Jiang Huan, king of Guojun, looked at Jiang Yi's standing figure holding the reins in silence, and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, faintly worried, but at the same time proud.

After many years, another great figure has finally appeared in the Dali royal family, but if he wants to really ascend to the throne, he may have to go through a bloody battle.

This is also what he is worried about. This internal strife that does not know when will come may turn the Dali royal family into the current Xifan royal family, and they will be devastated.

But this is a matter of the future, and now it seems that the young Dali royal family in front of him has initially established a firm foothold in Western Xinjiang.

In addition to sitting on the three passes, the sphere of influence under his command has expanded to the prairie, and the Lena River in the west. Although it is only a thousand kilometers away, the north and south are extremely vast.

Along the North Lena River to the Dog Food Dynasty thousands of kilometers away, it also stretches thousands of kilometers to the south to border the Baiyue Dynasty. This prairie is extremely vast, and its territory has already caught up with the area of ​​several state capitals in Dali.

More importantly, this is the place where the powerful cavalry originated. Except for the old and the young, everyone will be a qualified cavalry after getting on the horse, which will provide a sufficient source of troops for the future Yiwang Mansion.

Of course, the premise is that Prince Yi's Mansion can defend this vast prairie, otherwise everything is empty talk.

"Can you stand it?" Jiang Huan asked inwardly, then looked around.

After just a few years of development, especially after taking over Xijiang, the power of Prince Yi's Mansion has skyrocketed.

Needless to say, the original Sun and Moon Eight Banners, the newly formed Kerhan Eight Banners and Black Water Eight Banners alone are a powerful emerging force.

However, thinking about the upcoming battle of Hanshan City, relying on this strength alone may be a bit stretched, and the Eight Banners of Kerhan and the Eight Banners of Heishui are not really loyal. It should fall on the Eight Parts and Five Elements Flags.

It's just that without the participation of the Eight Parts and the Five Elements Banner, the Battle of Cold Mountain City may add many more variables...

Just as Jiang Huan, king of Guojun, was feeling ups and downs, Jiang Yi looked away from the prairie and began to arrange military affairs on the east bank of the Lena River.

"Bormu, Nalanzhu!"

"The last general is here!" Hearing Jiang Yi's words, Bo Ermu and Na Lanzhu got off their horses and knelt down on one knee in front of Jiang Yi.

"Order both of you to lead 5 troops from our banner to follow the king to the north to Hanshan City!"

"The last will obey!"

Although there were doubts in their hearts, Boermu and Nalanzhu didn't ask, but knelt on the ground and accepted orders.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yi waved his whip and pointed at the prairie at the foot of Langju Mountain, and continued: "The remaining 5 horses of your two banners will be temporarily led by the deputy banner master, stationed in the area north of Langju Mountain on the east bank of the Lena River. !"

Boermu and Nalanzhu didn't dare to have any objection, and respectfully accepted the order.

"Yuan Long, Charland!" Jiang Yi called out again.

Yuen Long, the owner of the Zhengbai flag, and Charland, the owner of the inlaid red flag, who came to meet up from Niangziguan also got off their horses and knelt down on one knee in front of Jiang Yi's body a few steps forward.

"The two of you each lead the headquarters with 5 troops to garrison the area south of Langju Mountain!"

"The last will obey!"

Jiang Yi lowered his head and silently glanced at the four people in front of him, and said in a low voice: "I don't care what kind of hatred you have with the Xifan dynasty before, without my order, I will never allow a single soldier to step across the Lena River." !"

"You have only one task, and that is to garrison the east bank of the Lena River, and at the same time contain the dog food and the soldiers of the Baiyue Dynasty. They are not allowed to go south and north, and at the same time, you must not let them take a step across the Lena River!"


Even though there was a lot of reluctance in their hearts, but Jiang Yi made an order, and the four of them could only agree to it together. Originally, they planned to use this to kill a lot.

It's just that the enmity between Kerhan and the Xifan dynasty is too deep. Although Jiang Yi forcibly suppressed it, the straightforward Boermu still couldn't help but said:

"My lord, what should I do if there is any change in the Western Fan army on the west bank of the Lena River?"

Jiang Yi glanced at Boermu, who was stubborn and stuck his neck, and did not answer his question, but said: "This king said, you have only one mission for the Four Banners, and that is to garrison the east bank of the Lena River." , as for the west bank of the Lena..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yi glanced back at the West Demon Region Pass behind him, and said slowly: "After the king goes north to Hanshan City, Jiang Zhongshan, the head of the mountain department, will hold the king's order arrow and sit at the West Demon Region Pass to control everything on the east bank of the Lena River. Military affairs!"

Hearing this, Bo Ermu, the owner of the zlq banner, bowed his head and said no more, he could only temporarily suppress the hatred for the Xifan Dynasty in his heart.

Although he has a straightforward temperament, he is not stupid. He knows that this is only temporary. His prince's military peak cannot stay on the east bank of the Lena River forever. When the time is right, he will definitely cross the Lena River and point directly to the Blackwater Lake.

Later, Jiang Yi made some arrangements for the entire Kerhan Eight Banners. In a nutshell, the entire Kerhan Eight Banners were mobilized.

Among them, the bordered yellow, bordered blue, and bordered white banners, which were the pioneers of going northward, left one-third of the troops for each banner to continue to participate in the Hanshan City Battle, and the remaining one-third of the troops moved to Niangziguan.

However, the banner owners of the Three Banners, Gu Lun, Eye, and Ku Long, continued to stay on the outskirts of Hanshan City to participate in the battle.

Under the leadership of the flag owners Yuen Long and Na Lanzhu, the Zhenghong Banner and Xianghong Banner that originally went south to Niangziguan led the remaining 5 people to go north to Hanshan City to participate in the battle.

Of the Kerhan Eight Banners, only the Zhenghuang Banner's 10 troops have been integrated as a whole from beginning to end, and will be under Jiang Yi's direct control in this battle of Hanshan City.

This is also the only place where Gu Lun and the seven banner owners of Kerhan feel comforted. After all, the banner owner of the Zhenghuang Banner is Su Mo'er, and it is the most noble banner among the Eight Banners, with extraordinary symbolic significance.

Now that Su Mo'er lives in seclusion in the other courtyard of Prince Yi's Mansion, Jiang Yi is in charge of all banner affairs, military and political power, which gives them a glimmer of hope.

Gu Lun and other seven banner owners were divided into three factions because of their backgrounds. One faction was the original Eight Banners upstarts represented by Gu Lun, Frontal Ye, and Kulong Three Banners.

They witnessed the birth of the Kerhan Eight Banners from scratch. Of course, it was not called the Eight Banners at first. The name of the Eight Banners was given by Jiang Yi later.

The other faction is represented by Bormu, Nalanzhu's zlq, and Zhengbaiqi. They represent the bottom forces of Kerhan.These two banners are also the ones with the shallowest foundation among the Kerhan Eight Banners.

The last faction is the red flag and the bordered red flag. The flag owners Yuen Long and Charland are from Kerhan's old leader, and they are the old nobles of Kerhan.

But it is also the most unpopular among the Kerhans. After all, these veteran leaders were basically domineering before, and they are very unpopular among the Kerhans.

No matter what conflicts the three factions have before, or what their backgrounds are, they all have a common wish, that is to enter the core of Prince Yi's Mansion, and this is the only way out for Kerhan.

And Kerhan's only true golden blood, Su Mo'er, is the only hope, so Su Mo'er must enter the backyard of Prince Yi's Mansion.

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