The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 999 Baoxiang Country, Your Grandpa Tang Sanbu is Here!

Chu Hao opened the system interface and looked, and couldn't help frowning. Why are there only [-] items now?

Alas, magic weapon is really hard to earn, when will we be able to gather the second Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation?

It is really difficult to earn a magic weapon, it is as difficult as going up to the blue sky!

After looking at the data again, Chu Hao barely felt a little comforted.

【Chu Hao

[Realm: Quasi-sage second turn (30 merits from third turn)

[Cultivation method: Nine-turn Pangu Zhenshen Jue (True·Second turn)

【magic weapon:……

Standard Houtian Lingbao: [-] pieces

[Sorcerer's supernatural power: ...

Let’s make it happen, when he was promoted to the second rank before, what Chu Hao needed was a full 300 million merits to reach the third rank.

And after being promoted to the second round, Chu Hao has been busy for more than half a month, finally, he has worked tirelessly to save up until now,

Only need another 30 merits, and Chu Hao will be able to enter the third round.

It's not easy, it's really not easy. During this period, Chu Hao experienced many life and death, many catastrophes, and Chu Hao escaped from the gate of hell countless times...

Well, it seems that there are none.

But no matter what, it mainly shows that Chu Hao's cultivation is not easy, and it is so difficult that he is finally going to reach the rank of the third rank.

Cultivation turned out to be so difficult, if it wasn't for Chu Hao's great perseverance, someone else would have given up already.

Chu Hao left the cave of the Demon League, and also put away the sky-shielding talisman.

When he left, Chu Hao actually didn't have much hope for the Demon League.

It is not a matter of a day or two to bring down Xitian. Although Chu Hao really wanted to seize this opportunity to bite off a piece of meat, he also knew that the world was unpredictable.

Therefore, Chu Hao has always made various preparations.

Bringing down Xitian, this is a main task, Chu Hao naturally knew that it would not be a simple matter,

Xitian's sphere of influence is immeasurable.

The pure glass world is only one of the big worlds, the Buddhas of the three generations, the three big worlds,

Jingliuli World is just one of them, and it is still a downstream world. Although it is downstream, there are still twelve Yaksha generals in it,

There are also many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, as well as the Seven Buddhas Tathagata, who are extremely powerful, much stronger than the current Law Enforcement Hall.

This time they want to subdue the Demon League, they want to use the Demon League as a stepping stone, and then Xitian can do it grandly,

Let the Demon League serve as a model for the demon races in the world, and use the Demon League to force the demon races in the world to join Xitian.

Chu Hao's main task is very clear, removing Xitian from the Three Realms and Six Paths is as simple as that, but there is a long way to go.

This time Xitian wanted to recruit the Yaozu, so Chu Hao naturally wanted to stand up and win his love!

Not only to win love, but also to win all love even more.

Chu Hao and Xitian have already reached the point of death and death, if you don't do something to Xitian while Xitian is busy now, how sorry is Chu Hao?

Chu Hao planned to take a break and end his day's work after finishing the psychological counseling for the boys from the Demon League.

However, at this time,

[Brave boy, go and create a miracle!

[Task: Go to the world, check in at Baoxiang Kingdom, and meet Tang Sanzang.

[Reward: Ten ginseng fruits, ten standard Houtian Lingbao

Chu Hao sighed, please forgive me, do you know how hard I have worked today?

What I said for a full 3 minutes just now was full of dangers and hard work. I have already worked so hard, and you still want me to work non-stop?

However, Chu Hao is a person who loves work very much. He works for at least half an hour every day, and even goes crazy for an hour!

Chu Hao encouraged himself, his face was full of determination, let's forcefully go to Baoxiang Country to have a look.


But on Tang Sanzang's side, starting from the wave moon cave, he walked 290 miles without realizing it in a short period of time.

Looking up sharply, I saw a beautiful city with misty clouds and long roads.Although the land is thousands of miles away, the scenery is generally rare.The auspicious mist is shrouded in auspicious smoke, and the breeze and bright moon are swaggering.

This is Baoxiang Kingdom.

Tang Sanzang raised his eyebrows,

"Disciples, go in with your teacher. In addition, everyone restrain your face, don't scare others, and pay attention to politeness."

Zhu Bajie raised his head, glanced at Tang Sanzang, who was about ten feet tall and muscular like a rock, and said with a stiff smile:

"Listening to your words is like listening to your words."

"Master, why don't you leave it here? Do you think that you might be such a scary person?"

Tang Sanzang put his palms together and said:

"A person can't be judged by his appearance. The poor monk used to be very handsome."

"Let's go in first. The smell of incense is very strong here. It is also a good place to pay homage to the Buddha, Amitabha."

"The poor monk has finally seen a normal place, and I hope that Baoxiang Kingdom will be a proper place to worship Buddha."

Tang Sanzang recalled the places he had seen before, such as the Guanyin Temple, the Poyue Cave, what the hell were they all.

It's all right now, I finally saw a normal country, I should go in to meet my colleagues, burn incense and worship Buddha.

Of course, whether to burn incense and worship Buddha or burn Buddha in the end is another matter.

Both Zhu Bajie and Killing Monk could feel Tang Sanzang's eagerness to burn Buddha, and shook their heads involuntarily.

"Master... well, forget it."

There was a little restlessness in Sha Wujing's eyes, "Second senior brother, please stop saying a few words, I can't wait to kill you all."

Tang Sanzang, master and apprentice, walked into Baoxiang's country swaggeringly.

As for why it is swaggering,

Tang Sanzang is ten feet tall, with muscles as hard as a rock, and his feet are in pits, sweating like rain;

Zhu Bajie is about two meters tall, with a long mouth and fangs, bristle mane and ears, a thick body and a big belly, and windy walking;

Sha Wujing is two feet long, his arms are three feet wide, his face is like a blue indigo, his mouth is like a basin of blood, his eyes are shining, and his teeth are lined with nails.

It wasn't until Tang Sanzang and his disciples entered that the two guards at the door recovered from pretending to be dead, but they breathed a sigh of relief.

Soldier A: "Why didn't you stop it?"

Soldier B: "Come on, why don't you block one?"

Soldier A: "Hehe, try it and die, I don't!"

Soldier B: "Anyway, there are already so many ghosts and snakes in China, and these few are not bad."

Soldier A: "Beautiful my baby, you are treason!"

Soldier B: "The Buddha is no longer a Buddha, and the monks are all bandits! In the temple, there are monsters, monsters, and monsters! There will be no people, no country. How can there be treason?"

Soldier A: "Forcing Gera to be so tall? It's crazy."

However, as soon as Tang Sanzang, his master and his disciples entered the city, Tang Sanzang built a pergola and looked towards Baoxiang’s country.

But I saw that in Baoxiang Kingdom, there are ten steps to a temple, and many temples look like newly built, brand new and bright,

And in every temple, the incense is strong,

Tang Sanzang was thoughtful, raised the corners of his mouth ferociously, "Baoxiang Kingdom, your grandpa Tang Sanzang is here!"

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