I really became a prince

Chapter 292 Tribal Lord

However, when the venerable Hundred Ghosts was chasing and killing the kobold wizard, Jiang Yi shot and killed Chaisang and a strong man in the seventh realm of the kobold. When killing the kobold, Jiang Yi secretly called out lucky.

This kobold should have just stepped into the seventh realm, and he didn't even stabilize his martial soul, so he died in the cage of the sword field without warning.

After killing Chaisang with a single knife, Jiang Yi didn't do anything again, but took out the palm ball from Chaisang's arms and observed it.

As for the remaining hundreds of kobolds, they were handed over to the five human fighters who came out of the landscape martial arts realm with the venerable Hundred Ghosts.

Among the hundreds of kobolds, there were only two of the Sixth Mirror. Jiang Yi originally thought it would be easy to kill, but the hundreds of kobold warriors may have been frightened by Jiang Yi's two knives, or they were frightened by the Hundred Ghosts. The leader, a peak powerhouse, unexpectedly had more than a hundred people fleeing in a hurry without any counterattack.

The five human warriors couldn't catch up, Jiang Yi was planning to call Lu Yan to hunt them down in person, but saw nearly a thousand human warriors appearing in the distance, intercepting the fleeing hundreds of kobolds.

Seeing the appearance of these thousand people, Jiang Yi gave up his plan of chasing and killing them. While playing with the palm ball in his hand, he quietly waited for the leader of these thousand people to appear.

Among the thousand or so people, there were many familiar faces. They were the villagers who glared at the kobolds at the entrance of the village. Sure enough, when there was no suspense in this overwhelming siege, a figure walked towards Jiang Yi.

This is an old man, the very old man Jiang Yi had talked with under the big willow tree in the center of the village, and the one who warned Jiang Yi.

"Old man, your disguise has deceived everyone..."

Seeing that the other party was walking like a tiger at this time, his whole body was full of energy and blood, and he didn't look like he was getting old, Jiang Yi first smiled and said.

"Oh, I made the nobleman laugh. I'm really tired of the old life. I just wanted to guard the village silently..." The old man walked up to Jiang Yi and greeted with a wry smile.

Then he looked at Chaisang whose body was separated not far away, and at the same time he was disgusted, but he also let out a long sigh of relief.

"How does the old man know that this person is a dog with someone inside?" Jiang Yi asked curiously.

The old man kicked the head off under his feet, and said: "The sky net is full and sparse, maybe this is God's will, he is destined to be exposed to the hands of the old man."

"Over the years, several nearby villages have been attacked by kobolds inexplicably, and this old man happened to have stayed in two of these villages, and the old man had seen this Chaisang there a few days before those two villages were captured. "

The old man didn't wait for Jiang Yi to ask any more questions, and started talking on his own.

"This fellow appeared in our village a few days ago, and the old man paid attention to it. After all, it is impossible for a person to escape from the kobolds one after another. After silent observation, he found that this fellow did not interact with any villagers. Haunted the five-pointed star transmission array, until the nobleman appeared, he took the initiative to get close."

"The old man knew that the other party was plotting against the nobleman. The reason should be something in the nobleman..." After speaking, he raised his head and glanced at Jiang Yi.

"Oh? Then the old man thinks he's looking at something on his lower body?" Jiang Yi asked noncommittally.

The old man turned his head to look at the human fighters who were still besieging and killing hundreds of kobolds. Seeing that they were far away from them, he whispered cautiously:

"As far as the old man knows, those villages that were attacked by kobolds were people who just got a palm mansion, but haven't had time to use it yet..."

"So the old man guessed that the nobleman should have a palm mansion." After finishing speaking, a pair of eyes fixed on Jiang Yi, and even the sound of breathing was obviously a little thicker, with a look of expectation on his face.

Seeing that Jiang Yi didn't answer, but just stood there silently, the old man came to his senses and hurriedly said: "Don't misunderstand me, I don't have any greedy heart."

"I just hope that if you really have a palm mansion, can you consider using it in our village?"

Seeing that Jiang Yi still didn't speak, he was silent for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "If you already have a village you like and don't want to use it in our village, can you help talk to that village and allow our village to merge into it?"

Seeing that Jiang Yi still didn't respond, the old man sighed and continued: "A Nomura without the protection of the Palm Mansion is in fear all day long. After all these years of protection, the old man is really powerless..."

Jiang Yi said at this time: "Why don't the old man find a tribe with a palm mansion to discuss the merger?"

The old man smiled wryly and shook his head: "The nobleman doesn't know something, the old man has talked about it, but because of limited living resources, the smaller tribes don't want to accept so many people, while the conditions in the larger villages are too harsh..."

The other party didn't say anything about the harsh conditions. Jiang Yi could guess it. After all, he was living under someone else's fence, so it must depend on the person's face. Seeing the Venerable Hundred Ghosts fleeing from a distance, he said:

"Get rid of these kobolds first, and never let anyone go!"

The old man also saw Venerable Hundred Ghosts, especially after sensing the terrifying aura of the peak of the eighth realm, he gritted his teeth and made a decision, saying: "If you are willing to use the palm mansion in our village, we are willing to treat you as a tribe Lord!"

Jiang Yi glanced at the other party, and this was the statement he needed.

When talking with the other party under the big willow tree before, the other party once said that in this Yinshan world, human beings have a common covenant, no matter who owns the Palm Mansion, it is strictly forbidden to try to seize it!

Violators will be punished by the clan!

Because the palm mansion is too precious, each one is the seed to continue human civilization.

Before the birth of this joint covenant, killing people and stealing goods against the Palm Mansion was commonplace. This also led to those lucky people who were lucky enough to get the Palm Mansion but did not have the strength to protect themselves, and basically chose to keep it secretly and keep it secret.

Some even found a deep mountain and established a tribe by themselves, but it was destroyed because of its weak power, and a palm mansion wasted in vain.

Later, all human tribes signed this tribal covenant, and several large tribes were exterminated for this purpose, which made this covenant a golden rule that all human beings in the Yinshan Realm abide by.

It was precisely because of this covenant that human tribes emerged in large numbers after that.

According to the provisions of the tribal covenant, the owner of the Palm Mansion has two choices. One is to give up the Palm Mansion and confer the title of "Human Sage" from generation to generation, and be enshrined by this tribe forever.

And with the halo of a human sage, no matter which tribe he goes to, he is a guest of honor and is protected by all human tribes.

Another option is to become the Clan Master of this new clan.

The vast majority of owners would choose the first one. After all, although the second one is tempting, they do not have enough background and strength to get support, and naturally they cannot be the leader of the clan.

And if you choose the first one, you will enjoy the aura of a sage for generations, which is equivalent to having a permanent cash machine with all kinds of cultivation resources.

In Yinshan Realm, many tyrannical clans were born in the sage clan. Their ancestors were just ordinary people who couldn't be more ordinary, but they were lucky enough to have a mansion in the palm of their hands.

But for Jiang Yi, what he was interested in was the second one, becoming the [lord of the tribe]!Only in this way can the ambition in my heart be better achieved.

At this time, the Venerable Hundred Ghosts had appeared in front of Jiang Yi, and instead of looking at the old man, he bowed respectfully to Jiang Yi: "My lord, fortunately I did not disgrace my life, that kobold wizard has been killed."

After speaking, he handed over a Sumi burden to Jiang Yi, and Jiang Yi reached out to take it, and said, "Thank you for your hard work, sir, clear the field immediately, let's make a quick decision, and no one will be allowed to slip through the net."

Seeing Venerable Hundred Ghosts jumping into the remaining kobold warriors like a tiger, raising his hands and raising his feet, those kobolds who were still struggling were killed one after another, Jiang Yi felt peace in his heart.

my lord?It's a good title, and I don't know how the other party thought of these two words. It's obviously a deliberate way of exaggerating myself, and it's for the old man next to me to see.

Regarding Venerable Hundred Ghosts, Jiang Yike never expected that the other party would really consider himself the master.

After all, at the level of the other party, it is difficult to bow down to anyone.

The old man originally wanted to end the battle, but when he saw that the Hundred Ghosts had already left, he gave up this plan and just watched the opponent's swaying figure silently, with a serious expression on his face.

In this Yinshan world, the ninth level of martial arts also only exists in legends, and the eighth level of martial arts is already among the strongest.

Moreover, in this Yinshan world, there are very few humans who can break through to the eighth realm, and even in the big cities of many human tribes, the strongest are only the peak of the seventh realm of martial arts, which shows the scarcity of the eighth realm.

But the "noble man" in front of him can actually drive a strongest human being in the eighth realm, and he also has five strong men in the sixth mirror under his command. .

"What is the background of the other party?" While the old man was puzzled, his expression became more respectful.

Then, he couldn't help laughing bitterly in his heart, he should have stated his position from the beginning, with this level of background and strength, the other party is enough to become the tribal leader of his own village.

I hope that the reserved statement just now will not offend the other party. My village has been exposed more and more times. If I don't get promoted to the tribe, I am afraid that sooner or later I will become a slave of a foreign race.

"The old man said that this kobold wizard is considered to be stealing chickens or buying rice on credit? In the end, he fulfilled me..." Jiang Yi lightly tossed the sumeru bag that he just got in his hand, and said with a smile.

The old man looked at the Sumeru bag that was up and down in Jiang Yi's hands, and was envious. This kind of storage treasure is a rare thing in the Yinshan world, and he has been coveting it for a long time.

"Old man Xu Heng, you can just call the nobleman by his name directly, and he can't afford these three words." The old man lowered his body, and his posture was extremely low. From the moment the Venerable Hundred Ghosts appeared, he knew Although this nobleman is young, he is by no means on the same level as him.

Jiang Yi smiled, and the majesty of a superior person naturally appeared on his body, which made Xu Heng startled.This kind of majesty is only possessed by those who have been in the top position for a long time, even if it is not found in the leaders of some big tribes.

Because this not only requires a huge power, but also a long-standing foundation, and this kind of foundation is exactly what humans in the Yinshan world lack.

Since the loss of their ancestral land, the humans in the Yinshan Realm have lost not only various inheritances, but also a long history that is indispensable for a large clan.

But now, Xu Heng saw it in Jiang Yi, which also strengthened his thoughts.

"Can you be the master?" Jiang Yi asked suddenly.

Although he was no longer referred to as "Old Man", Xu Heng felt a lot more relaxed.But Jiang Yi's words made him stunned for a moment, but then he reacted and was overjoyed.

Is this an agreement to use the Palm Mansion in his own village?

As if to reassure him, a mini courtyard appeared in Jiang Yi's hand, slowly floating in his palm, exuding an inexplicable charm.

"Is this the Palm Mansion you mentioned?" Jiang Yi asked again, looking at Xu Heng.

Xu Heng was already a little dazed. He stared blankly at the mini mansion slowly spinning in Jiang Yi's palm, and nodded subconsciously.

Although he has never seen the real Palm Mansion, he can be sure that this mini mansion is definitely the Palm Mansion.

"Can you tell what grade this is?" Jiang Yi said.

Shaking Xu Heng's head, he really thought so, the other party didn't know Xumi Mansion, and only thought it was an ordinary Palm Mansion.

This is exactly what he hoped for. After all, it is different from ordinary palm mansions. The Sumeru Mansion is related to whether a race can establish a [Mountain Mansion], and the temptation is too great.

Once spread, the handouts are not sure whether the tribal covenant can still have a deterrent effect, because in addition to the function mentioned in front of the mountain house, there are many other powerful powers, which are the foundation of whether a race can completely gain a foothold in the Yinshan world.

Undoubtedly, there will be jealous big tribes who betrayed the tribal covenant.

Of course, Jiang Yi's fear is only temporary, and once his power in the Yinshan world grows strong enough, he will no longer worry about it.

Looking at Xu Heng who was staring at the Sumeru Mansion, Jiang Yi flipped his hand, and the Sumeru Mansion disappeared into his palm, and smiled meaningfully: "You haven't answered my question yet, you can do it all the villagers Lord?"

Xu Heng said "Yes" without any hesitation, but looked around. At this time, the siege was over, and hundreds of kobolds were all executed.

Many village warriors who followed also saw the scene where Jiang Yi held the mansion in his palm. They had known this mini mansion from the portraits since they were young, and they all knew what it meant.

Once their own village can own it, it means that they are no longer rootless duckweed, and they can get the support of the power of the tribe from now on, and they don't have to worry all day long, for fear that the village will be discovered and attacked by foreigners.

After all, they have come into contact with too many cases like this. The people in the whole village were either killed or made slaves of foreign races, and they have been as cheap as worthless since then.

Soon, Jiang Yi's possession of the Palm Mansion spread to thousands of village warriors in successive whispers, and all of them looked at Jiang Yi with fiery eyes.

Xu Heng knew that the time was right, he bowed his hands to Jiang Yi first, and then looked around, his voice was clear and clear, but it also implied agitation:

"You have all seen that this noble man is carrying the palm mansion, and will soon become the tribal leader of our newly established tribe!"

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and then without any other words, he turned around and knelt down to Jiang Yi: "Too reckless Xu Heng, kowtow to the Lord!"

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