The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1059 The true background of Jingliuli World!

The change of the gate of the world is just a moment.

Everyone in the Demon League couldn't help but be moved when they saw this change.

Hujiao anxiously said to everyone in the Monster League:

"Brothers, the time has come! People from the Asura clan have come up, this is a great opportunity!"

"People in Jingliuli World have already determined that we are in collusion with the Asuras. Even if we join them, we will definitely be retaliated."

"Instead of doing this, it's better to be like what they said, right here, rush in, and let them know the determination of our Demon League!"

Changyou was also extremely excited,

"That's right, we're working internally, internally and externally, and we can definitely let people from the Asura tribe come in!"

"The Asuras are coming so fiercely that they will definitely cause chaos in the Jingliuli world. After we finish killing them, we will leave and join the law enforcement hall. They can't do anything to us!"

The other monsters of the Monster League who were not bewitched also shouted loudly, very excited,

However, their leader, the great sage Wang Peng Demon King, was indifferent.

After a while, I heard the Peng Demon King sigh deeply, but shook his head weakly and said:

"We... the mayfly shook the big tree..."

"Look for yourselves..."

The tone of Demon King Peng made everyone in the Demon League feel great anger and dissatisfaction.

They really don't want the Demon King Peng to be so passive and humble. After all, they are also quasi-sages. How strong can this Jingliuli world be?

"Peng Demon King, what you dare not do, we will do it ourselves!"

The Tiger Flood roared angrily.

Changyou also echoed: "That's the reason, the opportunity is in front of us, if we shrink back, wouldn't we regret it for the rest of our lives! I'm not afraid even if my body is smashed to pieces!"

Everyone in the Yaomeng was extremely excited. After all, Hujiao and Changyou were also quasi-sages.

But it should be enough to cooperate with the inside and the outside.

And at this time, outside the gate of the world, the Asura tribe had arrived at the gate of the world riding the sea of ​​blood.

Even across the gate of the world, one can feel the bloody aura rushing toward one's face.

Unspeakable blood, unspeakable horror!

Everyone in the Monster League also increased their confidence, especially when they saw so many strong men from the Asura clan, they were even more excited.

In the imperial army, please!

I will show you the way!

I will open the door for you!

Tiger Jiao excitedly said:

"As long as we stop the Buddha Bodhisattva who came to close the door, in less than half a minute, we will definitely be able to let the Asuras come in!"

Changyou was also extremely excited,

"This task is not difficult. At least according to the Prison God, the Medicine Buddha of the Jingliuli World is seriously injured. Without him in charge, we can definitely stop it!"

Tiger Jiao: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Then, everyone in the Demon League turned around confidently to face the coming Mantian Buddha.

However, as soon as he turned around, the faces of everyone in the Demon League were filled with horror!

They saw scenes they had never seen in their life:

All members of Jingruri World are dispatched!

In the sky, the auspicious clouds are densely covered, and the golden light is ten thousand zhang,

Endless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, arranged in an orderly manner, slowly flew towards the gate of the world!

At this time, Jingliuli World revealed their true background,

Although this is just a pure glazed world, not the pure land of bliss in the Western Paradise, it is still a big world with an unknown number of years!

Standing on the top of the auspicious clouds, there are actually six golden Buddhas!

Each of them exudes an extremely powerful aura, which undoubtedly shows their strength, and they are already supreme powerhouses who have reached the realm of quasi-sages!

These are the six Buddhas among the seven Buddhas of the Pure Lapis World:

Tathagata the King of Auspiciousness, Tathagata the Tathagata, the Tathagata, the King of Treasures of Wisdom, Strictness, Light, and Music, the Tathagata, the Tathagata of Golden Precious Light and Wonderful Actions, the Tathagata of Worry-free Victory, the Tathagata of Auspiciousness, the Tathagata of Fahai Leiyin, the Tathagata of Fahai Shenghui, the Tathagata of Gaming and Supernatural Powers,

The seventh Buddha is Lapis Light Tathagata, that is, Medicine Buddha, but he did not follow.

And under the seven Buddhas, there are eleven Yaksha gods who will be their retinues.

In order, they are General Youba Zheluo, General Miqiluo, General Yingniluo, General Mounira, General Suara, General Indra, General Poyila, General Bohura, General Zhendara, General Zhusheluo, General Vikara,

Chu Hao slaughtered a general Gongpiluo before, but the strength of the twelve Yaksha generals is about the same, and each of them is at least half-step quasi-sage.

Each of the twelve generals has [-] Yaochas under their command, and those are not ordinary goods, they add up to a total of [-] Yaochas.

What's more, at the bottom, I don't know how many powerful arhats, and many monsters who were transformed into subordinates by Jingliuli World in the early years, and they are all bearing the brunt at this moment, among the [-] Yashas.

There are hundreds of millions more, like the sand of the Ganges River, countless Buddhist soldiers are waiting in full battle!

The pure glass world is filled with countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in an instant,

Their majestic momentum, dazzling light, and majestic auspicious clouds are several times stronger than those of the Asura clan!

Everyone in the Demon League was extremely excited and planned to stop the person who came to the Guangmen, but the moment they saw this posture, everyone was stunned, stunned, and dumbfounded.

That kind of shock makes the scalp tingle!

Hujiao swallowed forcefully, and involuntarily dodged to the side, not daring to look directly at the huge team. There was only one sentence in his mind,

"The Demon King Peng is right,"

After all, we are just dust under the vast stars, and we will never try to shake the mountain of Western Heaven.We can do nothing but dig up his dust and bury ourselves.

Before the lineup of Jingliuli World, who can be arrogant?

Not only Hujiao walked away unconsciously, Changyou also retreated,

Everyone in the Demon League retreated to the side.

They wanted to resist, but all hope was destroyed at this moment, and they fell into despair.

At this moment, they all understood the humbleness of the Peng Demon King. Who would not be humble in front of this lineup?

The faces of everyone in the Demon League were full of horror,

There was a wry smile and self-mockery on Peng Mowang's face, he didn't sneer, because he knew his own humbleness and everyone's helplessness,

His early surrender was extremely spineless, a betrayal of everyone, and a performance of leading everyone into the abyss.

But... what can I do?

The six Buddhas of the Jingliuli World led a group of Yaksha generals and Buddhist soldiers to rush over unhurriedly, and came to the gate of the world.

The leader, the auspicious king Tathagata, glanced at the members of the Monster League who had already respectfully stood beside the World Gate, but snorted coldly,

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata looked at the Asura people outside, but said indifferently:

"Close the door first, the disaster of the Asura clan, when you are free in the future, we will get rid of it together."

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Ru said it very easily, and he didn't pay attention to the Asura tribe approaching in front of him at all.

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