Jiang Yi stood there, quietly waiting for the kobold in a sarong to walk in.

In the whole scene, apart from the gasping and snorting of hundreds of kobolds, there was the sound of the crutch hitting the ground.

Although this kobold looks very old, his cultivation base is the highest among the kobolds. Although he is not in the eighth realm, he is not far away.

The four kobolds following behind him were obviously higher than the rest of the kobolds, and they were all in the seventh realm. Jiang Yi also understood why Chaisang asked himself if he could deal with the seventh realm. The five kobolds were obviously meant for him.

However, Jiang Yi found that the kobolds at the scene, except for the one with the long sarong, only practiced martial arts, and did not practice martial arts like the spiritual monks, and the person wearing the long sarong did not have any martial arts aura, obviously Only cultivating immortality.

Jiang Yi speculated from this that the status of the kobold clan among the alien races in the wilderness might not be much higher, otherwise they would not be the same as humans, and warriors and monks were clearly separated.

"I'm a kobold wizard, the reason why I plan on you is that we are very interested in something about you."

After walking ten meters away from Jiang Yi's body, the five strong kobolds stopped, and the leader of the kobolds in long sarongs looked at Jiang Yi with greedy eyes.

Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows. He was indeed very curious. He had just arrived in this village and had never been in contact with any living beings. He didn't understand why the other party planned to kill him.

Something about yourself?what?Jiang Yi was even more puzzled. In the contact with Chaisang, he had never revealed anything. How could the other party know that he had such a thing on him?

"Oh? I don't know what it is?" Confused, Jiang Yi asked.

"Before answering you, can you tell me how you became aware of our layout?" the kobold wizard in long sarong asked curiously.

Seeing that the other party was not in a hurry to make a move, Jiang Yi was naturally not in a hurry, but he didn't elaborate, he just said: "Actually, I was just a little puzzled at first, because Brother Chai's invitation was so abrupt, it really made me suspicious. It’s because I received a warning from someone else.”

At the beginning, it was really just doubts. Why did they invite themselves when they didn't invite human warriors in the village?Moreover, judging from the situation at that time, the villagers in the village were obviously unfamiliar with Chaisang, and they obviously lied to talk about living here for a long time.

What really made Jiang Yi suspicious was the warning from the elderly man in the central area of ​​the village.

At that time, the other party was sitting there well, but suddenly one of his heads fell to the ground. When Jiang Yi was supporting the other party, the old man said in a very low and fast voice: Be careful of Chaisang!

Jiang Yi was also very curious about why the other party knew about Chaisang's layout.

It was the other party's words that made Jiang Yi completely suspicious. When he thought carefully about Chaisang's words and deeds when he was in contact with him, there were indeed many loopholes, so he became more careful.

But he still resorted to tricks. First, he had enough cards to protect himself. Second, he was very curious about why the other party planned to deal with him.And the last point, ever since seeing humans being hunted and killed like livestock at the entrance of the village, a killing intent has accumulated in his heart, and he must vent it out.

"Who? It's impossible for anyone to know my identity and layout." Hearing Jiang Yi's words, especially seeing the kobold wizard looking at him suspiciously, Chaisang immediately asked.

Jiang Yi also noticed the gaze of the kobold wizard, smiled and did not answer, turned to look at the kobold wizard, and said, "What do you want from me?"

"Xumifu!" The kobold in a long sarong uttered three words slowly, holding the strange long hands much stronger.

Jiang Yi was startled, the other party could actually sense the Sumeru House on him?Does that mean that other alien races can also perceive it?

"Why are you so sure that I have Sumeru House on me?"

Hearing Jiang Yi's question, the kobold in a long sarong gestured to Chaisang, and Chaisang walked out cautiously, guarding Jiang Yi carefully, with resentment in his heart.

He really didn't know why the kobold had such a preference, including before that, every time the layout was successful, he would show up and explain the reason.

According to what he meant, there was no need to tell the dying man so much, even he himself shouldn't be there, but the kobold let him appear at the scene every time, and explained it on the spot.

"Because I have this on me!" Chaisang reluctantly took out a crystal ball from his bosom.

It was only the size of a quail egg, and it was shining with black light at this moment.

"This is the palm ball, and it has only one function. It is to detect the surrounding palm mansion." Before Jiang Yi could ask, Chaisang took the initiative to explain.

"This palm ball was originally crystal clear. Only when there is an unrefined palm mansion around, it will flash purple. The higher the grade of the palm mansion, the more purple it will be. If it is Sumeru mansion, it will directly flash this purple color. black."

Jiang Yi secretly lamented the wonder of this palm ball. With this ball in his hand, the palm mansion on anyone's body is afraid that there is nowhere to hide. No wonder the other party is so sure that he has the Sumeru Mansion on him.

"This is the Sumeru Mansion you're talking about?"

Jiang Yi spread out his palm, and a miniature simple courtyard house appeared in his palm, spinning slowly, exuding an inexplicable aura from his whole body.

The moment the palm mansion appeared, Jiang Yi clearly felt the snoring of the kobolds on the scene intensified again, including the kobold wizard who had always been calm and calm.

At this time, he also looked greedy, and the crutch in his hand was deeply inserted into the ground under the subconscious force.

Chaisang also had an excited expression. He has been wandering for kobolds for many years, but he has never encountered a Sumeru Mansion.

That day, it was teleported back into the five-pointed starlight from the outside. It was intended to help the kobolds break through the village as an insider, but the palm ball in his arms suddenly moved.

In the entire five-pointed starlight, only Jiang Yi is a fresh face. After some verification by his peers, it was finally confirmed that Jiang Yi was pregnant with Sumeru Mansion, and only then did the following layout come into being.

"How many clansmen have you harmed with this thing?" Jiang Yi suddenly looked at Chaisang.

Chaisang was taken aback by the question, what tribe?Then I realized that I was asking myself how many human beings I helped the kobolds, so I smiled and said: "Everyone has their own way of life, I don't have any resources for cultivation, if I want to go further on the road of cultivation, That's the only way to do it."

Jiang Yi laughed, and said coldly: "There are many people who lack cultivation resources, but no matter how difficult the cultivation path is, they are sticking to their bottom line. Why did you deceive you into choosing this way of life?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the other party to answer, he asked again: "I just want to know, is there any truth in what you told me? For example, among the kobolds present, does anyone else know about this Sumeru Mansion?" The presence……"

"All the people who know about your Sumeru Mansion are here, do you think we will casually leak such a confidential matter? Besides, if more people know about it, it will be easy to share the credit, right?"

Hearing what Chaisang said, Jiang Yi nodded and said softly: "Then I can rest assured to send you on your way..."

Jiang Yi's words not only stunned Chaisang, but all the kobolds present were stunned, and then they laughed in disorder as if they heard some big joke.

Jiang Yi didn't smile, but with a solemn and murderous look on his face that he had never seen before, looking at Chaisang, he suddenly shouted angrily: "Today I will get rid of this dog for mankind!"

After finishing speaking, the breath of the whole body soared, and he took a step forward, and instantly rushed towards Chaisang who was still laughing.

For this person in front of him, Jiang Yi was furious to the extreme, and his killing intent was stronger than those kobolds, so he wanted to kill this man with his own hands to clear the door for mankind!

Everyone present did not expect that Jiang Yi would dare to act first in full view of the public. He was really arrogant to the extreme. Do they really think that these kobolds don't exist?

"How brave!"

Before the kobold wizard could take any action, a figure behind him jumped out, stopped Chaisang, bared his fangs, and rushed towards Jiang Yi in the air.

"Knife Field Prison!"

With a move by Jiang Yi, the sun and moon wheels came out of their sheaths from behind, forming a dark green sword.

The knife rises, the wind moves, and the clouds split!

With this blow, Jiang Yi shot out with anger, without any reservations, which faintly inspired a trace of the prestige of heaven and earth.

Unprepared, the kobold strong body was imprisoned in mid-air, and he could only watch in horror as the dark green sword chopped off his head.

"My life is over..."

Feeling that he couldn't get rid of the shackles, the kobold looked desperate, and he was powerless to resist. His expression changed drastically, and he could only hope that the wizard would save him.

Seeing that a strong man under his command was about to die under Jiang Yi's knife, the kobold wizard snorted coldly and made a move.

The cane slammed on the ground, and a huge dog's head baring its fangs appeared in mid-air, opened its mouth wide, and swallowed Jiang Yi in one gulp.

Jiang Yi was unmoved, and the mountains and rivers martial arts were released and retracted, so fast that almost everyone didn't notice anything, only felt like a breeze blowing.

Only the kobold wizard looked shocked, knowing that he had underestimated the human in front of him, and was about to use his big move to kill Jiang Yi directly, but his eyes shrank immediately.

He could no longer care about the men whose lives were hanging by Jiang Yi's sword, because after the breeze blew, six figures appeared in Jiang Yi out of thin air.

One of the figures punched lightly, and the huge dog's head in the void was defeated.

From this person, she felt an unprecedented crisis, a life-and-death crisis, and he was a peak powerhouse at the eighth realm of martial arts!

"How could this be? How could there be a strong man in the eighth realm hidden in that person!"

With this trick, he killed countless people and obtained countless goods, and got many dog-headed wizards from ordinary palm mansions. He knew that he had miscalculated and had encountered difficulties.

He has self-knowledge, knows that he is far from being the opponent of this strong human being, and without any hesitation, his body retreats violently, fleeing away into the distance.

As for the remaining subordinates, she could no longer take care of them, and her own life was the most important thing.The only thing that hurts her is the palm ball on Chaisang's body. This is a rare treasure that she has acquired through untold hardships. It is not the only one in the wild world, but it is definitely extremely rare. At least she Never heard of anyone having it.

But now, in order to escape for his life, he had to give up all of them.

He also made up his mind that after escaping from birth, he would no longer hide anything, and immediately reported the matter of Xumi Mansion and Jiang Yi to the kobold royal family. Although he could not get it, it would definitely be something that he could directly promote Great work of nobility.

Besides, Jiang Yi, after cutting off the head of the strong kobold in the seventh realm, stood in mid-air and said: "Kill! No one will be left!"

"Haha, leave it to the old man!"

Venerable Hundred Ghosts laughed loudly, exuding a ghostly aura all over his body, and directly killed several other dogs and people in the seventh realm.

The power of the peak of the eighth realm was fully revealed, maybe it was suppressed by Jiang Yi, or because he was abandoned by his own wizard, the kobolds of the seventh realm had no power to resist, and their fate was boundless in an instant In the air.

Venerable Hundred Ghosts didn't stop, and chased after the dog-headed wizard who had already escaped a certain distance.

And the other five strong human beings who appeared from the Shanshui Martial Realm, all of whom were the sixth mirror of martial arts, directly killed the remaining hundreds of kobold warriors with murderous aura.

As for Jiang Yi, he slashed for the second time at Chaisang, who hadn't recovered from the series of shocking changes, but it wasn't the dark green sword in his hand, but the flying blood that burst out from between his eyebrows. Knife.

Chaisang didn't come back to his senses until the blood-transforming flying knife slashed in front of his forehead.

He wanted to resist, but faced with Jiang Yi's angry attack with all his strength, he had no power to resist at all, so he could only stare and wait for death.

"What kind of evil spirit did I provoke..." I only had time to express this sentence in my heart, and then I felt the surrounding world turned upside down, and then I saw my headless body that was still standing upright there.

The same emotion was felt by the kobold wizard who escaped. At this time, she was no longer old-fashioned, and even her hunchback disappeared. The crutch in her hand turned into a flying magic weapon, and she fled to the distance at high speed.

She knew she had run into something hard, and she was completely capsized in the gutter.

However, he couldn't figure out why the other party carried a strong man of the eighth realm with him, and judging by the terrifying aura, he was still at the peak of the eighth realm, and he was probably only one step away from the legendary ninth realm .

"This is the only way to escape, but it's a pity that it hasn't been formed yet..."

Seeing that Venerable Hundred Ghosts was getting faster and faster, and was almost catching up, the kobold wizard gritted his teeth and took out a mini camp from his arms.

"Stop this person at all costs!"

Following her loud shout, thousands of cavalry were released from the camp, all armored wolf cavalry!

"Dao soldiers?" The Lord of Hundred Ghosts frowned. He had never seen a Dao soldier that could be concealed and carried with him, but his eyes flashed. As the prince said, this world is cruel, but at the same time it is indeed wonderful!

With a move of his hand, a black shadow swooped down from the sky, the Venerable Hundred Ghosts stepped on the back of the shadow, and then there was a crisp crane cry, the Venerable Hundred Ghosts swung up, avoiding thousands of soldiers Menacing wolf cavalry.

Seeing the Venerable Hundred Ghosts blocked by Hengkong in front of him, the Kobold wizard's face was ashen. He knew that he was finished, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

Venerable Hundred Ghosts smiled bluntly, pointed out the black air with a finger, and a delicate dog's head fell in the air...

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