The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1055 Becoming a Buddha and becoming a ancestor, the arrow is on the string, and I have to la

The whole night sky, at this moment, is as bright as day,

The light emitted from the gate of the world is like a round of golden sun, trying to illuminate the whole world!

Everything is covered with a golden gauze, peaceful and tranquil.

At this moment, Jing Liuli World finally showed his charm to the whole world,

From the gate of the world, the scene of the net glass world can be seen at a glance.

"The vows of Medicine Master Liuliguang Tathagata and the merits and virtues of that Buddhaland are adorned, and they are indescribable even in the eons.

That Buddha's land has always been pure, without the form of a woman, free from all desires and evils, and free from all evil sounds of suffering.

The colored glaze is the ground, and the city towers, walls, doors and windows, halls, pillars, beams, brackets, and nets are all made of seven treasures, just like the Land of Ultimate Bliss. "

This is the preaching of the world of pure glass that has been passed down in the Buddhist scriptures.

Some people may think this is false and deceitful, but when the door to the world of Liuliguang opens,

Only then did everyone realize that the records in the Buddhist scriptures are not false, and in fact the luxury of the Jingliuli world is even higher than that!

At this moment, the whole world is bright as day,

This is the world established by Xiniu Hezhou, who has plundered for an unknown number of years. His luxury is very reasonable.

When everyone in the Demon League saw this luxurious world for the first time, they lost their souls for a while.

When the gatekeepers saw the gate of the world open, and found that everyone in the Yaomeng had been fascinated by the luxury of the Jingliuli world, they couldn't help but sneered in their hearts.

"A group of wet-born eggs, the Jingliuli world is supremely prosperous, supremely majestic, and will definitely be able to make such animals surrender."

"Heh, the world gate of Jingliuli World has the function of purifying evil and saving all living beings. I think this group of animals must be saved, and we have another group of slaves."

"Become a Buddha and become a ancestor? Bah, you are worthy too? A bunch of filthy beasts, please become slaves of my Jingliuli World obediently!"

The gatekeepers seemed to have known the reactions of the members of the Demon League for a long time, so they just waited by the side, waiting for the members of the Demon League to be saved.

And at this moment, it is true.

The eyes of everyone in the Demon League fell on the open world door, and they couldn't struggle to open it.

They looked at the gate of the world, and the scenery inside seemed to be projected into their minds, making them start to associate uncontrollably,

They seem to have seen the Great Treasure Palace, all kinds of solemn | solemn.In the precious palace, think of Medicine Master Tathagata, surrounded by Bodhisattvas.

The pharmacist Buddha is in the center, making a statement, not holding anything in his hands, surrounded by disciples, Bodhisattvas who threaten him, and Bodhisattvas who make offerings, embodying the solemnity of the Dharma.

The musical instruments in the sky above are playing without drums, and the performances and dances of the towers below show the beauty of the pure land.

In their minds, there is a voice like the Buddha chanting, as if they have been chanting scriptures in their minds, making them return to the shore,

But listen carefully, the sound of the Buddha singing sutras is like a demon whispering,

The eyes of everyone in the Demon League were still a little clear, but when the glazed light world opened,

Unknowingly, their eyes gradually became blurred and became more devout,

Especially those with weak strength, they even walked towards the gate of the world involuntarily,

One after another, they are just like walking dead, maybe they can be called devout fanatics.

Even the powerful three quasi-sages of the Demon League only reacted suddenly after a moment of trance, but they broke out in a cold sweat!

They never expected that their dignified quasi-sage realm would be temporarily controlled.

Although it was only a very short period of time, it was enough to prove the powerful background of this Jingliuli world!

This is just the gate of Jingliuli World, but I don't know what kind of danger is hidden in it!

No one knows what is hidden inside this door.

The three quasi-sages of the Demon League glanced at each other, and they all started to hesitate at this moment.

Is what I want to resist now a powerful force that even the door is enough to make the quasi-sage almost fall into it?

To the world of Jingliuli, the Yaomeng is just an ant that is too small to even look at it.

Now, do they, a group of ants, want to resist this supremely powerful world?

For a while, this question became a heavy boulder in the hearts of the three quasi-sages.

If they lose, it will really implicate the entire Yaozu to be exploited forever!

While they were thinking, they suddenly heard Moonlight Bodhisattva coldly snorting:

"The gate is open, if you don't enter now, when will you wait?!"

The arrow is on the string, and it has to be sent!

Now it's hard to get off a tiger, no one knows what kind of situation they will face in the end,

The Peng Demon King could only bite the bullet and shouted to the rest of the Demon League:

"Brothers, becoming a Buddha and becoming a ancestor is right in front of you, follow me."

In fact, there is no need for Demon King Peng to say that because the gate of the world was opened just now, many people in the Demon League have been bewitched by the world of Jingliuli, and they are like corpses walking together.

They have all walked towards the door of the world step by step, it seems that they are already rows of pious pilgrims,

Even though, they were still alive and kicking, fresh and free souls at the last moment.

Demon King Peng swallowed, looked at Kuimu Lang,

Demon King Peng felt that the only person he could discuss with him now was this strong man who had a close relationship with Chu Hao.

Kui Mulang is one of the few sober ones among the demons, perhaps because his heart has been stained with red beliefs, and he will no longer be bewitched by ghosts and ghosts.

Kui Mulang didn't look back, but respectfully said:

"Becoming a Buddha and becoming a patriarch is right in front of you, Great Sage King, please."

Kui Mulang didn't give enough response to the Peng Demon King, which made the Peng Demon King even more anxious and timid.

If you don't do it now, once Sunlight Bodhisattva and Moonlight Bodhisattva close the gate, everyone in the Demon League will have no room for a comeback.

When Peng Demon King opened the door just now, he already felt the incomparably overbearing power of the Jingliu Li World, which is the power that even quasi-sages will fall if they are not careful.

It is conceivable that if he is brought in, even if the Peng Demon King himself is a quasi-sage and strong man, he will probably be reduced to a slave.

The Peng Demon King is actually far more afraid of the Jingliuli world than everyone else.

The family members of his tribe when he was a child were also taken away by the Jingliuli World. Even if he came this way, many of his confidantes and friends were also taken in.

Therefore, the Peng Demon King is extremely afraid of the Jingliuli world, and even feels a little inferior.

He knew that since he was a child, he never wanted to have the qualifications to stand up in front of Jingliuli World.

This is the villain in his destiny, and now, Roc Demon King is about to step into the footsteps of his relatives and friends, and will also step into this world.

In the heart of Demon King Peng, one can imagine the fear.

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