The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1000 The previous temples are all worshiped by us

After all, Tang Sanzang has experienced strong winds and waves, and he has also developed good eyesight, just like the art of hopefulness.

When Tang Sanzang stepped into the Baoxiang Kingdom, the sky was clear and clear, and what Tang Sanzang saw in his eyes was a terrifying aura like dark clouds overwhelming the city.

The sky of the entire Baoxiang Kingdom seems to be covered by dark clouds, it's not too scary!

Tang Sanzang looked at it for a while, then put away this method of watching Qi.

Tang Sanzang sighed,

"It's obviously a place that respects heaven and Buddha, how could there be such strong resentment? It's unreasonable."

Zhu Bajie said helplessly:

"Master, what are you talking about? There are temples all over the street here, and it looks like it should be a good place to eat fast and chant Buddha."

"What do you mean by soaring resentment? Master, are you in a daze?"

Tang Sanzang stood in the middle of the street, looking towards the end of the long street, with an indescribably serious look in his eyes, he clasped his hands together and said:

"Disciples, follow me and go to the biggest temple here to pay homage."

"After leaving the Tang Dynasty as a teacher, I made a vow to burn incense in temples, worship Buddha when I saw Buddha, and sweep towers when I met pagodas."

Zhu Bajie showed an awkward smile on his face,

"What Master said is that we monks have always respected Buddha in this way,"

"No, what kind of Guanyin Temple, what kind of Zen Master Wuchao's lair, what kind of Poyue Cave... We worshiped them all."

Sha Wujing sighed,

"Second Senior Brother, don't talk about it anymore, Master and other old people don't want it, and they are all forced."

Zhu Bajie twitched the corners of his mouth, "Good junior brother, this is too sincere..."

Seeing that Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing were about to quarrel again, Tang Sanzang said helplessly:

"Stop talking nonsense, find a temple, burn incense and worship Buddha!"

A trace of scarlet flashed in Sha Wujing's eyes,

"Master, please! I have already seen it, the largest temple in this country!"

Sha Wujing has been paying attention to it for a long time. This time, he also wants to offer his incense to the Buddhas!

Tang Sanzang, his master and his apprentice, swaggered and headed straight for the splendid and golden temple at the end of the street.

Along the way, when the people on the road saw Tang Sanzang and the others, they all backed away in fright, fearing that they would not be able to avoid them!

However, at this time Tang Sanzang ignored the people around him, just clasped his hands together, and walked toward the end of the road very piously.

The passers-by were already screaming in terror,

"Come on, monsters have come in, and they are heading towards the Guangming Temple!"

"Where did they come from, and why are they so terrifying, especially the bald thug pretending to be a monk at first glance, would he eat children?"

"Huh, what does Guangming Temple have to do with us! Grandma is a bear, I didn't go to burn incense in the animal temple yesterday, and he burned my house down!"

"They are already crazy. Last night even my father was taken to the Buddha and kowtowed a thousand times! My poor father has died in front of the Buddha now!"

"No matter how terrifying the monsters are, they are no match for the terror of the Guangming Temple. The monsters are at least aware of the fact that the beasts in the Guangming Temple all say that they respect the Buddha's will, but they do such stupid things that are criminals!"

"Go, go, go and have a look. I want to see when this Guangming Temple will collapse! As long as those animals|lives can die, I am willing to die with them!"

Although the passers-by were terrified of the monster-like master and apprentice, their hatred for Guangming Temple was far greater than this fear.

Even if they saw such a terrifying monster, they were still willing to go to see the tragedy of Guangming Temple.

As Tang Sanzang, master and apprentice walked, they heard more and more words from passers-by, and the three of them frowned.

Zhu Bajie scratched his head and said:

"Master, it seems that this Guangming Temple is also a good place to eat people without spit out bones."

Tang Sanzang said in a low voice: "Don't say anything wrong, have you forgotten our Dharma? Don't startle the snake."

Zhu Bajie looked puzzled, "What Buddhism?"

Sha Wujing quietly poked Zhu Bajie's waist, and said in a low voice:

"Have you forgotten? Saving thousands of ants is not as good as killing a wicked person, and I will eliminate all evil and do everything, so don't kill them all!"

"Second Senior Brother, Master is reminding us to play by ear and catch big fish!"

Zhu Bajie twitched the corners of his mouth, black lines all over his head, "Can't we just say openly and honestly that we're going to go to the bloodbath? Sigh, it's really good for them to be so low-key."

Sha Wujing: "Don't worry, second senior brother, they won't get well. We have to keep a low profile."

Tang Sanzang coughed twice,

"Here we come, disciples, knock on the door."

While the three masters and apprentices were talking, they had already arrived in front of the Guangming Temple,

This so-called Buddhist monastery does not have the atmosphere of a Buddhist monastery at all. On the contrary, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a palace!

The whole Zen courtyard is gilded everywhere. On the ground, occasionally some exquisite colored glaze can be seen as decorations, which is a luxury!

In the Zen courtyard, there is also a three-story tower for burning gold paper. The tower is also gilded. There is a strong flame in the tower, as if the incense is very strong.

Zhu Bajie couldn't help shaking his head when he saw the appearance of this monastery.

"The so-called chanting scriptures and chanting Buddha are rich and powerful, and there are no dead bodies for saving suffering and dying. These monks burn incense and worship Buddha inside. How can they be so rich?"

"Is this a kind of merit?"

Zhu Bajie shook his head, his mentality was relatively peaceful, and he would not be cynical or easily angry,

But Zhu Bajie with such a heart, after seeing this luxurious and luxurious Guangming Temple, he also complained for the world.

They walked all the way just now, those common people were all covered in coarse linen clothes, and from time to time they could see mortals with scars all over their bodies and faces of suffering,

Zhu Bajie only felt that there seemed to be a little problem in Baoxiang Kingdom,

How brilliant the temple is, how poor the people are?

Zhu Bajie shook his head, then reached out to knock on the door,

"Hey, open the door, let's offer incense to you all!"

Zhu Bajie knocked on the door politely,

However, there was no response from inside the huge three-meter-high iron gate of Guangming Temple, and some whispers could be heard vaguely.

"Quick! Bring something over here to resist, and we must not let the three-headed monsters come in!"

"Don't be afraid, the abbot has already gone to pray to the Buddha, and soon there will be a general of Yaocha to subdue the demon, hold on!"

"Are the monsters coming to attack our monastery?"

"How dare they! What our monastery enshrines is the Medicine Buddha of the Buddhas of the Three Times, the Supreme World Honored One. These monsters will never dare to come in!"

"Sure enough, as the Buddha said a while ago, the world is in chaos now, and there are many monsters, and these monsters are about to start making trouble!"

Tang Sanzang, master and apprentice, could hear the commotion inside.

Tang Sanzang showed a helpless expression on his face,

"Preventing me from burning incense and worshiping Buddha, these people have violated the precepts."

Zhu Bajie: "Understood!"

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