I really became a prince

Chapter 293 The Choice of the Ghost Venerable

Xu Heng didn't ask for the opinions of the village warriors present, and only said "Master" to express his submission.

He learned the word Lord from Venerable Hundred Ghosts, and since he had already planned to respect him as the leader of the tribe, he naturally also called Lord Lord.

Besides, there were more than a thousand village warriors present, although they didn't see Jiang Yi make a move after they joined the siege.But he saw the scene of Jiang Yichaisang and the kobold from afar, especially the kobold, who was a strong man in the seventh realm, was beheaded by the opponent with a single knife.

There are also five subordinates of the opponent, although they are all sixth level, but through the fight just now, they clearly feel that the strength of the five is among the best in the same realm.

What shocked them the most was that the Lord of Hundred Ghosts was actually the eighth realm of martial arts, and he was also the peak of the eighth realm.

Even only the other party is needed to protect one party, even those brutal alien races in the wilderness would not dare to provoke them easily.This can be seen from the behavior of the kobold wizard turning around and running.

When it is such a peak powerhouse who can rule the roost, but it is only this young man's subordinate...

"Kowtow to the Lord!"

First, some village warriors followed Xu Heng and knelt down, and then more and more village warriors knelt down, and finally, the entire scene, except for the six people of Venerable Hundred Ghosts, all bowed respectfully to the ground.

Jiang Yi stood there quietly with his hands behind his back, looking at the thousands of village warriors bowing their heads in front of him, he knew that he had taken a solid step in the Yinshan Realm.

Not only in the Yinshan Realm, but also in the Manghuang Continent, this step is a particularly critical step, and it is also a step that directly leads to qualitative changes.

Because this shows that Jiang Yi is no longer a rootless duckweed, and has his own base since then, which will be the basis for him to gain a foothold in this fantasy world.

Of course, after becoming the clan leader of a village, it also meant that he had a way out for the Dali Dynasty in the Manghuang Continent. If another life-and-death disaster similar to that of the Dragon Gate Ring happened, he would have another choice.

The five of the Hundred Ghosts were silent; standing behind Jiang Yi, looking at the black head in front of them, they were all filled with emotion.

Venerable Hundred Ghosts was better, since the moment he received Jiang Yi's realm fruit, he had already made a decision in his heart.

Realm fruit gave him a second life, and he no longer wants to continue the life trajectory of the previous life. In this life, he wants to live a good life and live a different life to make up for the regrets of the previous life.

And the young man in front of him, Prince Yi of the Dali Dynasty, the banner of the secular martial arts in the Manghuang Continent, was his choice.

He believes in his own vision, even if he is wrong in the end, he has no regrets!

As for the other five warriors of the Sixth Mirror, seeing Jiang Yi's figure, their hearts were also agitated.

They never thought that one day they would surrender to a middle-earth secular warrior, but what they saw made their choice even more firm.

Especially after getting a preliminary understanding of the Yinshan Realm in front of them, their hearts were even more agitated.

Once upon a time, they thought that the border people like themselves had only one enemy, and that was Middle Earth.

But after following Jiang Yi to this Yinshan world, they realized how superficial they were before.

In Middle-earth, regardless of any enmity with the Borderlands, at least they all have two hands, two feet, two eyes, and one mouth. They all belong to the same family and belong to human beings.

They have a common enemy, alien races in the wilderness!

There is another important reason why the five of them chose to completely surrender and be loyal to Jiang Yi, because like Bai Guizun, they are all staunch supporters of secular martial arts. There is a kind of rejection from the bottom of the door.

But now, the frontier land has basically fallen completely, reduced to a remote-controlled puppet of the sects outside the world, and only Zhongtu is still holding on, to be more precise, the Dali Dynasty.

Because the other three major dynasties in Central Earth have also begun to fall, only the Dali Dynasty, because of the young man in front of them, not only did not fall, but instead became a banner for the secular martial arts to fight against the sects outside the world.

So they chose to surrender to Jiang Yi, surrender willingly!

Jiang Yi didn't know the thoughts of the six people behind him. If he knew, he would laugh up to the sky excitedly.

Those five foreign races in the frontier were nothing, they were just icing on the cake to him, but Venerable Hundred Ghosts was different.

This is the strongest player in this fantasy world. Jiang Yi's current shortage is this kind of strongest player. With the help of the other party, it is equivalent to having an extra trump card in his hand.

That day, after Jiang Yi came to this village out of nowhere, he was already full of grief and indignation at what happened to human beings, and he became suspicious of Chaisang, so he went to Heishan Heavy Prison.

After swallowing the realm fruit, the venerable Hundred Ghosts has completely recovered, even in a far better state than before, and all the hidden injuries and hidden diseases caused by the forbidden life sacrifice technique have been swept away.

This is all due to the towering effect of the realm fruit, which not only eliminates all hidden diseases, but also completes the martial arts foundation. The Hundred Ghosts Venerable has a perfect martial arts foundation.

After Jiang Yi entered, he didn't waste any nonsense, and let Venerable Hundred Ghosts see the scene outside the archway at the entrance of the village directly through the landscape and martial arts.

When the Venerable Hundred Ghosts saw the kobold with a pointed nose and long mouth and bared teeth, he was stunned on the spot, because he had never known that besides humans, there were such weird races as kobolds in this world.

Jiang Yi didn't hide anything, and told him what happened when he met a spiritual monk in Ruoshui Lake, as well as his inference about the relationship between the extraterrestrial sect in the borderlands and the alien race outside the wilderness, "Four-legged flesh worm" Those four words deeply hurt Venerable Hundred Ghosts.

In this way, the Venerable Hundred Ghosts became Jiang Yi's biggest reliance for daring to go to the meeting alone.

When he was about to leave the heavy prison in Heishan, Jiang Yi suddenly remembered that there were still five foreign warriors imprisoned here, and it was thanks to these five foreign warriors that he was able to snatch food from the giant flesh worms and obtain the realm fruit.

In line with the idea that one more person would be more powerful, besides being used to Jiang Yi, he brought Venerable Hundred Ghosts to the cell where five people were held.

I don't know if I don't come, Jiang Yi was also surprised when he saw the state of the five people.

When Wei Ren was sent to the heavy prison in Montenegro, no one was basically intact, but when he saw him again, his martial base was greatly damaged, and his strength was cut off by one-third.

Why?Jiang Yi just took the five people into the heavy prison in Montenegro, and didn't use the scale of the trial. Why did the military base suffer a lot?But why is Venerable Hundred Ghosts all right?

Soon Jiang Yi knew the reason, and he couldn't help but regret secretly. Originally, he wanted to use this heavy prison in Montenegro as a weapon for Tibetan soldiers, and carry thousands of troops with him, but his wish failed.

As long as a person is imprisoned in the heavy prison in Heishan, no matter whether he uses the ruler to judge or not, his cultivation base will be gradually cut off until he becomes a useless person in the end.

However, Venerable Hundred Ghosts was not affected by this because of the state effect.

Jiang Yi had obtained a forbidden technique from the inheritance of the Black Mountain Heavy Prison. As long as he was planted with this technique, he could only serve the master of the forbidden technique wholeheartedly.

But the premise is that the person being vaccinated must be willing to accept it.

Facing Jiang Yi's invitation and the persuasion of the Hundred Ghosts Venerable, the five finally agreed to accept this technique. Of course, Jiang Yi also took out five pills to restore the martial base with some pain.

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