This is a big battle that concerns the life and death of Yi Wang's family, so the entire king's tent is full of confidantes.

As for Guojun Wang Jianghuan and Mo Ruhai who participated in the pre-war military discussion a few days ago, they did not appear in the king's tent at this time, they were outsiders after all.

Jiang Yi stood up slowly, inspecting the first few dozen warriors and said: "In my original plan, this battle is a battle that is sure to win, and it will be easy to win Hanshan City..."

Then he walked slowly to the entrance of the king's tent, the curtain did not fall, and he could directly look at the Hanshan City not far away, shook his head with a wry smile, and continued:

"But I never imagined that this battle would become a battle of the life and death of my Prince Yi's family..."

Hearing this, the breathing of all the generals in the king's tent became a lot heavier, and even Jiang Ning, who was sitting there, clenched her fists.

Jiang Yi sighed secretly. After realizing the possible hidden conspiracy in this big battle, his first thought was to withdraw the troops.

Withdrew the nearly one million troops to the western frontier, relying on the solidity of the three passes, resisting dog food in Hanshan City in the north, and at the same time passing through the vast grasslands on the east bank of the Luelena River, south of Niangziguan, and north of Shiwanda Mountain.

Accumulate food widely and become king slowly!

It only takes ten years for Prince Yi's mansion to have strong soldiers and horses. At that time, let alone Hanshan City, Jiang Yi is confident that he can directly push Bingfeng to the extremely cold place north of Hanshan Pass, deterring the fertile hinterland of the Dog Food Dynasty.

At the same time, the herding horses will also be sent to the west bank of the Lena River, and the soldiers will approach the Hundred Thousand Mountains south of Niangziguan!

It's a pity that Jiang Yi can't stay out of it...

After getting the information that Hanshan City was where Luofu Cave Heaven was located, Jiang Yi didn't think much about it, even if he knew the method of opening the blood sacrifice, he didn't take it too seriously.

It's only a few hundred thousand, and the strength of the Inushi Dynasty alone near Hanshan City can make up enough.

I'm afraid this is also the plan of the Dog Food Dynasty. They want to sacrifice all the nearly one million troops in Yi Wang's Mansion with blood. Jiang Yi noticed it, and also realized that the Dog Food Dynasty must have a mysterious method that he didn't know about besieging and killing Yi under the Hanshan City The royal army.

Thinking of the mighty force of void traverse brought by the mysterious millstone that disappeared, Jiang Yi didn't dare to be careless, and more importantly, he vaguely remembered a memory fragment from his previous life.

But in order not to arouse the suspicion of the Quanshi Dynasty, there was the "camp roar" a few days ago. With this excuse, Jiang Yi decisively withdrew his troops for more than 20 miles.

Regarding the memory of the previous life, Jiang Yi's mind was very vague.

I just vaguely remember that this time period was also in the previous life, and a tragic battle took place in Hanshan City.

Quanshi, Xifan, and even the Baiyue Dynasty in the far south all participated in this great battle.

In that battle, several great dynasties gathered millions of troops to fight fiercely under Hanshan City, and in the end even the Dali Dynasty participated.

He sent hundreds of thousands of troops west to Moyu Pass, formed a coalition with Xifan and Baiyue, and fought against the Dog Food Dynasty in Hanshan City.

Millions of troops died in that battle, and the entire Hanshan City was covered with blood and corpses. It is said that even the city walls were dyed dark red.

The cause of this great war is said to be a treasure that is about to be born, and it is also an unworldly treasure that can change the fate of the dynasty.

That's why it attracted the coveted attention of the three frontier dynasties, and finally even the Dali Dynasty got involved.

When the great war happened in the previous life, Jiang Zhongbao hadn't fully grown up yet, so he didn't pay much attention to the war, and Jiang Yi, who was a stand-in, knew even less.

Combined with the memory fragments of his previous life, Jiang Yi fell into hesitation for a while, and even once planned to withdraw his army to the south and stick to the three passes.He felt that the water in Hanshan City was too deep...

Although Luofu Cave Sky is good, but the terrifying meat grinder of Hanshan City in the previous life, if you are not careful, it will swallow up the nearly one million troops in Prince Yi's Mansion.

But in the end Jiang Yi decided to stay.

Because after the tragic battle in the previous life, the unworldly treasure that was widely rumored by the outside world did not appear, but after this battle, the fortunes of the four major Middle-earth martial arts dynasties fell into a slump, and even the fortunes of the Middle-earth and foreign sects were in danger. has been weakened a lot.

On the contrary, the luck of the foreign sects in the border area has skyrocketed, and several major border dynasties have followed suit.

Jiang Yi guessed that this series of luck changes in the previous life must be related to that fierce battle, and there must be some big secret hidden in it.

In this life, the time and place almost completely coincide with the previous life.

The only difference is that in the previous life it was because of an unworldly treasure, but in this life it involved the Luofu Cave.

This Luofu Cave is definitely not that simple, the first person Jiang Yi thought of was Zhu Wuyan, the Lord of the Yin Mountain!

The other party was born in a foreign race outside the wilderness, and he knew a lot about the blessed land of the cave, and he might know something about the Luofu cave.

So while retreating more than 20 miles with his army, Jiang Yi has already rushed to Yinshan.

In the following five days, Jiang Yi ran around the entire Manghuang Continent. Facts have proved that he made the right move:

After meeting with Zhu Wuyan, the lord of Yinshan Mountain, on the top of Yinshan Mountain, and getting the secret he wanted to know, Jiang Yi broke out in a cold sweat, and at the same time, his figure appeared in various places in Manghuang Continent without stopping...

and "Princess Duan" Mu Xiruo will hunt in northern Xinjiang;

Secret meeting with Princess Yi, Mo Li, at Miaoshengmen;

Drank the Lena River with the Spanish champion Hou Ubuntu;

Meet with Xiqi Dwarf King Zhou Buchang in Xiqi Imperial Capital;

Watching the tide with Shi Yu (the younger sister of Bo Shidang of the late Donglan Dynasty) on the shore of the East China Sea;

Drank the Wujiang River with Duan Shiwei, the fat king of Nanzhao;

At the same time, under the recommendation of his grandfather-in-law, Mo Qiuxian, he had a secret talk with some cultivators from other sects...

Don't ask how Jiang Yi did it in just five days, he did it anyway (make up his own mind).

Staring at Hanshan City in the distance, recalling what he had done in the past five days, Jiang Yi secretly sighed.

He has already done what should be done. As for the final result, it depends on the effect of this combination.

After calming down, Jiang Yi quickly walked back to the top position, turned around and looked at the confidants under his command with a fierce look in his eyes.

Lin Yizhi, Lu Fan, Mao Wenhuan, Gu Lun, Bering and other generals unconsciously held their breath.

"The tragedy of this battle is beyond your imagination!"

"You just need to remember one sentence: don't have any mercy, because this battle will only have two results, either we die or they die!"

As soon as Jiang Yi finished speaking, many generals under his command swallowed subconsciously, and there was a tense atmosphere in the big tent.

"Are you afraid?" Jiang Yi asked with a smile.

Then, without waiting for anyone to answer, he raised his hand and pointed to Hanshan City outside the king's account, and said sharply: "I'm afraid it's useless, it's what I said just now, if you want to survive, let me rush into Hanshan City and kill until there is no one left!" One alive!"

"Hanshan City is not empty, don't accept the knife!"

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