Hanshan City is not empty, and the knife will not be accepted!

Everyone in the big tent chewed on this sentence silently, and the hearts of Fulong, Lu Fan and others who had been following Jiang Yi were even more awe-inspiring.

This was the first time they felt such a strong killing intent from their prince.

As for the eldest aunt Jiang Ning, she raised her head and silently looked at Jiang Yi who was standing beside her, wanting to ask something, but in the end nothing was wrong, she just clenched her hands tightly.

"In this battle, sister will replace me as the central army!"

Jiang Yi paused as soon as he said these words, and glanced at dozens of generals, as if he was waiting for something.

But the entire big tent was still silent, even the eldest aunt Jiang Ning didn't say anything, she just got up slowly and stood beside Jiang Yi half a step forward.

Seeing that no one raised any objections, Jiang Yi nodded. His voice was not as cold and murderous as before, but instead had a warmth that he had never experienced before.

"Sister is my dearest relative in this world..." While speaking, Jiang Yi stretched out his hand to hold Sister.

"Now, my king entrusts my sister to you, and I hope that when I return, you can return my sister to me completely..."

"Of course, there are also you. I hope that when we meet again, all of you can stand in front of me."

After saying this, Jiang Yi raised his hand and waved, stopping the few people in the big tent who wanted to speak out, turned his head to look at Auntie Jiang Ning, and stretched out his hand to comb the hair on the other party's forehead behind his ears , and helped to re-tie the cloak.

Jiang Ning didn't move, just quietly looked at the younger brother in front of her.

Then Jiang Yi flipped his palm, and an armband-shaped token appeared in his hand, saying: "Now this king has ordered this sun and moon to be kept by sister."

"From now on, my elder sister will hold the sun and the moon and give orders to hold the Dali King Banner for this king, and rule the western border! Anyone who refuses to obey the order will be executed!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yi didn't say anything anymore, and stepped out of the big tent. All the generals stood there without looking sideways, not daring to make any unnecessary movements. Only the eldest aunt, Jiang Ning, kept watching He walked out of the big tent and walked towards the sleeping tent.

"See Big Auntie!"

In the big tent, only one of the two grand master chairs that were placed at the top was left at this time. Jiang Ning took a deep breath, pulled the cloak and slowly sat on the only grand master chair. Four servant girls in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Looking at the dozens of generals who paid homage on one knee, Jiang Ning looked coldly and swept across the entire king's tent: "I hope you will be one with me, don't let me down!"

"Hey!" In the big tent, a promise was made loudly.

Not far from the king's tent, two figures stood there.

"What happened?" Jiang Huan, king of Guojun, frowned, first looked at Jiang Yi's sleeping account, and then at the king's account in the middle.

"I don't know..." Mo Ruhai shook his head.

Although the two were not allowed to participate in the military discussion this time, they were not restricted in their freedom. Apart from not being within ten feet of the king's tent, they were free to move around in the military camp.

However, the two of them were very self-conscious, and only moved around the tent where they lived, not far from the king's tent.

The two of them could hear the worshiping sound of "seeing the eldest aunt" just now very clearly, especially after seeing Prince Yi Jiang Yi coming in and out of the king's tent, they were puzzled.

"That girl Ning'er took over the military power?" Guojun Wang Jiang Huan muttered as if talking to himself.

"It seems to be..." Mo Ruhai was a little distracted.

When the two were in a trance, there were people in the king's tent ten feet away, and then a figure came out of the king's tent first. This person was graceful, dressed in a snow-white war robe, wearing a red cloak, and looked heroic. It was the eldest aunt Jiang. condensate.

Behind him, followed closely by two big and four young, all dressed in hard attire and soft armor, full of grace and grace, but without losing their heroic appearance.

After several female generals walked out of the king's tent, dozens of powerful generals from Yiwang's family also followed out of the tent.

It wasn't until this time that Jiang Huan, King of Guojun, and Mo Ruhai discovered that there was actually a female soldier hidden in the army of nearly one million.

There were not many of them, only more than [-] people, and no one had a long sword on his waist. They were all female soldiers, and their aura was not weaker than the male soldiers around them, and they were even stronger.

"This is... Mrs. Mi Xiangmi's Three Thousand Swordsman?" Mo Ruhai was a little suspicious.

"That's right, it's the Mi family's Three Thousand Swordsman..." Guojun King Jiang Huan affirmed.

After the three thousand sword attendants approached, they quickly entered the role of pro-military, replacing the pro-military battalion and guarding the eldest aunt Jiang Ning tightly in the center.

The person headed by the Three Thousand Sword Attendants is none other than Mi Xiang, the former concubine of Shang Wang.

Almost at the same time, a cavalry of tens of thousands of people also began to move and change defenses, and appeared directly in front of the three thousand sword servants and the pro-barracks. They were tall and powerful, like an indestructible wall of copper and iron.

This cavalry was the Zhenghuang Banner of Kerhan's Eight Banners, and Aunt Jiang Ning personally gave Su Mo'er the right to control the army on the spot.

Although Kerhan Zhenghuangqi was included in the direct subordinate order of Prince Yi Jiang Yi early on, but for some reason, it has been hidden in the snow and has never officially rushed to the battlefield. This is the first time they have appeared on the battlefield.

"It seems that girl Ning'er is really in charge of the military!"

Guojun King Jiang Huan sighed, if the appearance of Sanqian Sword Attendant and Kerhan Zhenghuang Banner did not explain the problem, then the Dali Wang Banner closely following Jiang Ning's figure is the best proof.

"Big Auntie Jiang Ning's martial arts cultivation is limited, if she commands an army of one million..." Mo Ruhai said with some hesitation.

"Hey, as a commander, the level of cultivation doesn't mean anything, especially in this army of millions." Jiang Huan glanced at Mo Ruhai.

"If it really comes to the point of letting her fight in person, then Prince Yi's Mansion will not be far from being defeated..."

Mo Ruhai seemed to have realized something: "So the main role of the eldest aunt is to serve as the commander of the central army for Prince Yi, suppressing all armies."

Guojun King Jiang Huan nodded. There are many serial numbers in Prince Yi's Mansion. Although there is no faction dispute among them, there are too many mountains after all, and it is easy for everyone to disobey the phenomenon. This requires a detached identity People from all over the world came out to suppress all kinds of troops and horses.

In the whole family of Prince Yi's mansion, only this eldest aunt has the most detached status, and besides Prince Yi, the most distinguished person.

Otherwise, she would not be in charge of the inner courtyard of Prince Yi's mansion as a sister-in-law.

"My lord, Eldest Aunt, please move to the middle army."

Just when Guojun Wang and the two were sighing inwardly, Xiangling came over.

Guojun Wang Jianghuan did not refuse, and took Mo Ruhai to the Chinese army where Dali Wangqi was.

At this time, Jiang Ning was looking at Hanshan City with the commanders of the various armies under his command. At the same time, he was condescending to inspect the entire camp. Seeing Guojun King coming, Jiang Ning said with a smile:

"Uncle Huang, it's Ning'er's first time in charge of the army. There are many things that I don't understand. When encountering difficulties, Uncle Huang can't stand by and watch."

Guojun Wang waved his hand: "It's no good, I'm old and confused, it's useless."

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