I really became a prince

Chapter 451 The Coming Massacre

However, Jiang Ning did not agree with this, and temporarily left the generals behind her behind, turned around and said: "It was not only the name of the emperor's uncle who was brave and brave, but the emperor's uncle was both wise and brave."

"Haha, don't mention it, don't mention it. If you really need the emperor's uncle at that time, the emperor's uncle will be handsome and armored and charge for you."

"Then Ning'er is just waiting for the emperor's uncle to kill all directions."

That is, when the two were chatting and laughing, Mo Ruhai secretly cried out in his heart.

I didn't feel it before, but now as soon as I get close to Dali Wangqi, I feel that I have been locked by several qi mechanisms, and if I act rashly, I will be surrounded and killed immediately.

Especially the two figures standing silently behind Jiang Ning gave him a feeling that Mount Tai was overwhelmed. The cultivation base of these two people was definitely not weaker than him.

"It seems that he has been under surveillance..." Mo Ruhai smiled wryly to himself, knowing that he, as the shadow of Emperor Dali's confidant, had irreconcilable conflicts with Prince Yi's residence, so it was not surprising that he was under the spotlight.

King Guo also felt this way, but he didn't get as much attention as Mo Ruhai.

Of those two figures standing not far behind Jiang Ning like shadows, one was Fulong, whom he recognized.As for the other, this is the first time we have met face to face, but we have heard about it a long time ago. He is one of the four ancestors of Wen Zong.

King Guo slammed his mouth secretly, the fourth patriarch of Wen Zong, if everyone has such a high level of cultivation, plus Fulong and his old friends, the family of Prince Yi's family is not at all top-notch in terms of combat power. Weaker than any major power.

Not to mention the millions of troops under his command.

The two looked at each other silently, with doubts in their eyes but also a sense of understanding: this battle is not trivial, it is definitely not an ordinary siege battle, otherwise there would never be so many troops gathered, and there are many martial arts peaks. By.

But the two were very knowledgeable and didn't ask anything, let alone mention Prince Yi.

I don't know that the two of them, all the generals in Prince Yi's family, have not mentioned this issue since the moment their aunt Jiang Ning took over the banner of King Dali, as if subconsciously forgetting Prince Yi temporarily.

But everyone understands that Prince Yi didn't really disappear, he was also in the army of millions, that is, in the sleeping tent.

At this time, Jiang Yi was really in that sleeping tent, and for this reason, the surrounding area of ​​this humble sleeping tent became a forbidden area in the camp of King Yi's Mansion.

It's not true that Jiang Yi has no protective measures. Centering on this dormitory, he expanded the scope of a small courtyard outwards and set up a tall formation.

It was the big formation that Ye Xiangtian and Mrs. Ye had set up in the Xiaokua courtyard of Dongmoyu Pass. After Ye Xiangtian died, it naturally became Jiang Yi's trophy.

Now it has been safely controlled by him, but anyone with a trace of cultivation, whether it is martial arts or immortality, will immediately trigger the grand formation, no matter how high the cultivation is, they can only become lambs waiting to be slaughtered in this superb formation.

Jiang Yi used the lotus soul fire to refine all the formation materials, and at the same time, the golden villain also re-deduced the lawless formation, and the power of the entire formation was greatly increased.

Moreover, the control can be changed at will according to the master's will, which can kill or trap the enemy.Jiang Yi named this formation.

The only pity is that the layout of this large formation is complicated, and it can only stick to one area. If you want to move the place, you have to change the place and rearrange it.

It can't be like the formation refining technique of sects outside the world, which can meet the enemy by throwing the formation plate casually.

At the same time, the breath of silence leaked out, although most practitioners could be hidden from it, but in the eyes of an extremely strong man like Fulong, the dangerous breath could be easily detected.

But for the time being, it is enough, at least it can protect this sleeping account.

"The formation... the technique of refining..."

A simple book appeared in Jiang Yi's hand, which was obtained from Jiang Zhongbao back then. It can refine all things and form a fist-sized array.

The array plate can be hidden on the body and carried with you at ordinary times, and can be thrown out when needed.

The magic circles of secular martial arts are arranged in advance at specific locations using various array materials. This process takes time, and the more powerful the magic circles, the longer it takes to set them up, and the more precious materials are needed, and they are basically used once. The array material is wasted.

In addition, some magic circles require the owner to consume cultivation bases to maintain their operation, and the more powerful the magic circles, the more cultivation bases will be consumed.

The array refining technique of the World Outer Sect is different. Various materials can be refined into a fist-sized array in advance.

Carry it with you when not in use, and just throw it out when you need to fight the enemy.And without consuming one's own cultivation, the formation disk automatically plunders the aura of heaven and earth for its own use.

The same formation plate can be used repeatedly, and the number of times is related to the level of the formation training technique of the formation training master. The higher the technique, the more times it is used, and of course the higher the degree of compatibility with the master.

It is equivalent to having an extra helper out of thin air, basically without distraction to control it.

The Formation Alchemy Technique of the Outer World Sect is very powerful, and at the end of practice, it can even directly refine mountains, rivers and rivers into formation plates, and its power is terrifying.

It is also because the formation technique is too powerful, and there are very few formation masters in the entire sect outside the world. Even if they get the formation inheritance, they cannot practice without high talent.

"It's a pity that it is the method of the sect outside the world..."

Jiang Yi looked at the sword in his hand and sighed, as a warrior, he couldn't practice at all.

As for Jiang Zhongbao's modified version of the alchemy technique, Jiang Yi is not rare at all.

In the past few years, he has been studying this book in his spare time, but unfortunately because of his martial arts practice, he couldn't practice it at all.

But it's not completely fruitless, the surrounding buildings have borrowed a little bit, and it's better than nothing.

"I don't know when the Manghuang Continent will be able to practice both immortality and martial arts like the Outer World..."

Jiang Yi thought of the wilderness races he had seen in the Yinshan Realm, no matter how high or low they were, all of them were both celestial and martial artists.

He has an intuition that this grade is definitely not low.

Because the array refining technique inside is so complex and so profound that it is unimaginable, it's just that Li Laodao who got it at the beginning had limited talent, and he only practiced superficially.

After calming down, Jiang Yi put it away.

Then he turned his palm, and a square seal appeared in his hand, it was the Luofu Cave Sky Seal that had been refined for an unknown amount of time.

It's just that Luofudong Tianyin looks a bit dilapidated at this time, and the whole body is full of dense cracks, and it feels like it's about to break.

Looking at the dilapidated Fang Yin in his hand, Jiang Yi didn't have the slightest worry.Because he knew that this was Luofu Cave Sky Seal reborn from the cocoon.

Once the transformation is completed, it will break out of the cocoon and be reborn, and at the same time it will start a massacre.

Jiang Yi was very fortunate to have visited Yinshan Mountain. After a secret talk with Zhu Wuyan on the top of Yinshan Mountain, he learned the big secret about Luofu Cave.

When Jiang Yi took out the Luofu Cave Heaven Seal, Zhu Wuyan, who had been tempting him with all kinds of body and words, immediately changed his face and blurted out a sentence:

"You enemy, how could you be involved in this massacre!"

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