Five days later, after the army of Prince Yi's Mansion approached the city again, another military meeting was held.

All the generals who received the order were tense in their hearts when they went to the king's tent, and wisps of blood and blood began to accumulate slowly.

They understand that after this military meeting, the Battle of Cold Mountain City will really kick off.

"Yo, Campmaster Yang looks pretty good, it seems that he has had a good rest these few days."

After seeing a figure, Gu Lun, the leader of Kerhan xhq banner, stopped and said with a smile.

The corners of Yang Liujiao's mouth twitched, and a few wrinkles appeared at the corners of his eyes. He said with a half-smile, "To each other, the leader of the Gulun Banner looks a little smug."

"Haha, but having said that, the physical foundation of your martyr camp is a bit too bad, you need to strengthen your training." Gu Lun sighed after laughing.

A general in his thirties behind Yang Liujiao changed his face when he heard the words, and wanted to take a step forward to say something, but was pulled back by a hand.

The young general showed displeasure on his face, and was about to reprimand him, but when he met the pretty face with dark eyebrows, he tilted his head like a deflated ball and remained silent.

Afterwards, Yang Liujiao, the leader of the Zhonglie Battalion, said: "The owner of the Gulun Banner is wrong. After all, he is a comrade, and it's just a play. Naturally, the sons and daughters of our Zhonglie Battalion will not do their best. Let's see the truth on the battlefield." Let’s do it, after all our enemies are there.”

After speaking, he raised his head in the direction of Hanshan City.

"Battlemaster Yang is right, then let's see you on the battlefield."

The smile on Gu Lun's face was even wider, especially when Yang Liujiao said the word "Tongpao", he felt very comfortable while feeling emotional.

After all, there are a lot of numbers in Prince Yi's Mansion, but basically they all belong to the same family, and only Kerhan and the Eight Banners are outsiders.

Although they have not been excluded or isolated, they still feel a little uncomfortable. To put it bluntly, they are a little trembling, for fear that they will be isolated outside the inner circle of Prince Yi's mansion.

Therefore, he cherishes the word "Tongpao" very much, and it also makes him feel good about Yang Liujiao.

"Presumably this is the well-known General Mu. He really is a heroic heroine." Yang Liujiao turned his gaze to the figure behind the young general.

The female generals of the Yang family in Dingzhou were also well-known in the entire Dali Dynasty, and even supported more than half of the Yang family's lintel, but Gu Lun did not mention the four words "female generals of the Yang family". With too much blood and tears.

If the nine sons of the Yang family are still alive, why does the Yang family in Dingzhou need to rely on the words "female general of the Yang family" to support the lintel.

The female general opposite just responded with a smile, but didn't say much.

Fu Lun, the owner of the xhq Banner, felt a little inexplicably bitter, because they also had a female general in the Kerhan Eight Banners, and she was also the most noble existence in the entire Kerhan Eight Banners, and that was Su Mo'er, the original owner of the Zhenghuang Banner.

But he didn't appear here, and could only live in a deep house and compound, living in seclusion, trying his best to weaken his influence in the Kerhan Eight Banners.

Although Gu Lun offended people a bit today by being the first to speak, his real intention was to come here to get closer. Originally, he still had a lot to say, but at this moment he was out of interest.

"Why, the 'Ying Xiao' a few days ago was not close enough..." Another voice came, but it was Bai Ling from the Black Water Eight Banners.

The encounter between the three of them may be by chance, or it may be inevitable.

In the sequence of Prince Yi's Mansion, the Eight Banners of Kerhan, the Zhonglie Camp, and the Eight Banners of Heishui all face the same problem, that is, how to integrate into the core circle of Prince Yi's Mansion as soon as possible.

Kerhan Eight Banners is naturally because of their birth, while Zhonglieying and Heishui Eight Banners are because they have just joined the sequence of Prince Yi's Mansion.

The meeting of the three of them at this time seemed to have some sympathy for each other.

The three of them stood together and greeted each other politely, then they walked towards Wang Zhang together.

After a few people entered the king's tent, they found that the main generals from all walks of life had basically arrived, and the whole king's tent was quiet, only the top two figures were whispering there.

The rest of the generals were standing on both sides with their bows and eyes fixed on each other, but they all had the same question in their minds: the big battle is coming, why did Big Aunt come here?

Moreover, he was still dressed in a military uniform, sitting side by side with the prince at the top.

However, all the generals kept this question to the bottom of their hearts, they knew what to ask and what not to ask.

Some people guessed something, just like Gu Lun, the leader of Kerhan's xhq banner, but he had mixed feelings in his heart.

He wished so much that it was Su Morer who was sitting next to his lord at this moment, even if he silently stood beside his lord, but it was a pity that Su Morer, the jewel in the palm of Kerhan, did not appear on this symbolic roof. Inside the tent of the most powerful king in the Yiwang Mansion sequence.

Even for a long period of time, Su Morer could only live in seclusion in the rear area, being a transparent person.

At this time, two figures stepped out from behind the screen, one on the left and one on the right. The first one to come out was a plump young woman in a cook's attire, holding a cup of hot tea in her hand.

After all the generals glanced at her, they quickly looked away subconsciously. The identity of this plump cook was already tacitly understood in the entire camp, so naturally no one would touch this brow.

But when a figure walked out from the other side, Gu Lun's eyelids twitched.

Su Moer!

That figure was Su More'er, and after putting the hot tea beside the eldest aunt's hand, he quietly stood behind the eldest aunt.

As for the plump cook, seeing that everyone in the tent was dressed in battle armor and only she was dressed in a cook's outfit, she seemed a bit restrained, at a loss as to where to stand.

Can't help but glance at Jiang Yi cautiously, as if asking for instructions.

With his current cultivation level, Jiang Yi felt Tuo Xiaoliu's gaze and understood what she meant. He waved his hand lightly and said, "You go down first, and take good care of sister's diet during this time."

Tuo Xiaoliu hurried out of the king's tent with his head bowed and small steps as if he was being amnesty.After I got out, I realized that although my prince's tone just now had a trace of impatience, it was much gentler than before.

"It seems that Xiaoliu has been serving the lord very well these few days." Jiang Ning, who was sitting beside her, said in a low voice with a smile.

Although the voice was low, the generals in the entire king's tent were all practicing martial arts, so they could hear clearly.

They all tried their best to endure the strangeness in their hearts, and kept their faces tense to prevent themselves from showing any expression. It has long been no secret in the whole camp that the matter from the prince came from the family these days.

It's not that Jiang Yi's lewdness is so outrageous that he doesn't shy away from others, it's that Tuo Xiaoliu's face turns red every time he walks out of Wang's tent, and there are even a few strands of hair on his cheeks that he hasn't had time to tidy up.

People with discerning eyes don't know what happened.

"Well, the cooking skills are more like this king's appetite." Jiang Yi said perfunctorily.

Jiang Ning curled her lips amusedly, I am afraid that it is not only the skill of cooking, but also another skill that will let you know the taste.

Of course, I won't really say this, after all, my younger brother's face needs to be maintained.

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