I really became a prince

Chapter 439 Steady as a Rock

Jiang Yi was already riding his horse slowly towards Langju Mountain, while the champion Hou Ubuntu was still sitting there silently.

A white sunshade tent, a table and chairs, a jug of wine and a wine glass, Ubuntu sat there and drank sips, but his eyes kept looking at Jiang Yi's back that was fading away.

He didn't know whether his decision was right or wrong, but in his heart he chose to believe the words of Prince Yi, to be exact, the other party's promise.

However, there is still a slight bitterness in his heart, because in fact, whether he wants to or not, the Xifan royal family has no choice.

Just like what Prince Yi said, civil strife is about to break out in the current Xifan dynasty, and it is likely to be a civil war that will affect the entire Xifan dynasty. The Xifan royal family is already in danger.

Unless you completely abandon the secular world and completely turn to the sect outside the world.

But if this is the case, the entire Xifan royal family will be completely ruined, and it will not be long before they will become fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered.

"Xifan royal family..." Picking up the wine glass, taking a sip of the wine, Ubuntu whispered to himself.

He has an unknown background. Although he is not directly related to the royal family, he is of out-and-out royal blood. However, this identity will never be made public, and no one will ever know.

But he wants to live for the Xifan royal family in this life. This is the promise he made in front of the window before his mother died. Until now, the scene of his mother dying peacefully after hearing his oath is still vivid in my mind.

"Do you think my behavior is ceding land and betraying the country?"

At some point, there was a figure beside him. Although his whole body was wrapped in a cloak, his exquisite figure could still be seen.

"Compared to the vast land to the west, how can this little grassland be considered a ceding land and betraying the country..." the visitor said, his voice was sweet, but it was a woman's voice.

"It's just that you think that Lord Yi is trustworthy?"

As soon as the visitor asked this sentence, he laughed to himself, and said in a low voice: "It doesn't matter whether you are trustworthy or not, we have no choice..."

After drinking the last glass of wine, Ubuntu stood up, glanced at the figure who had climbed Langju Mountain and stood under the banner of King Dali, turned around, looked at the man and said:

"He promised to become the eastern barrier of my secular royal family in Xifan, and he would not let the dog food and the cavalry of the Baiyue Dynasty cross the Lena River. This is enough!"

The person whose face was still in the cloak asked, "What should we do next?"

Ubuntu didn't answer right away, but fixedly looked at the face in the cloak, and asked, "What about you, are you ready?"

The person who came shook his head and said in a low voice: "Really want to do that? I'm afraid I can't bear this burden... It's better to let you..."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ubuntu: "Don't mention this again in the future. Looking at the entire Western royal family, only you can carry the secular banner!"

The figure stood quietly, not speaking.On the contrary, it was Ubuntu who looked around at the grassland under his feet, and then looked back at the Dali Wang flag waving in the wind on Langju Mountain, with an inexplicable expression.

Once upon a time, no one in the entire Xifan dynasty was optimistic about this Prince Yi, but now, the other party has millions of soldiers, sits on three passes, and has become a rising star on the prairie.

However, the Xifan royal family, which was once aloof, is splitting up and destined to decline.

I only hope that this decline is temporary, and one day we can make a comeback... Sighing lightly, Ubuntu said: "Let's go, we must seize the Eastern King's Court before them, otherwise there is really no place for us in the whole of Xifan." It's..."

On the Langju mountain, Jiang Yi stood holding the reins of his horse, saw two figures galloping away slowly, and sighed: "Who would have thought that the majestic Xifan dynasty would collapse overnight..."

Not many people know about the imminent split of the Xifan royal family, including King Jiang Huan of Guojun, who didn't know about it, and even now understands what Jiang Yi said, so he couldn't help asking:

"What happened to the Xifan Dynasty?"

"The emperor's uncle doesn't know that the sect outside the border has officially entered the royal court of Xifan, and the royal family of Xifan is already on the verge of splitting."

Hearing Jiang Yi's words, Jiang Huan was dumbfounded, and he couldn't believe it. Many people, including Mo Ruhai, also had this expression.After Jiang Yi's intelligence organization got the information, it didn't spread it outwards, and even the Yiwang Palace knew very little about it.

"How...how could this be..." Guojun King Jiang Huan said in a low voice.

Jiang Yi raised his finger and said, "Soon the Xifan dynasty will be a situation where the Eastern and Western royal courts are in opposition, and the Eastern royal court will welcome its first queen."

"Empress?" Jiang Huan frowned, and said with some disgust: "Could it be that the entire Xifan royal family can't find a man? They want a woman to take the throne?"

Jiang Yi was about to say something, but Wang Daniu, who was next to him, couldn't hold back the barracks owner. He burst out laughing with joy, and he didn't forget to look at Jiang Yi several times.

Hearing this laughter, Su Qingfeng and other trusted generals subconsciously turned their heads away, secretly thinking to himself, this idiot who can't hide things in his heart, it's enough for him to know this matter, why should he laugh out loud.

"What's so fun about you silly cow?" Jiang Yi turned to look at Wang Daniu.

Although Wang Daniu was stupid, he was not stupid either, he just shook his head like a rattle.

On the other hand, Jiang Xue, who has been serving the eldest aunt Jiang Ning, said in a sour tone: "Wang Yingzhu is happy for the lord, for the empress Laoshi, the lord is not easy to capture, maybe he can take down the entire East King's Court without bloodshed." ..."

After speaking, I found that everyone around me was looking at me with inexplicable eyes, and my face turned red. Only then did I realize that I accidentally said what I was muttering in my heart, and then I moved to the big aunt Jiang Ning. went behind.

Sensing the awkward atmosphere around him, Jiang Yi felt a little hot. Although he had done many similar things, he really didn't have any thoughts about the future queen who didn't know what he looked like.

There was a tinge of anger on his face, he was no longer what it used to be, and he had a power of his own, although there was only a tinge of anger, the surrounding generals suddenly fell silent.

"噗嗤" I didn't want to let out another chuckle, which completely dispelled the anger on Jiang Yi's body. It was the eldest aunt Jiang Ning.

Facing sister's laughter, Jiang Yi couldn't show his face no matter what, he could only shake his head with a wry smile, and gave Jiang Xue who was hiding behind him a "serious" look.

At this moment, the tens of thousands of Xifan troops several miles away slowly retreated westward, and immediately the entire east bank of the Lena River was under the overlooking of Langju Mountain.

Jiang Yi knew that from then on, the thousands of kilometers of vast grassland on the east bank of the Lena River would be included in Yiwang Mansion.

From then on, it sits on three gates and dominates Langju Mountain. Bingfeng will radiate the entire east bank of the Lena River. As long as the east bank of the Lena River can be grasped, Yiwang Mansion will be as stable as a rock in the western border.

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