Mo Qiuxian was a little distracted, thinking of the Lord of the Yin Mountain, even though no one would have guessed that the other party turned out to be a foreign race.

This is what he knows, what doesn't he know?In the entire Outer World sect and even in the Desolate Desolate Continent, how many alien races like the Lord of the Yin Mountain are hiding in the human world?

This is also the reason why he decided not to disclose the news of the alien race outside the wilderness. The man stick has been out of his wits, and he and Jiang Yi can hide in the dark and slowly plan and plan, so as not to startle the snake.

"I'm afraid the Lord of Yinshan can't hide it from him. He will definitely notice the abnormality of Ruoshui Lake." Retracting his thoughts, Mo Qiuxian reminded him.

Another outsider monk smiled and said: "It's okay, she doesn't have a special token, so she can't get in, unless she wants to damage that precious tree again, but she must be reluctant."

"As long as she doesn't come in personally, we can completely seal off the weak water lake."

Then he sighed: "Oh, the sects outside the world in the borderlands are too mysterious, but there is no word from the Lord of Yinshan Mountain..."

Mo Qiuxian sneered secretly in his heart, it would be strange if he could find out.Then I was a little worried about Jiang Yi, I don't know where he was teleported, but don't lose the secret order of Yinshan, or you won't be able to come back.

Besides, Jiang Yi, after being sucked in by the crack in the void, felt a vast expanse of whiteness, a little dazzling, and he didn't feel any discomfort in his body, so he couldn't help closing his eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, I found that I was in a huge open-air five-pointed starlight, and beside it, there were white lights flashing by continuously, and each white light was a figure.

"This should be the teleportation array..."

But Jiang Yi was a little puzzled. He used the void teleportation of a foreign race outside the wilderness. It should be teleported to the opponent's area, but now he is surrounded by humans, humans who look the same as him.

"Where is this?" Jiang Yi was a little dazed, then thought of something, and checked it quickly.

Then I let out a sigh of relief, fortunately, everything on my body is not missing, everything is there, including the mountains and rivers Martial Realm (Supernatural Power Realm), and there is no abnormality, the golden villain, the blood-transforming flying knife, etc., are not damaged in any way .

This was his first time riding the teleportation array, and he was really afraid that he would lose something because of it.

"Oh, bad luck, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be teleporting back. Now it's okay, the door is blocked, and I can't leave even if I want to..." At this time, a long sigh came from beside him.

Jiang Yi followed his reputation, but he was a middle-aged man who was also practicing martial arts, and his cultivation was only at the fifth level.

Looking at Jiang Yi, the middle-aged man greeted him bitterly, and then said, "Little brother, consider yourself unlucky."

"Why did you say that, Xiongtai? Could something have happened?" Jiang Yi asked along the voice.

The middle-aged man shook his head and walked out of the five-pointed star formation. Seeing Jiang Yi following him, he returned and said, "It seems that the little brother doesn't know that this village has been exposed."

Jiang Yi frowned, unable to understand what the other party meant, but it was because he had followed the middle-aged man out of the five-pointed starlight, and only then did he realize that there was something wrong.

He originally thought it was just an open-air teleportation array, but after he came out, he realized that there was something wrong with it, because when he looked back, there was no five-pointed star, and there was only a thatched cottage behind him.

It's not big, it only looks like an area of ​​more than 20 square meters, and it's very simple, and it looks like it's ventilated everywhere.

"Don't look at it, this teleportation array has been cut off, you can only enter but not exit." The middle-aged man smiled wryly, and then continued: "I hope they don't stay there all the time, otherwise the whole village will really become a prisoner. ..."

Jiang Yi didn't understand anything now, and was very cautious in his heart. He just kept silent, but he didn't leave the middle-aged man and walked in a certain direction.

While walking, he carefully looked at the "village" that the other party called.

The area of ​​this village is relatively large, which has already caught up with the area of ​​a big town, and there are restaurants, teahouses, markets, etc., and there are many people. After observing all the way, there must be thousands of people.

It's just that now, everyone's faces are listless, and many people are even crying secretly, with expressions of despair on their faces.

In the end what happened?Jiang Yi felt a little uneasy.

Then he thought of something, turned his mind, and the map of Yinshan Realm appeared in his mind.

"Fortunately, it's still in the Yinshan Realm." Jiang Yi breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he was in the Yinshan Realm, he could leave here and return to the Manghuang Continent when the Yinshan Realm was closed in a few days.

"But it turned out to be the little red dot in the south of the Dark Canyon..."

Looking at where he was on the map, Jiang Yi finally understood the meaning of the little red dot on the map, which should mean human settlements.

"There are human beings in this Yinshan Secret Realm (Yinshan Realm)?" Jiang Yi was a little excited as if he had discovered a new continent. It turned out that there were tribesmen outside the Manghuang Continent.

But I don't know if it's a coincidence or it's just like this, the human cultivation in this village is very low, and the highest is only the fifth level.But Jiang Yi was cautious, and once he appeared in the five-pointed star, he would run the "Nine Nine Returns to One Jue", hiding his true cultivation.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is just a low-level martial artist in the third realm of martial arts.

"Hey, did you see that the door was blocked!"

This is the middle-aged man in front of him stopped, raised his chin and pointed in a certain direction, with a look of displeasure, but also with anger that he tried his best to contain, but more of it was helplessness.

Only then did Jiang Yi realize that they had already left the entrance of the village. The entrance of the village was a simple archway, and there were many human warriors gathered in the archway.

At this moment, these warriors stared motionlessly outside the archway, their faces either numb, angry, terrified, or desperate.

Jiang Yi followed their gazes to look out, and suddenly a surge of anger rushed into his head, and the four words "four-legged meat worm" appeared in his mind...

At the beginning, the spiritual monk kept calling humans as four-legged worms, but Jiang Yi didn't feel much except anger.

But the scene he saw in front of him made him fully understand the meaning of these four, and it also made him burn with anger, and his whole person was on the verge of an explosion.

"Hey, I don't know how long they will stay, I hope they can leave as soon as possible, if you keep stuck here, it will be troublesome..." The middle-aged man said aloud.

"How troublesome?" Jiang Yi spat out a few words.

The middle-aged man didn't notice the coldness of Jiang Yi's voice, and continued to sigh: "If you stay stuck here, no one in the whole village can escape, and all of them will have to be captured and enslaved by armored men..."

Armored slaves?Jiang Yi remembered what the dead spirit monk said, "Born to be a slave, as cheap as grass", this situation is really a reflection of this!

As a human being, there is no dignity at all, no different from pigs and dogs

:. :

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