The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1060 Beheading Tathagata, cause of death, name is too long

Jing Liuli world is full of confidence,

When they saw the Asura team above the sea of ​​blood, they had already distinguished the good from the bad.

Generally speaking, the Six Buddhas in Jingliuli World and the demon general and demon king of the Asura clan can fight [-]-[-].

However, this is the case where Brahma cannot be counted.

No Da Brahma, as the most powerful man in the Styx Blood Sea, even if he is the strongest among the six Buddhas, King Auspicious King Tathagata, may not be an opponent.

Especially because the Six Buddhas had gone to participate in the suppression of Xitian before, and they were all more or less injured.

Although it is not serious, even a slight mistake in the battle of the strong will lead to a huge change.

Therefore, the Auspicious King Tathagata may not be able to defeat Brahma,

Moreover, there is no need.

As long as the gate of the world is closed, the Asuras will not be able to get in.

When things in the Western Paradise settle down and Medicine Buddha can rest for a while,

At that time, wouldn't it be a joke to go back and clean up the Asura clan?

Moreover, although they have a little disadvantage in high-end strength, but they are above the mid-range combat strength, it is simply crushing!

The eleven Yaksha God Generals are all half-step quasi-sages and above, extremely powerful,

There are also [-] Yakshas, ​​and among those Yakshas there are quite a few strong men, after all, many of them have been transformed.

There are also endless Buddhist soldiers, many arhats,

To put it bluntly, even if you simply put your life on the door of the world, it is definitely enough to prevent the Asuras from entering.

The calmness of Jingliuli World is precisely because they have enough confidence,

Unless there is another team like the Asura clan and a stronger quasi-sage, it will be enough to threaten the Jingliuli world.

Just relying on the Asura clan alone is not enough.

A small difference in high-end combat power is not enough to turn the tide of the battle.

After all, under normal circumstances, the powerhouses of the Ashura clan would not be so stupid as to rush in the door,

The gate of the world is narrow, and whoever enters will be attacked by the Jingliuli World with all its strength, whoever is beaten by this lineup will die!

Even if the quasi-sage came in, he might not be able to withstand the attacks of the Six Buddhas and the General Yaksha.

Then, two Buddhas, Fahai Leiyin Tathagata and Fahai Shenghui Gaming Supernatural Power Tathagata, flew over and prepared to close the door.

But they really ignored the madness of the Asura's attack this time.

The Asuras also saw the gate of the world from the outside, and the Jingliuli World was about to close.

In an instant, Brahma looked up to the sky and screamed, and suddenly turned into a blood-red stream, rushing towards the gate of the world,

The roar in his mouth shook the sky,

"Warriors of the Asura clan, the western sky is immortal, and our Asura clan will never have peace!"

"We will never die with Xitian, we will not destroy the Jingliuli world, we will never retreat even if we die!"

"Follow me!"

At that moment, the six Buddhas felt an ominous premonition,

Fahai Leiyin Tathagata, Fahai Shenghui Gaming Supernatural Tathagata quickly act,

"Close the door, this demon is crazy!"

"If you recite the mantra, he won't dare to come in!"

However, Fahai Leiyin Tathagata and Fahai Shenghui Gaming Supernatural Power Tathagata still underestimated Brahma.

Da Brahma rushed to the gate of the world with all his strength without hesitation, there was madness in his eyes, a grin on the corner of his mouth, and no fear at all.

"Dog Buddhas of the Pure Glass World, grandpa is here! Wash your necks and wait!"

"Close the door, close the door quickly!!!" Fahai Leiyin Tathagata and Fahai Shenghui Gaming Tathagata panicked.

Seeing this, the other two golden Buddhas, the Tathagatas of the golden light and wonderful deeds, and the most auspicious Tathagatas rushed over quickly, rushing around the gate of the world, trying to resist the rush of Brahma.

They really didn't expect that this big Brahma was so crazy, he dared to rush in. Didn't he know that when he came in, everyone surrounded him and beat him, and he would die!

The two Buddhas, the Tathagata, the Tathagata of the Golden Precious Light, and the Tathagata, the Tathagata of Worry-free and most auspicious auspiciousness, stood in front of the gate of the world together, waiting in full force.

They just need to wait for the two Buddhas behind them to finish chanting the closing door mantra. At this moment, they have already started chanting the mantra.

However, the two Tathagatas, Golden Precious Light, Miaoxing Achievement, Worry-Free and Most Auspicious, stood in front of the gate of the world, but they didn't know that behind them, a black mist quietly rose.

The Buddhas quickly reminded: "Be careful!!!"

The Tathagata was startled by the golden light and wondrous deeds, turned his head suddenly, but saw that Indra had appeared behind him at some point,

The green poisonous dagger in Lutoro's hand has already stabbed at the Tathagata of the golden precious light.

At the critical moment, the Tathagata of the Golden Precious Light and Wonderful Action radiated magic light from his body, trying to block Lutoro's attack.

However, Lutoro gave a sinister smile, and instead of attacking, he suddenly threw the poisonous dagger in his hand at one of the Tathagatas who was reciting the mantra!

That Fahai Leiyin Tathagata was shocked, but he still insisted on blocking the poisonous dagger while chanting the mantra!

However, this poisonous dagger was definitely not thrown by Lutoro casually.

This poisonous dagger was Lutoro's magic weapon for protection, and Lutoro attacked with all his strength, but Fahai Leiyin resisted in a panic, and was even sent flying!

Fahai Leiyin Tathagata flew upside down, spitting blood from his mouth!

The door-closing spell is interrupted instantly!

At this moment of change, everyone reacted suddenly, and the two Tathagatas who were in front of the gate of the world rushed to attack Lutoro!

Lutoro couldn't dodge at all. Just now, he made an illusory dagger, hit east and west, and attacked with all his strength.

Now these two Buddhas attacked Lutoro at the same time. Lutoro had just lost his old power and had not yet developed his new power, so he was directly sent flying by the two Buddhas!

However, even though it was flying backwards dripping with blood, Lutoro laughed sinisterly,

"Hahahaha! You are done!"

The two Buddhas reacted in an instant,

Forget that there is a madman!

When they turned their heads, they saw a tall and burly demon with four hideous heads and four arms each holding a magic weapon. Brahma had already arrived in front of him!

Without saying a word, Da Brahma pulled out an Abi sword engraved with Abi Purgatory, and slashed at one of the Tathagatas.

The Tathagata was so frightened that his face turned green, and he backed up again and again, but it was already too late!

The Abi sword of Brahma, cut off the head of the longest-named Golden Precious Light Miaoxing Achievement Tathagata with one sword, and trapped all his soul and soul in the Abi sword.

Cause of death, the name is too long.

The other Tathagata's face turned green with fright,

Now you are still keeping a fart, run away quickly!

Da Brahma stood in front of the gate of the world, A Bijian proudly pointed at the Buddhas in the Jingliu Li World, and laughed loudly,

"As I said before, when the gate of the world opens, you will welcome me, Brahma!"

"Hahahaha! Are you scared now? You have imprisoned my Asura clan for several calamities, now, it's your turn!"

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