I really became a prince

Chapter 285 The Coming World War

However, he said that seeing Jiang Yi being sucked in by the void crack, Mo Qiuxian was at a loss for a while, and even panicked

"Brother Mo, where were you just now?" At this moment, a voice suddenly came from his ear, and when he turned his head to look, it was his old friend.

Only then did he realize that he had left Jiang Yi's supernatural realm and reappeared in Ruoshui Lake.

"I fell into the illusion of the other party just now..." Mo Qiuxian thought for a while, but did not reveal the truth, after all, his grandson-in-law was involved.

The top expert from Misty Pavilion, another Holy Land, didn't have any doubts, just asked, "Where's that monk?"

"I don't know, after trapping me with the illusion, I disappeared..." Mo Qiuxian is not good at lying, and he didn't spend his time trying to complete the lie, so he simply asked a question and didn't know.

The extraterrestrial powerhouse from Misty Pavilion frowned, and said: "Before I arrived at the teleportation formation, I felt a wave of energy in the teleportation formation. Could it be possible to go back through the transmission formation?"

Then he suddenly remembered something, and said again: "By the way, just now the Lord of Yinshan sent a letter saying that Jiang Yi, the king of Daliyi County, fled into Ruoshui Lake, let us find him and kill him."

After finishing speaking, he silently glanced at the old friend opposite, and sighed: "Brother Mo, if you feel embarrassed, let me come..." He knew the complicated relationship between Mo Qiuxian and Jiang Yi, but that Jiang Yi had to die.

"You also think he must die?" Mo Qiuxian asked suddenly.

"Brother Mo, for the countless years of planning of my sect outside the world, he must die, so don't be confused..." the other party persuaded.

Mo Qiuxian shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed inwardly. This is the reason why he lied. He originally received such important news from the alien race outside the wilderness, and the other party was clearly eyeing the Manghuang Continent and was trying to find a way to enter the Manghuang Continent.

Normally, he should have informed the entire world sect of this important news, but would they believe it?Moreover, the sect outside the world has been planning for so many years, how can they easily give up their ambitions for the entire secular world... Even if they know this news, they probably won't give up their thoughts of becoming a master of the secular world.

And this also involves the Lord of the Yin Mountain. For so many years, the other party has completely taken root in the sect outside the world, and his reputation in the outside world is even higher than his own.

Another point is that the appearance of the opponent's stick is too mysterious. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it.

The most important thing is that Mo Qiuxian doesn't have any confidence in the sect outside the world, they can't carry the great banner of human beings!

At this point, he looked more at his grandson-in-law, Jiang Yi, king of Daliyi County.

"It's time to make some preparations..." I whispered in my heart, but said on my mouth:

"By the way, before I was trapped, I vaguely sensed the sound of a fight outside. Could it be that the other party met Jiang Yi? Instead, he pointed the finger at Jiang Yi and took him away?"

The misty monk nodded and said, "It's possible. During the time when Brother Mo disappeared, I searched Ruoshui Lake carefully, but I didn't see Jiang Yi."

Mo Qiuxian said with a smile: "If Jiang Yi is really taken away by the other party, I'm afraid he has already gone to a certain place through the teleportation array, and he may not be able to return. It just eliminates a big threat for the sect outside the world."

Unexpectedly, the other party shook his head, and said after deliberation: "I'm afraid it may not be..."

"Oh? Is it possible that Jiang Yi can still escape from the other party?" Mo Qiuxian felt a little ashamed. After all, the two had been friends for many years, but he was trying to use clichés.

There is no way, he has been obsessed with cultivation for so many years, he has never dealt with the Lord of the Yin Mountain at all, and he has no understanding of the secret land of the Yin Mountain or the secret orders of the Yin Mountain.

But in fact, now he is really worried about his grandson-in-law, so he can only make a bad move.

The monks in the Misty Pavilion did not have any doubts, and explained aloud: "I once heard the Lord of the Yin Mountain say that as long as you are in the secret realm of the Yin Mountain, as long as you have the secret order, no matter where you are, when the secret realm is closed, you will be sent out."

Mo Qiuxian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it would be good if he could come back, he was really worried that his only granddaughter would become a widow at a young age...

"It's just that you and I didn't gain anything during this trip to the Yinshan Secret Realm. We didn't get any information about the worldly sects in the borderlands. We wasted three months for nothing." The monk of Misty Pavilion said a little unwillingly.

"It can't be said that we haven't received any news. At least we know that it is very strong, and it may be far above our middle-earth." Mo Qiuxian said.

"Yes, and the other party has already completed the control of the secular world of the border, so our extraterrestrial sects in Middle-earth must pay close attention to controlling the secular world of Middle-earth as soon as possible to absorb nutrients. One day, we will really tear our skin apart before we can have strength Fight them!"

Mo Qiuxian didn't speak, and smiled wryly in his heart: I'm afraid it's a bit whimsical. For a long time, human beings probably won't be the opponents of those alien races in the wilderness.

He sorted it out secretly, and made a rough guess about the relationship between the borderlands and the alien races outside the wilderness.

The alien race outside the wilderness should be the Manghuang Continent that has always wanted to get involved with humans, but for some reason, they couldn't come to the Manghuang Continent at all.

Then by some means, secretly controlled the Border Dynasty from afar.

Then the stick-shaped alien from the wilderness accidentally teleported to Ruoshui Lake, and discovered that Ruoshui Lake turned out to be a shortcut to enter the human world. As long as you get the secret order from the Yin Mountain, you can come to the wild continent.

That's why the other party has been chasing after them after discovering the two of them, just to get the secret order of Yinshan.

But is there any extraterrestrial sect in the borderlands?Or there is no extraterrestrial sect at all, and it is simply the disguise of those alien races from the wilderness?

After thinking for a while, Mo Qiuxian felt a bit of a headache, so he simply stopped thinking about it, and left this headache to his grandson-in-law.

After knowing that Jiang Yi would be teleported back, he felt a lot more relaxed, and then began to think about the future layout.

From the moment that alien race in the wilderness showed his original shape, he had a faint feeling that this would be a racial war concerning the life and death of human beings, and even more so, a great battle in the world!

And judging from the stick's fear of Jiang Yi, his grandson-in-law will play a vital role in it, and as a grandfather, he can't really stay out of it, and he must help his grandson-in-law when the time comes.

"After returning, you must report to the sect and list this weak water lake as a forbidden area, and no one can be allowed to set foot. Even if the other party comes to this weak water lake again in the future, they will not be able to leave this enchantment at night."

The cultivator from Misty Pavilion spoke up, and then asked in confusion: "But why is the other party so interested in our Yinshan secret order?"

"I think the reason why he is interested in the tokens on us is because he knows that the tokens on us are special tokens!" Mo Qiuxian said nonsense.

"It should be what Brother Mo said. After all, the special token hides too many secrets, and what we know is only the tip of the iceberg, but they may know more than us..."

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