The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1056 Before the world of pure glass, we are all ants!

But that's it,

The Peng Demon King also knew that he could not resist, he was already on the verge of riding a tiger, even if he turned around and ran away now, it would be of no avail.

You can escape for a while, but you can't escape for a lifetime!

Even, Demon King Peng himself felt timid in his heart,

Although the Prison God Chu Hao said he would help him, but... is it possible?

Although I have heard how powerful Chu Hao is before, but hearing is believing, seeing is believing,

When Demon King Peng saw the powerful light of the gate of this world with his own eyes, even he lost his mind,

Can such a powerful world really be resisted by oneself?

Perhaps, the Prison God is no match for the Jingliuli World,

No, it must be invincible, this is not a world that can be resisted by man, this is heaven...

Perhaps, joining the Jingliuli World would be a good choice...

The Demon King Peng didn't know that under the light of the gate of the world, his thoughts | were becoming weak and timid, giving in and admitting defeat,

All the strength and unyieldingness in his heart are being softened.

Instead, all the weakness and retreat in the heart are magnified.

But Demon King Peng didn't notice it, and he didn't become vigilant because of this, because this was a naked conspiracy in Jingliuli World.

Jingliuli World has never been afraid that those who enter will have a heart of resistance, because through this gate, most people can be subdued,

Even if they react later, it will be useless.

The influence of the gate of the world is absolutely extraordinary.

Peng Demon King was still thinking about what Chu Hao said to himself before, when the door was opened, kill the person who opened the door, so that the door of the world could not be closed,

But Demon King Peng glanced at the Sunlight Bodhisattva and Moonlight Bodhisattva next to him,

Although these two bodhisattvas were not even quasi-sages, but only half-step quasi-sages, the Peng Demon King felt an invincible fear.

All the rhetoric of rebelling against the Jingliuli world and never being a slave back then has turned into a situation where even two half-step quasi-sages are afraid.

But Demon King Peng still didn't realize that he was becoming timid.

Peng Demon King is the Great Sage King, so he naturally walked in the front and led the crowd.

However, when he walked towards the gate, he didn't have any thoughts of resisting,

He just, step by step, led everyone in the Demon League towards the gate of the world,

lead them to perdition.

Hujiao and Changyou behind Demon King Peng have already noticed something,

They also noticed timidity and retreat in their hearts, as if they had become old monks, becoming indifferent and weak.

But when there was only a certain distance from the gate, Hu Jiao and Chang You woke up suddenly,

They suddenly remembered the agreement with Chu Hao,

It's now!

When the gate of the world was opened, the Peng Demon King led everyone to attack and kill the person who opened the gate, making full preparations for the subsequent attack.

But until now, Peng Demon King has reached the optimal attack distance, why hasn't he launched an attack yet!

Both Hujiao and Changyou were in a panic, Peng Mowang is the Great Sage King, everyone listened to him,

If he doesn't make a move again, it means that he has surrendered. If the Peng Demon King has surrendered, neither Hujiao nor Changyou dare to make a move.

Hujiao and Changyou combined are not enough to fight Peng Demon King,

Moreover, among the gatekeepers, there are strong ones like clouds. If a Peng Demon King and a team of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are added, the entire demon alliance will have no way out!

Hu Jiao and Chang You clenched their fists secretly, they were all anxious,

Now this team of members of the Demon League connected together like prisoners, the leader of the team, the Peng Demon King, is only three steps away from the gate of the world.

If you don't do anything at this time, do you really have to wait until the Chinese New Year? !

They even secretly pulled the rope under their feet, hoping that the Peng Demon King would react.

Yet they were disappointed,

Demon King Peng obviously felt the pull of Hujiao and Changyou behind him, he also paused,

However, Demon King Peng didn't turn his head back.

He just lowered his head, crossed his hands, and his voice was full of respect and humility,

"Before the world of pure glass, we were all ants. If we can become Buddhas and ancestors, what is there for us to be dissatisfied with?"

The words of Demon King Peng were full of grief, helplessness, and submission.

Accompanied by the sigh of the Roc Demon King, the Roc Demon King took another step,

He is one step closer to the gate of the world.

The sober people of the Demon League felt extremely sad for a moment,

Although Demon King Peng didn't do anything, it was precisely because he didn't do anything that he caused them the greatest harm!

Tiger Jiao gritted his teeth, his eyes were red,

He desperately wanted to struggle, he wanted to rush out and wake up the Peng Demon King!

Obviously it was the Peng Demon King who had sworn before, and firmly said that he would bring everyone together to resist the Jingliuli world and throw himself into the arms of the law enforcement hall.

Everyone in the Demon League, no matter how weak they are, have secretly made up their minds about this,

As long as you can resist the Jingliuli world and not be bullied by these Buddhas for the rest of your life,

They are not even afraid of death!

However, at this critical moment, their great sage king surrendered?

We are about to fight to the death, why did the Great Sage King surrender first?

As agreed, what about the glory of death and the disgrace of life?

However, Demon King Peng didn't look back, he just continued to move forward powerlessly and helplessly like a walking corpse.

Although his surrender was unexpected, it was also reasonable.

Because he has never succeeded in resisting since he was a child,

Even if he became the Great Sage King today, he has never been proud,

He has always been so humble, because he saw all the despair in the world, and also saw his own humbleness.

It's been like this since childhood,

Even the fire of resistance that was ignited before was instantly extinguished when seeing the power of Jingliuli World.

This kind of hope was extinguished in an instant, and the despair that arose from it, the Demon King Peng had experienced countless times.

He's already, a little numb.

At this moment, Demon King Peng looked at the gate, his consciousness was very clear, but he was so awake that he wished to be numb.

Because he also knew that he was leading his brothers step by step into the endless abyss.

Demon King Peng sighed helplessly in his heart, just like the pain he experienced when his clansman was arrested before,

"I'm sorry... But, this is really not something we can resist. The power of the Jingliuli world is irresistible."

"I can't, the prison god can't, no one can..."

"After all, we are the dust under the vast stars, and we will never try to shake the mountain of Xitian. We can do nothing, dig up his dust and bury ourselves."

The Peng Demon King has come to the gate of the world and has taken the last step.

Without any accidents, under the cold eyes of the gatekeepers, the Roc Demon King stepped into the gate of the world.

Hujiao and Changyou's grief at this moment is just like a dike bursting, unstoppable.

From now on, he will become a dog in the Jingliuli world!

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