I really became a prince

Chapter 287 Understanding the Yinshan Realm

Jiang Yi silently looked at the dozen or so figures outside the village archway, and the appearance of the other party refreshed his cognition once again.

In his previous life, he had only seen "Kobolds" on TV or in novels, and always thought it was a fiction, but he never thought that this Kobold would actually appear in front of him.

That's right, all the dozen or so figures outside the scatter were kobolds. Looking at their clothes, an idiom popped up in his mind: Humans look like dogs.

Except for having a dog's head and dense hair, and the hands and feet are different from humans, other parts are similar to humans, and they can walk upright and even speak human words.

But looking at the other party's slender and healthy legs, especially the slightly protruding knees, it seems to be far stronger than humans in terms of strength and speed.

"What are they?" Jiang Yi asked.

The middle-aged man turned his head and looked at Jiang Yi in surprise, and said, "Kobold, the little brother doesn't even know him?" Then he didn't wait for Jiang Yi to answer, and suddenly realized:

"The little brother must have just passed the adult assessment and stepped out of the clan land?"

Then he shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed: "It's really unlucky, I was teleported to this village just after I came out, maybe I will be caught and taken as a slave for the armored man..."

Jiang Yi followed his words and said, "Yes, I just came out, brother, can you tell me about the outside affairs?"

The middle-aged man probably didn't refuse because he really had nothing to do, and he said cheerfully: "Okay, we are destined to meet each other. Let's go, let's find a place to have a good chat." After speaking, he wanted to take Jiang Yi to Scattered Nei.

Jiang Yi didn't move, just stared at the outside of the archway without moving, and asked, "What should they do?"

Not far from the archway, behind more than a dozen kobolds, there are several large iron cages made of unknown materials. Inside each iron cage are densely packed human beings, male and female, old and young...

It wasn't that there were kobolds coming from afar, using either iron chains or a large net in their hands, to escort scattered humans over and put them in iron cages.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Yi didn't have any expression on his face, but his heart was tearing apart!

Human beings were captured and imprisoned like livestock, and the eyes of those humans in the iron cage made them sting even more.

What kind of look is that, desperate, numb... like a walking dead, without any hope for the future.

"Oh, their lives are over..." The middle-aged man sighed, seeing the increasingly serious expression on Jiang Yi's face, he took his arm and said:

"Let's go, go to my house for a while, I will tell you in detail, don't worry, these kobolds will leave in a while, they are still safe..."

Hearing this, Jiang Yi forcibly suppressed the killing intent surging in his heart, followed the opponent's strength and walked towards the village.

Before making a decision, he must first understand the world well before he can decide what to do. The world seems a little weird, but no matter how weird, he has to do some things that should be done.

In this way, Jiang Yi followed the middle-aged man through most of the village and came to a small courtyard on the edge.

It is a very simple and small yard, surrounded by a wooden fence that is one person high. The yard is empty, except for a jujube tree, there are three main wooden houses.

Although very simple, it gives people a comfortable feeling.

"The house is a bit rough, so let's make do with it, little brother."

The middle-aged man invited Jiang Yi to sit on a small wooden pier under the jujube tree, picked up the rough teapot on the wooden pier table, took a cup of herbal tea, and pushed it in front of Jiang Yi.

"Seeing this scene, the little brother is very angry, right?" The middle-aged man took a sip of herbal tea and began to speak on his own.

"Aren't you angry, brother?" Jiang Yi asked back, "Or, are you all numb?" Thinking of the indifferent expressions of many people in the village, he felt a little blocked.

The middle-aged man felt the questioning meaning in Jiang Yi's words, but he didn't feel any displeasure. He just sighed and said, "So what if we are not numb? In the eyes of these alien races, we humans are actually almost like livestock..."

"Once caught, life or death is a matter of life and death. We humans have no choice."

"Actually, this Yin Mountain Realm is the last pure land of our human beings. I'm afraid my little brother doesn't know that in the alien world outside the Yin Mountain Realm, human beings are living as a slave, and they can only serve as slaves."

"Why do you say that the Yinshan Realm is our last pure land?" Jiang Yi asked.

"The Yin Mountain Realm is very large, it can be said to be boundless, and it is dangerously densely covered. It is the last hiding place for us humans." The middle-aged man replied, "The most important thing is that compared with the foreign world outside, there are fewer alien races in this Yin Mountain Realm. If there are more, the dangers faced by human beings will be much less.”

Jiang Yi thought of the secret decree of the Yin Mountain, and said, "There are restrictions on the entry of foreign races into the Yin Mountain Realm? Is that why there are so few?"

"That's right, this Yinshan Realm has its own rules, and there will be a limit on the number of those alien races coming in."

"Those kobolds came in from the alien world outside?" Jiang Yi asked again.

"That's right, they don't belong to the Yin Mountain Realm."

"How many kobolds are there in the Yinshan Realm?"

The middle-aged man pondered for a while, and said with some uncertainty: "It should only be about a million..."

millions?Even in the previous life, this number is indeed a small number, but what the middle-aged man said next made Jiang Yi couldn't help but take a breath, only to hear the other party continue:

"But basically all the troops entering the Yin Mountain Realm are alien troops. Just the alien races I know, there are more than a dozen in this Yin Mountain Realm..."

"Is there any cultivation limit for them to come in?"

"Yes, only those with the sixth mirror and below can enter, and those with the sixth mirror and above need a special token."

After listening, Jiang Yi nodded, it was the same as the Manghuang Continent.However, thinking that the cultivation base of humans in the village is generally not high, he wondered: "Do we humans also have a cultivation base limit?"

"No." But the middle-aged man's expression was a bit bitter: "But in this Yinshan world, it is very difficult for human beings to break through to the seventh level, which also leads to very few human beings who are strong in the upper three levels, otherwise they would not be able to fight against it." These alien races swallow their breath."

"Moreover, some powerful alien races have their own mountain mansions in the Yinshan Realm. It is said that after owning the mountain mansions, they will no longer be restricted by cultivation. It seems that there are many fewer restrictions on the number of people."

Shanfu?This is the second time Jiang Yi has heard these two words, because the spiritual monk who was beaten to death by the measuring ruler said it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yi asked, "Have you heard of the Spirit Race?"

The middle-aged man frowned, and replied: "The spirit race, they call themselves spirit men, they are a much stronger race than kobolds, and they have their own mountain mansion."

Then he gritted his teeth and said, "The Spirit Race is the cruelest race to humans. Some extreme Spirit Race monks will directly kill humans when they see them!"

Jiang Yi had expected this, and he could feel it from the spirit man in Ruoshui Lake.

"How to build a mountain mansion?" Jiang Yi asked what he most wanted to know.

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