The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1061 Brahma! One husband is the gate, ten thousand husbands are not open!

Da Brahma stood in the center of the gate of the world, beheading the Tathagata with the longest name with one sword, and what he was carrying was a murderous one.

In the Jingliuli world, the remaining five Buddhas and all the Yaksha gods will see this scene, shocked and nervous,

"We must not let this Brahma come in, beat him out!"

"This damn thing really doesn't take himself seriously. Isn't he afraid that we will attack him together?"

"Fahai Leiyin Tathagata, Fahai Shenghui Gaming Supernatural Power Tathagata, you all quickly recite the mantra of closing the door, let's beat Brahma out!"

However, Fahai Leiyin Tathagata and Fahai Shenghui Gaming Supernatural Power Tathagata had extremely bitter expressions on their faces.

Especially Fahai Shenghui's supernatural powers, his face is full of fear,

"No, I'm not going. The Tathagata who died just now had a long name, and my name is not short. Something will happen to me, so I won't go!"

Baoyue Zhiyan Guangyin Zizai Wang Tathagata was silent in the corner, like an invisible person, shouting in his heart: I will not go either.

Auspicious King Tathagata was so angry that his teeth itched, he shouted angrily:

"Shut up, go! The world of Jingliuli is in such a crisis now, it's not the time for you to back down!"

"Everyone joins me to beat Brahma out and attack together. I don't believe that he can withstand the attacks of all of us!"

The auspicious king Tathagata was very majestic, and everyone didn't dare to get entangled at all when he gave an order.

Immediately, the five Buddhas shot at the same time,

Fahai Leiyin Tathagata, Fahai Shenghui Game Supernatural Tathagata rushed over,

This time without Lutoro's threat, Fahai Leiyin Tathagata and Fahai Shenghui Gaming Supernatural Power Tathagata also bit the bullet and continued to chant the mantra.

They thought about it, Lutoro was beaten like that, and under normal circumstances, he wouldn't bother him anymore.

The remaining three Tathagatas were also unambiguous,

At this moment, Brahma stands in the middle of the gate of the world, an immovable target,

Auspicious King Tathagata glowed with endless golden light, just like a huge fireball ignited,

In the next second, the auspicious king Tathagata roared, and the endless flames were compressed into a "Swastika" character, blasting towards Brahma.

Not only that, when the auspicious king Tathagata made a move, there were two other Tathagatas,

There are also eleven Yacha generals leading [-] Yacha generals to form a large formation of Yacha generals, although one is missing,

But the strength of the eleven Yaksha generals, together with the attacks of the [-] Yakshas, ​​is absolutely extraordinary.

Moreover, although those Buddhist soldiers are still weak above this level of combat, after all, the Brahma is blocking the door now, and it is an immovable target.

An unknown number of Buddhist soldiers attacking together is also a force that cannot be ignored.

At this moment, following the flaming "卐" character that the auspicious king Tathagata struck, countless powerful attacks followed,

At that moment, the entire sky was filled with terrifying dharma light,

This is the attack of the powerhouses who gathered the entire Jingliuli world. How powerful this attack is is indescribable.

It's just that I can see that the sky at this moment is shaking before the bombardment of endless magic light,

There were even ripples in the air, as if the sky would split open at any time because it couldn't withstand such a powerful attack!

It can be seen from the all-out attack of the Jingliuli World.

And Da Brahma, who was blocking the door, was not afraid of the endless light, and even laughed ferociously.

Da Brahma raised his head arrogantly, and faced the coming blow with a wild smile!

The Great Brahma is blocking the door, and there is a wave of one man guarding the gate, and no one can open the courage!

His courage stems from hatred, from hatred!

It doesn't matter right or wrong, Da Brahma is such an arrogant and powerful person, during the endless years when he was suppressed under the evil world of five turbidities, his hatred never diminished, on the contrary, it intensified!

Being suppressed under the evil world of five turbidities is the humiliation of Brahma all his life,

He swore that if he had the chance, he would kill all bald donkeys like Xi Tian Ling Chi,

Let them know what real cruelty is!

Now borrowing the east of the Law Enforcement Hall, the Blood Sea of ​​Styx escaped from the evil world of five turbidities,

But Brahma didn't think about forbearance, he just wanted revenge!

Fuck the forbearance, you have endured for so many years, you just have to wait for now!

Now, since Da Brahma is standing in front of this gate, looking at those goddamn Buddha medicine forks in the Jingliuli world, Da Brahma just wants to go over and crush them to death!

As for what he would be beaten into by this Jingliuli world, that Brahma had never thought about it!

Since I came here, I didn't think about going back alive.

If you want to die, you have to crush all the colored glazes in the pure glazed world, grab the heads of all the Buddhas and sit under your buttocks, and let them feel the pain of being suppressed.

Only then did Brahma willingly die,

Otherwise, Da Brahma would not take half a step back even if he died!

Facing the impending endless magic light, Da Brahma suddenly grabbed his three heads with his three pairs of arms,

Then, Brahma frantically twisted his three heads off!

The blood splashed from his broken neck dyed Da Brahma's whole body in a strange red, and his body, also nourished by his own blood, rapidly grew in size.

Da Brahma unscrewed his three heads and threw them out. The three heads turned into magic weapons in the air, forming a triangular formation in the air, guarding Da Brahma in the center,

At this moment, the flaming "Swastika" character played by the auspicious king Tathagata has come to Brahma,

Brahma looked up to the sky and laughed,

"Hahahahaha! The bald donkeys of Jingliuli World, if I don't die with this blow, it will be you!"

Da Brahma came here to throw his head and sprinkle blood to strengthen the method. Of course, this is his unique innate supernatural power, which normal people cannot learn.

When the "Swastika" flame hit the defense composed of the three heads of Brahma,

At that moment, the closed eyes of the three heads suddenly widened, and the entire triangular circle instantly magnified a hundred times and became more solid!

And the flames of the word "Swastika" impacted on it, and the endless flames exploded in front of Brahma, as if the raging waves hit the cliff,

The raging waves formed by the raging flames surged and roared in front of the cliff, constantly impacting on the cliff, it shouldn't be too scary,

If it wasn't for the collapse of the cliff, it would be for the raging flames to disperse.

However, the auspicious king Tathagata was not worried at all.

Because, the attack of Jingliuli World is not so simple, this is just the prelude to his own attack.

What Brahma will face is the impact of the entire Jingliuli world. In addition to this attack, there will be attacks from the two Buddhas afterwards.

There are also attacks from Eleven Yaksha God Generals and countless other strong men,

Brahma, he must die!

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