I really became a prince

Chapter 288 Sumeru House and Tribes

After learning from the dead spiritual monk that [Sumi Mansion] is the key to establishing the "Mountain Mansion", Jiang Yi's heart has been eager to move.

The world of Yinshan is so big, as long as you have the mountain mansion in your hands, there is a lot to do!

"Haha, coincidence, if my little brother asks other people this question, they probably really don't know, but I happen to know." The middle-aged man laughed.

Next, Jiang Yi learned from the middle-aged man how to build the [Mountain Mansion]. First, he needed a refined palm mansion, and then integrated special tokens into it, which was the prototype of the Mountain Mansion.

But if you want to really grow into a mountain mansion, you need to constantly use natural materials and earth treasures to refine the palm mansion that has been integrated with special tokens. When the palm mansion is promoted step by step and reaches the highest level, it will become a real mountain mansion .

In addition to being able to freely enter and exit the Yin Mountain Realm, the mountain residence can suppress the luck of a family. It is said that the most tyrannical races have the top mountain residences to suppress luck.

If the mountain mansion is not destroyed, the fortune will last forever.

There are many kinds of palm mansions, and only the treasure-level [Sumi Mansion] can be promoted to the mountain mansion step by step. Even if other palm mansions are promoted to the highest level, they can only protect one side and one city, and cannot become the treasure that suppresses the luck of a family. .

When Jiang Yi tentatively asked the other party if he knew what Sumeru Mansion was like, the middle-aged man shook his head and said he didn't know, Jiang Yi knew it well.

According to what the other party said, the humans in the Yinshan Realm have many palm mansions, as long as those human tribes that survived the siege and interception of alien races, they have a palm mansion to protect them.

Especially for those huge cities with a huge population, the Palm Mansion has been promoted to the highest level, but because it is not the Sumeru Mansion, the Mountain Mansion cannot be established.

In this Yin Mountain Realm, there are many human tribes hidden. The big ones have their own giant cities, and the small ones are just like the village in front of them, or even smaller than this village.

And without exception, every tribe has its own palm mansion.Because after owning your own palm mansion, not only can you have defensive capabilities, but you can also hide your own tribe's traces and avoid harassment from foreign races.

When the level of the palm mansion is promoted, the gathering place will also be promoted, starting from a small village and all the way to a giant city.

The village where Jiang Yi lived was a wild village without the protection of the Palm Mansion, so the kobolds came to find him.

However, although there is no Palm Mansion in this village, a memorial archway was born, which can prevent low-level aliens from entering. If you encounter aliens with high cultivation levels, the archway will not be very effective.

In the Yinshan Realm, there are only a few human settlements that can have palm mansions. Most of them are protected by archways or other accompanying treasures, just like this village.

But it can only be at the village level forever, and it is impossible to advance.

"Oh, the reason why we humans are so weak is because we have lost our ancestral land..." The middle-aged man suddenly sighed, "A race that can stand on its own in the wilderness has its own ancestral land, but the ancestral land of our humans The land has been lost since ancient times..."

Ancestral land?From what Jiang Yi thought, from the words of the spiritual monk, it seems that the Manghuang Continent is the ancestral land of human beings.Sure enough, next, the middle-aged man's words made Jiang Yi confirm this.

"However, our human ancestral land should not be destroyed. It is said that many foreign races know where our human ancestral land is. They have been trying to enter it for so many years, but they have not been successful."

"I hope they will never succeed, otherwise we humans will never recover..."

Jiang Yi said silently, compared to the Yinshan Realm in front of him, the Manghuang Continent is indeed much safer, at least there are no alien races outside the wilderness who wantonly do not kill humans.

"After talking so much, I still don't know what to call my little brother?" The middle-aged man was sad for a while, then suddenly changed the subject.

"I'm Jiang Yi." Jiang Yi didn't hide his identity, because from the words of the spiritual monk, he knew that whether it was the Yinshan Realm or the wilderness world, he didn't know anything about the Manghuang Continent at all.

Let’s just talk about the Spirit Race, although there is the shadow of the Lord of the Yin Mountain, but they can’t pass on any news, so naturally they don’t know the meaning of the word “Jiang Yi” (the previous text has been changed, the Lord of the Yin Mountain No messages or items can be sent out).

"Then I'll ask you to call me Brother Jiang." The middle-aged man smiled, and then continued: "Brother Jiang is probably hiding his cultivation?"

Jiang Yi raised his eyes and glanced at the other party, noncommittal.

"Brother, don't get me wrong. I don't mean anything malicious. The reason why I say this is just speculation."

"How did you guess it?" Jiang Yi asked curiously.

"I was just at the entrance of the village. If I hadn't pulled him, brother Jiang would have decided to go out and kill those kobolds, right? I can feel that brother Jiang is very confident, and he didn't pay attention to those kobolds at all."

Jiang Yi didn't speak, it was acquiesced, the sixth mirror had the highest cultivation among the dozen or so kobolds, and there were only a few of them, and the others were of low cultivation.

Although he had never fought against other races of the same realm, he still had the confidence to injure the opponent and run away.And he could vaguely feel that those kobolds were not that strong.

Most importantly, he really couldn't stand humans being captured and imprisoned like pigs and dogs.

"I wonder if Brother Jiang can tell you the real cultivation?" The middle-aged man asked very abruptly.

"Brother, why do you want to know my true cultivation?" Jiang Yi asked back, but looking at the determination in the other's eyes, he vaguely guessed something.

"I'm not going to hide this from brother Jiang. I really can't swallow this breath in Xiachaisang. I have already contacted a group of like-minded people and plan to completely strangle those kobolds outside the village!"

Jiang Yi narrowed his eyes and said, "Brother Chai, isn't he afraid that the kobolds will retaliate? If an army of kobolds is attracted, the village and the people in the village will not be able to keep them. Without the protection of the village, these people may be very afraid." It is difficult to survive in the Yinshan Realm."

From the previous conversation, Jiang Yi knew why a dozen dog-heads could block a human village, because the people in the village were afraid that if they killed the kobolds, they would be retaliated by the army of kobolds.

Chaisang smiled mysteriously: "I found out that the kobolds outside the village didn't tell other kobolds about the village because they wanted to monopolize the village!"

"As long as we can kill them all, the village will be safe, and the teleportation array will be restored. At worst, everyone will leave the village. Alas, but it's impossible. The teleportation fee is too high, and most people can't afford it." ..."

"In any case, those kobolds must be killed, otherwise, even if they leave temporarily this time, they will come back often in the future. Unless there is a palm mansion to transform the village into a tribe, otherwise the village will never have peace!"

Now that Jiang Yi knew the purpose of Sumeru Mansion, he had an idea in his heart, provided that those kobolds had to be eliminated first.

And he would never sit back and watch the kobolds hunt and kill humans so rampantly, so he nodded and said: "I will join, and the kobolds of the sixth mirror will be handed over to me."

Chaisang's eyes lit up, and when he saw Jiang Yi's confident expression, he didn't ask about his cultivation, but clapped his hands and laughed, "Then I'll leave it to brother Jiang."

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