I really became a prince

Chapter 448 1 servant and 4 sword servants

Auntie Jiang Ning's expression of curling her lips slightly caught the eyes of many people, and then she couldn't help but burst into a "puchi" laugh. It was this slight laughter that made the atmosphere in the entire king's tent even more embarrassing.

All the generals didn't know whether to laugh or pretend not to hear.

Fortunately, Jiang Ning also knew that the laughter was inappropriate, so she immediately straightened her face, tilted her head slightly and said, "It's nothing, you can go over."

But it was to Su Morer who had been quietly standing behind him. Su Morer gave a slight salute and then walked towards the side and back edge of the king's tent.

Because of the line of sight, and the fact that all the generals didn't look sideways from the moment they came in, they only felt that there were a few figures there. They thought they were the guards at first, but after Su Mo'er passed by, they realized that this was not the case.

I saw six figures standing there quietly, the first one was Su Mo'er who had just walked past.

Below Su Mo'er is a delicate girl in her early 20s, dressed in a purple soft armor uniform, although her face is tight, but the eyebrows always give people a delicate and naive feeling.

The most eye-catching thing is the rectangular box that the girl is carrying, it is very big, faintly about the height of the girl.

With her back behind her and her exquisite and petite figure, she looked very uncoordinated.

Some people are wondering what this huge long box is, but many people who know the inside story know that this long box is a sword box, and it is not ordinary.

It was the spoils that his prince obtained from the true disciples of Dongxutai at the Longmen Conference back then. It was of a very high grade, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is the treasure of Dongxutai.

Now this sword box appeared on this delicate girl. Although the girl's cultivation was only at the fourth level, she was faintly surrounded by a frightening sword energy.

The remaining four figures are young and handsome, and they should be around thirteen or fourteen years old. Their faces are almost identical, but they are rare quadruplets.

The four little girls are all wearing blue and white strong suits and soft armor, with a small twist hairstyle on the top of their heads. Two strands of long hair hang from behind the ears to the front of the shoulders. They stand there together prettyly. Coupled with their beautiful faces, they are really bright eyes. White teeth, very seductive.

Not only do the four little girls look exactly alike, but they also use exactly the same weapons. They are all a pair of double knives, inserted diagonally behind their backs.

These four are Fu's maidservants in spring, summer, autumn, and winter. A few years later, although they are only eleven or twelve years old, they have grown slowly. Because they are well developed, they look about fourteen or five years old. The appearance is delicate and charming.

The four maidservants in spring, summer, autumn and winter came into the mansion, first served by Princess Yi Mo Li, and after Mo Li left, she was brought by her aunt Jiang Ning.

As for Jiang Yi, he basically had no contact with him except for his usual guidance on martial arts practice.

There is no way, Jiang Ning is on guard against him.

I'm afraid that he will give these four golden flowers to Huo Huo because of his animal nature. After all, in this world, many rich and powerful families like this one.

This made Jiang Yi speechless, feeling aggrieved, no matter how beastly he was, he couldn't do such a thing.

But the eldest aunt Jiang Ning didn't believe it. She usually took four little girls with her wherever she went. Even when she was teaching martial arts, she was watching from a distance, like guarding against thieves.

Jiang Yi really wanted to have a good talk with Sister A, but every time Jiang Ning just smiled and said nothing, and even comforted Jiang Yi to bear with it, and would return it to him when the four little girls were fully opened.

No wonder Jiang Ning said that. After all, these four little girls are too rare. In the eyes of everyone in Prince Yi's mansion, the four of them can only take advantage of their prince in the end.

As for that delicate and naive girl, it is Xiangling. She has grown into a big girl in the past few years, and she is still as naive as before.

Martial arts cultivation has no effect. At the age of 20, he is already in the fourth realm, and he can be regarded as a genius in the Manghuang Continent.

After all, if people with mediocre aptitude want to break through the fourth realm, they have to be 30 years old anyway.

Jiang Yi personally taught the art of Yuxue drawing swordsmanship, and the sword box has been used to the point of perfection, and the only difference is the cultivation level.

The four servant girls in spring, summer, autumn and winter all practice the same sword technique, and their martial arts cultivation is also handed down by Jiang Yi. Although they are only eleven or twelve years old, they have already broken through the fourth realm.

This can no longer be described as a genius. Of course, Jiang Yi's cultivation regardless of capital is also indispensable. In the final analysis, their talents are tyrannical.

Jiang Yi didn't make any fuss about this. In the previous life, these four little girls were brilliant when they followed Jiang Zhongbao.

Jiang Yi felt very lucky to be able to have the four of them in his pocket. Given time, when the four of them had fully grown up, the world was so big that he would rarely need to take action himself.

These four girls alone are enough to run rampant throughout the Manghuang Continent, and Jiang Yi is confident that under his own training, the achievements of these four will be far higher than in his previous life.

The reason why Xiangling and the four maids of spring, summer, autumn and winter came to Hanshan City this time is to let them see blood, after all, the flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand the wind and rain.

Jiang Yi's eyes swept over the six of them, and when they landed on Xiang Ling, the other party pouted delicately, as if he had a bit of a grudge about not being able to become a housewife in the past few years.

As for the quadruplets, after meeting Jiang Yi's eyes, they all lowered their heads slightly, a little shy, because before coming, the eldest aunt laughed and joked: They are all grown up, it's time for you to return to the prince's side... …

Anyone who understands the meaning of this sentence understands it. As for those who don't understand it, they pretend not to understand it.

As for Su Morer, it stands to reason that it is not appropriate to stand with a few girls, after all, he was the leader of the entire Kerhan, but before he completely conquered Kerhan, Jiang Yi didn't want her to be too special, and even needed to be left out for a while .

From Su Morer, Jiang Yi thought of Ning Xiaoqian, the youngest daughter of the old army leader Ning Donglai, who was still staying in Prince Yi's mansion for no reason.

There is also the imperial concubine of the seventeenth prince Jiang Che, who is the other party's nanny, the younger sister of the current empress Ye Xinmei, and also Jiang Che's aunt...

This messy relationship...

Before leaving the imperial capital of Dali, Jiang Yi simply wanted to disgust Jiang Che, so he took the concubine to Xijiang together.

During this period of time, Jiang Yi almost forgot that there was such a person, and now thinking about it, he can't help but feel a little headache.

According to the information he got, sister seems to be very interested in this woman, and she has been placed in the palace for a long time.

I even found a few old mothers to take a look at it, it is definitely easy to give birth to,

Jiang Yi shook his head secretly, suppressed these messy thoughts forcibly, and refocused on the dozens of generals below.

After feeling the handout's gaze, all the generals straightened their bodies subconsciously, because they knew that the main event was coming!

"This will be a fierce battle! An unprecedented fierce battle!"

As soon as Jiang Yi uttered his voice, he defined the tragic degree of this big battle. There is no doubt that it will be a very tragic big battle.

Only to what extent will it be tragic...

Jiang Yi slowly glanced at the entire king's tent. First, there were eight departments in Western Xinjiang. Except for Jiang Zhongshan and Ning Wuze who stayed at Moyu Pass, the other six high-ranking generals were all here.

There are also Mao Wenhuan from the Marching Army Yamen of the Military Mansion, Lu Fan from the Five Elements Banner, Li Yan from the Pioneer Camp, Chi Lie from the Hard Soldiers Camp, Yang Liujiao from the Zhonglie Camp, Kerhan, and the banner owners of the Black Water Eight Banners...

Even the nearly one million troops gathered under Hanshan City...

Jiang Yi doesn't know how much is left after this battle...

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