The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1054 The door of the world is wide open, the door of greed!

The gatekeepers escorted everyone from the Demon League to Jingliuli World,

They are not familiar with the members of the Demon League, but they just counted the numbers and found that the twelve little demon gods are honest.

All the gatekeepers also nodded, very pleased,

"Heh, that Hell God is really a fool. He actually risked his life to help us protect these slaves of the Demon League."

"Hmph, when we subdue this group of members of the Demon League, we will use this group of members of the Demon League to deal with the Hall of Law Enforcement, and let them know what it means to eat their own fruit, hahahahaha!"

"I really don't understand what Da Ri Tathagata is thinking. Then Chu Hao took the initiative to save them. If he saved them, he saved them. He wants us to spend so many resources?"

"That's the resource to be sent to Xitian to resist this catastrophe."

"It doesn't matter, as long as we tame this group of monster alliances, after the strength of our Jingliuli World has greatly increased, the Western Paradise will not blame us,"

"Besides, this is what Da Ri Tathagata meant. If Da Ri Tathagata hadn't been rescued by Chu Hao and had to trick Chu Hao away, we wouldn't have handed over so many things."

"But when you talk about this, I want to laugh at the Hell God who lost magic weapons and elixirs in order to save Da Ri Tathagata and the others."

The gatekeepers naturally act one way in front of the other,

Just now, out of fear of Chu Hao, he made a deal with Chu Haoxu, and even because of the kindness of Da Ri Tathagata being saved,

You have to contribute some benefits and be filial to Chu Hao, so that you can deceive Chu Hao away, otherwise, you don't know how many odd numbers will be there when the door of the world opens.

Now, although it is said that Dainichi Tathagata and others did not go to open the door of the world together, they finally drove away the Asura tribe, which can be regarded as a cause and effect that did not happen.

All the gatekeepers were talking and laughing all the way, mocking Chu Hao's righteous move just now,

Soon, they escorted everyone from the Demon League to the world gate of the Jingliuli world.

At this moment, the bright moon in the sky is still in the sky, and the moonlight is still bright,

Although it seems that a lot of things happened just now, the Ashura clan mainly fights blitzkrieg, and they come and go quickly.

So not much time wasted.

Looking at the bright moon in the sky, among the gatekeepers, Sunlight Bodhisattva and Moonlight Bodhisattva stood up,

Moonlight Bodhisattva circulates the magic power of his whole body, and in a short time, the Buddha's light surges up and down his whole body,

This Buddha's light does not seem to be an ordinary Buddha's light, but it is like a bright moon, emitting light blue, cool and bright moonlight.

Moonlight Bodhisattva stood under the bright moon, and suddenly seemed to overlap with the real bright moon,

Seeing this, Sunlight Bodhisattva also flew over,

He radiated golden light all over his body, just as dazzling and hot as a round of sun.

Sunlight Bodhisattva and Moonlight Bodhisattva are in the sky, just like the sun and the moon appear in the night sky at the same time,

In the sky, half is hot and dazzling, and the other half is cold and bright,

Between the heaven and the earth, the sun and the moon shine together, and the light and darkness alternate, so amazing!

Sunlight Bodhisattva and Moonlight Bodhisattva chanted obscure mantras in the air, dense scriptures spit out from their mouths,

Condensed in the air, did not disperse, but quickly piled up, condensed into a huge door!

The gate is nine feet high and eight feet wide. The gate is closed tightly, and the whole is a very solemn red color.

Above the gate, amidst the light of the Buddha, you can also see a golden Buddha sitting on the lotus.

That is the main venerable Medicine Buddha, with a body like blue, full of light, and wearing three dharma robes.

In his right hand, he seals victory and seals, holds a Tibetan green fruit with leaves, and holds a bowl in his left hand, which is full of nectar and wonderful medicine that can cure the diseases of all living beings caused by cause and effect.

The match is perfect, sitting on the lotus and moon wheel with Vajra double lotus.

Between heaven and earth, one can still hear Sanskrit sounds,

Indescribably peaceful, indescribably upscale.

This is the gate of the world of Jingliuli World, and its existence is longer than that of Jingliuli World.

Only with this door can there be a pure glass world.

But no one knows where the gate of this world came from, and who made it.

I only know that since ancient times, the three gates of the three great worlds of the Western Paradise have been extremely powerful,

For so many years, countless riots have never caused any incidents in the three gates.

As long as the world gates of the three major worlds of Xitian do not fall down, Xitian will always be high above and control the common people.

In fact, it is precisely because of this gate of the world in Xitian,

Countless monsters from the fairy family, countless strong men in the three realms and six realms, once they are captured, they will only end up being transformed.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Western religion, the [-] mortals who were taken captive, are also the [-] Buddhas today.

They may not have tried to escape from Xitian's control, but as long as these three gates are still there, nothing will happen to Xitian.

Now Jingliuli World has closed the gate of the world due to vigilance, people inside can't get out, people outside can't get in,

But once the gate of the world is opened, the only danger in Jingliuli World is to prevent being rushed in when the gate is opened.

However, in fact, if the gate of the world starts to close, it will only be for a short time, and anyone who enters will be given food.

The power of Xitian is indescribable.

At this moment, Sunlight Bodhisattva and Moonlight Bodhisattva fully opened the door of the world,

Above the sky, the door to the world between light and darkness is slowly opening.

When it was only slightly opened, one could already feel the aura spilling out of it,

The sounds of Sanskrit sounds and the lights of Buddhas rushed out from the gate of the world, wantonly showing the abundance of the Jingliuli world to the whole world.

When the door of the world opens more and more, the opening of the door is even more shocking!

Through the crack of the gate of the world, everyone got a glimpse of the real Jingliuli world!

Just a look, just a look,

Everyone in the Demon League almost widened their eyes, their minds were shaken in an instant!

That piece of luxurious and rich, peaceful and quiet world has indescribable majesty and beauty;

Just a glimpse, you can see that the ground is made of colored glaze, and the road is bounded by golden ropes; the city walls and palaces are all made of seven treasures.

At this moment, the minds of everyone in the Demon League were completely shaken.

in case……

Really able to join such a rich and luxurious world, what else do they want!

As for, this world is built on the premise of exploiting countless human beings, plundering and enslaving countless powerful people,

No one cares about these!

Because everyone's greed is aroused at this moment.

They didn't think about right and wrong, they just thought, if they could join them, what about evil?

Besides, Xitian has never been a symbol of evil, they have always held high the banner of justice and peace!

join them!

This thought flashed through the hearts of all the members of the Demon League.

And at this moment, the door of the world is completely opened!

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