly broke the defense in the game of supernatural powers, and fled in fright, interrupting the good opportunity to close the door for the third time.

However, there are still four intact Tathagatas, four quasi-sages, and an auspicious king Tathagata who has never ended up in Jingliuli World.

On the Asura side, only Shiva, Ghost Mother, Vishnu, and the surviving Brahma are left, and Lutoro's life and death are already unknown.

Three and a half beat four, it is very difficult to win a battle.

However, the people of the Asura tribe don't care about these things. They came out today, so naturally they don't want to retreat.

After all, this is an opportunity to kill Jing Liuli World, who would give up?

At this moment, the Asura clan rushed towards the gate of the world in a sea of ​​blood.

The gate of the world is nine feet high and eight feet wide, which is big enough.

Too small to speak.

However, it is precisely because of this that the gate of the world is enough to block the attacks of most forces,

With such a small door, it takes time to come and go. As long as you dare to enter, you will be bombarded by endless mana, which is absolutely easy to defend and difficult to attack.

However, the Asuras still rushed over without even thinking about it. It seemed that they hadn't even thought about the small threshold of the gate of the world that was nine feet high and eight feet wide.

Bao glanced at the Asuras in front of the gate of the world, and couldn't help but sneered,

"Such a small door, how many can come in at one time?"

"No matter how many come, kill as many as possible!"

However, at a certain moment, the auspicious king Tathagata suddenly woke up and shouted hastily:

"Treasure~ Don't deal with that ghost mother, beat Da Brahma out!"

"[-] Yaocha generals, hurry up, go up there with your life, and beat Brahma out, he's going to attack the gate of the world!"

The [-] Yaksha gods rushed over with their eyes glowing red, like walking corpses.

However, it was too late.

Brahma used the remaining head, two hands, and two feet to hold the gate of the world firmly!

At this moment, he is just like the Pangu giant who separated the yin and yang of the chaos back then, and he suddenly jumped up!

The gate of the whole world was suddenly propped open under the roof of Brahma's remnant body!

Da Brahma laughed wildly,

"Sure enough, hahahaha, Gou|Ri|Jing Liuli World, you are finished!"

Auspicious King Tathagata's face turned green, damn it, he understood the gate of the world!

Bao, hurry up!

However, Brahma has already understood the gate of the world,

After all, he is also a very powerful quasi-sage. With his strength, although he will not force the door to open, nor will he prevent the door from closing,

However, it was still possible to prop the door open.

Brahma used all his strength to open the gate of the world a hundred times wider!

The gate of this world has instantly become a gate that can hold a hundred thousand troops!

That's enough!

Brahma exhausted all his strength, and his limbs were separated. Taking advantage of the gate of the world,

Even the last head is hung on top of the gate of the world, against the gate of the world.

The big Brahma's head stared at the Jingliuli World with wide-eyed blood-red eyes. Even if he was about to die, he would only rest in peace after seeing that all the people in the Jingliuli World had died!

However, Da Brahma's eyes suddenly froze for an instant,

There was a flash of shock in his eyes,

Why is he here? !

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