The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1001 Tang Sanzang: I am here to defeat the Buddha, really.

Zhu Bajie didn't say a word, he flew up and kicked the big iron gate which was three meters high!

The huge iron door, which was three meters high and weighed an unknown number of tons, was smashed under Zhu Bajie's foot, including the door frame!

The entire big iron gate instantly turned into a series of extremely sharp fragments, shooting towards the inside of the gate!

The big broken iron gate was originally an important existence to protect the Guangming Temple, but at this moment, the fragments of ten thousand dao have become a life-threatening knife!


At that moment, the whole world was in a sensation!

Every sharp blade shot in and landed on the ground caused waves of vibrations!

However, Zhu Bajie did not start killing, and the broken iron gate fragments were deliberately controlled by Zhu Bajie.

It was just nailing the guards of the Chanyuan to the ground so that they could not move, but it didn't hurt their lives. Now is not the time to hammer them to death.

the door broke open,

The entire Guangming Temple boiled with horror.

Numerous monks and guards rushed out one after another, armed with knives, guns and sticks, axes and hooks, and stared nervously at Tang Sanzang, master and apprentice.

One of the monk leaders said in horror:

"Monster, what are you doing in our Guangming Temple!"

Tang Sanzang glanced at the monks and soldiers indifferently, but he didn't pay attention to them at all.

Tang Sanzang and his disciple walked in slowly, looked left and right, their faces were full of coldness, and they shouted coldly:

"Come here! The poor monk wants to offer incense!"

Everyone in Guangming Temple was dumbfounded.

What about trouble?

Blow down my door, just for a stick of incense?

But looking at the bald thug with a height of one foot in front of him, and the monk with two feet and pig demon next to him, the monks and soldiers naturally decided to shut up.

"Go and call the abbot!"

"I don't believe that a few little monsters here dare to act wild in our Guangming Temple!"

"The abbot is here, the abbot is here!"

At this moment, an old monk with a fat head and a big belly in a luxurious cassock walked over slowly,

"Where is the evildoer, dare to act presumptuously in Guangming Temple!"

"Here is the place where the radiance of the Medicine Buddha Buddha shines everywhere, and there are twelve gods of medicine forks to protect and protect you. You and other demons, retreat here, and forget the past!"

The abbot walked over surrounded by the crowd, his face was full of arrogance and strength.

Zhu Bajie sneered,

"Seeing this abbot, I have seen the same kind."

As soon as Zhu Bajie said this, the faces of all the monks and soldiers were full of anger,

The face of the abbot who was as fat as a pig was even more ugly.

Tang Sanzang glanced at Zhu Bajie, "Bajie, don't be rude!"

Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing kept silent, just silently waiting for the time to offer incense to those present.

Tang Sanzang glanced at the extremely powerful abbot, and said lightly:

"Old abbot, this poor monk is being polite."

"I was originally a monk in the Tang Dynasty. I was ordered by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to go to the west to seek scriptures and verses. I passed by your courtyard and came here to burn incense and worship Buddha. I also asked the old abbot for guidance."

The faces of all the people present at Guangming Temple were full of strange expressions.

This bald thug is actually a monk? !

And he came from Datang?

No wonder, I have heard of the great land of the Tang Dynasty, which is full of outstanding people. I never thought that a monk could grow so tall and strong.

Good guy, is this the demeanor of a strong country?

Everyone in Guangming Temple looked at the abbot one after another.

The old abbot was not worried at all, his face was full of arrogance,

"Want to worship Buddha? Yes, but you must abide by the regulations of my Guangming Temple!"

"Don't think that you can run wild here because you are monsters. The God of Yaksha has come here. If you act recklessly, you will be decapitated!"

Everyone present at Guangming Temple couldn't help getting excited when they heard what the old abbot said.

No wonder the old abbot was able to face these three monsters so calmly. It turned out that he had already successfully invited the Buddha!

This time, everyone in Guangming Temple also breathed a sigh of relief, and returned to their usual unruly and arrogant look.

They understand very well what it means for God to come here.

The Guangming Temple used to collect the merits of vows here before, and there are monks and soldiers trained in the temple, which cannot be attacked by mortals.

Recently, the Guangming Temple has embraced Buddhism again, allowing them to forcibly convert ordinary people, order ordinary people to come and pay merit money, burn high incense,

Guangming Chanyuan received this Buddha's decree, and it was even more unscrupulous, arresting people and plundering the four directions,

Even the nearby monsters couldn't stand it anymore, and ran directly to attack Guangming Temple, but it was this hand that the gods would descend, making Guangming Temple invincible.

It is impossible for mortal monsters to defeat the regular army of the Liuliguang World, so the Guangming Temple can do whatever it wants.

Not even the king can control them.

The old abbot has the protection of the gods and generals, so he dares to be so confident.

Seeing that the old abbot was so confident, Tang Sanzang probably knew what was going on with the so-called asking Buddha to protect the courtyard.

Tang Sanzang looked back at Zhu Bajie, Zhu Bajie nodded slightly,

Sha Wujing also nodded.

The tacit understanding between the master and apprentice is self-evident.

The corner of Tang Sanzang's mouth raised a sinister smile, which disappeared in an instant. Looking at the old abbot, he said:

"Then please ask the old abbot to take us to worship Buddha and burn incense."

However, the old abbot showed a sneer and pointed to the merit box in the distance.

"No hurry, I want to worship Buddha, first go to the merit box to donate money..."

Tang Sanzang, his master and his disciples looked over, but they froze in place.

What the old abbot was referring to was a huge pond, which was already filled with many gold and silver treasures, which was extremely dazzling!

Zhu Bajie twitched the corners of his mouth,

"What kind of merit box is this? Isn't this a merit pool? I'm familiar with this!"

Sha Wujing didn't speak, but was already exercising his muscles.

Tang Sanzang remained indifferent, clasped his hands together and said:

"Donating merit money has always been voluntary. I didn't expect Guangming Temple to be so popular and able to gather so many treasures. It shows the effectiveness of Guangming Temple."

"However, the poor monk didn't bring much money today, so I won't donate it today, please trouble the old abbot to take me to worship Buddha."

However, the old abbot waved his hand, and all the monks and soldiers unsheathed their swords and pointed at Tang Sanzang, full of murderous intent!

The old abbot's face was full of arrogance,

"Oh, the rule of my Guangming Temple is that everyone must voluntarily hand over all their belongings! No resistance!"

"You monk, the tin rod and cassock on your body seem to be worth some money, so donate all your belongings!"

Tang Sanzang raised his eyebrows slightly, his face full of doubts,

"What kind of rule is this? Isn't this robbery? The poor monk is just here to worship Buddha."

Zhu Bajie also sneered and shook his head,

"My old pig has burned incense and worshiped Buddha for many years, and I have never seen such a rascal rule."

"Is this Buddhist monastery of yours enshrining bandits?"

The atmosphere on the field instantly became tense, and swords were on the verge of breaking out!

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