After the champion Hou Ubuntu heard Jiang Yi's words, he knew that he was about to get to the point. Whether he could complete the mission depended on this time.

Jiang Yi dipped his fingers into the wine glass, and drew a line on the table. This line was not straight, but twisted and closed several times, but the overall direction was north-south.

Seeing this line, Ubuntu's heart skipped a beat, because he could see what it represented from the shape of the line.

"The Lena River, with the Lena River as the boundary, all the Xifan army pushed to the west of the Lena River!" Jiang Yi tapped the curve drawn by the wine with his fingers, with a relaxed expression, but his tone was unquestionable.

But Champion Hou smiled, with a little anger, and said, "Your Majesty, with a single swipe of your finger, you can swipe across thousands of kilometers of prairie. It's too fantastic."

The Lena River is located more than 1000 kilometers west of Langju Mountain. It is a north-south river that traverses the prairie. The river is not wide. The widest part is more than 100 meters, and the narrowest part is only 40 meters.

The river is clear and gentle, and the depth is very shallow. The deepest part is only a little over one meter, and war horses can easily cross the river.It flows continuously all year round, but there is no distinction between rainy season and dry season. This amount of water has been maintained for many years.

The Lena River can only be said to be an important source of water in the prairie, and it is not considered a dangerous pass, because there is no danger at all.But the Ubuntu people didn't want to give up just like that, and said in their mouths:

"Where is the confidence of the prince? You must know that my Xifan army of nearly one million has assembled on the west bank of the Lena River and can cross the Lena River at any time. The prince wants this thousand-kilometer prairie. I'm afraid I won't agree!"

Jiang Yi nodded. He knew about the millions of Xifan troops gathering on the west bank of the Lena River, but this did not stop his ambition to swallow the prairie on the east bank of the Lena River.

"Why do you have to deceive yourself here, Lord Hou? This king knows that there are millions of troops from the West on the west bank of the Lena River, but do you dare to cross the Lena River?" Drink it slowly.

"Why don't you dare, this million-strong army is here to subdue Langju Mountain!" After finishing speaking, Ubuntu stretched out his hand to the east of the curve on the table, and said:

"Using Keke Lake as the boundary, both sides will have half of the fertile land by the lake. This is the biggest concession that our Xifan dynasty can make!"

"My lord is now fighting on three sides. If you add the imperial capital of Dali, it can even be said to be fighting on all sides. Even if there are Kerhan cavalry, the lord may not be able to take care of it. As long as you agree with the division of the Xifan dynasty, both sides will be fine." Soldiers, the prince will no longer need to use limited troops on the front line of Heishui Pass."

Jiang Yi just drank the wine by himself and didn't answer the words.

The champion Hou Ubuntu continued to speak: "My lord, the Dog Food Dynasty and the Baiyue Dynasty are not as weak as the lord thinks, the east bank of the Lena River is bordered by them at the north and south ends, plus my Xifan Dynasty, the lord is confident that at the same time Start a war with our three dynasties?"

Slowly putting down the wine glass, Jiang Yi no longer remained silent, and sighed: "Oh... this is the greatest sincerity this king can make..."

Ubuntu's face froze when he heard the words, but Jiang Yi didn't seem to see it. He looked up at the west and continued: "Master Hou should understand that not only you can't stand the east bank of the Lena River, but you can't bear it under the Dog Food Dynasty and the Hundred Years. Under the attack of the Yue Dynasty from the north to the south, it will become a burden instead."

With a dry laugh, Ubuntu retorted: "My lord is joking, my Xifan Dynasty has guarded the east bank of the Lena River for thousands of years, and I have never lost an inch of land in the hands of the Dog Food Dynasty and the Baiyue Dynasty..."

These words were interrupted by Jiang Yi: "Master Hou, at this time and at that time, the royal court of Xifan is already in danger. What do you use to stop the dog food and Baiyue's cavalry?"

"But this king is different. This king has the confidence to control the east bank of the Lena River, so that the cavalry of the Dog Food Dynasty and the Baiyue Dynasty cannot cross the Lena River west!"

Ubuntu fell into silence, and it took a long time before he said: "It seems that the prince knows..."

He felt even more bitter in his heart. Ever since the Border World Sect started to get involved in the military and political power of the Xifan Dynasty, he had expected such a day to come, but he did not expect it to come so soon and so violently.

Just a month ago, there was a civil strife in the Xifan royal court by the Blackwater Lake. The Xifan emperor suddenly fell seriously ill, and the entire Moxie royal family was also caught in a struggle for power.

The extraterrestrial sect that had been hiding behind a certain queen also stepped into the palace and entered the Xifan royal court. Under their control,The entire Moxie royal family is officially splitting.

Most of the members of the royal family and dignitaries in Xifan have turned to the sect outside the world, and only a small number of people are still sticking to the secular world, and the champion Hou Ubuntu is one of them.

Both sides are making final preparations, and once the seriously ill old emperor passes away, they will part ways.

I don't know whether it's a coincidence or some reason, but the sphere of influence of the Xifan dignitaries who are close to the foreign sect is all in the western region of the Xifan Dynasty, while the other part of the dignitaries who stick to the secularism have their base camp in the eastern region, that is, on the west bank of the Lena River.

Both sides are making final preparations, so the old emperor can only go west.

"The split of the Xifan dynasty is inevitable..." the champion Hou Ubuntu looked sad.

It is said that the millions of cavalry gathered on the west bank of the Lena River, although mainly for the purpose of defending the Yiwang Mansion Bingfeng from crossing the Lena River westward, are an important armed force of the secular forces.

Without the participation of this million-strong army, the secular forces will be at an absolute disadvantage in the upcoming battle for orthodoxy, and it will even be difficult to resist the large-scale eastward advance of the puppet forces outside the world.

The most deadly thing is that the Border World Sect has been operating for many years in the three border dynasties, including the Dog Food Dynasty in the north and the Baiyue Dynasty in the south. A considerable part of the military power has been controlled by the World Outside Sect.

And on the east bank of the Lena River, where Xifan borders the Quanshi and Baiyue Dynasty, it happens to be the control area of ​​the world sect.

Once the old emperor died, he would definitely attack them across the Lena River from the south and north. Under the siege from three sides, they would not be able to defend at all.

Therefore, Jiang Yi's words gave the champion Hou Ubuntu a glimmer of hope.

"Why does the prince help us?" Ubuntu asked.

Jiang Yi stood up and looked in the direction of the Xifan royal court. If he guessed correctly, the headquarters of the Border World Sect should be west of the Black Water Lake.

It's just that different from the extraterrestrial sects in Middle-earth, the extraterrestrial sects in the Borderlands are too mysterious and never show up. They always intervene in the secular world by supporting agents of the secular world.

"This king said a long time ago that there is no place outside the law in the world, and naturally there are no people outside the law!"

"Those out-of-world monks who call themselves immortals and think they are superior are not suitable for the secular world!"

After the champion, Ubuntu was silent for a while, and suddenly asked: "How should we trust the prince?"

Jiang Yi turned around, looked at him, and said, "I don't need you to believe me, you just need to watch what I do!"

"Before the border sect is completely resolved, the soldiers of Prince Yi's Mansion will not step over the Lena River, nor will they let the army of the dog food and the Baiyue Dynasty on the east bank of the Lena River cross the Lena River!"

"This is my king's promise!"

Ubuntu quietly looked at Jiang Yi who was standing with his hands behind his back, feeling inexplicable in his heart.

A few years later, every time I think about it, Ubuntu secretly rejoices that he chose to believe in this Lord Yi. This meeting, known as the "Wolf Dwelling Alliance", is also forever recorded in the annals of human history.

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