Born as a human, a hundred deaths without regrets!

Jiang Yi only felt a surge of blood in his heart, which came from the depths of his soul, and many historical pictures of his previous lives even emerged in his heart, and the previous servants followed suit, just for the belief in his heart.

Besides, Mo Qiuxian who was next to him also noticed the abnormality of the spiritual monk at this time. The sharp collision of the opponent's body made him feel an inexplicable fear, as if something terrible was about to happen.

"do not want!"

Seeing Jiang Yi taking steps, he suddenly felt uneasy, feeling as if he was about to lose something important, but he stopped abruptly just by shouting these two words. ·

Because from Jiang Yi's clear and penetrating eyes, he felt something, it was a kind of belief, a belief that would be put to death without dust.

He once had this belief, but as time went by, it gradually faded.But now from Jiang Yi's body, he felt again that the blood that had been cooled for most of his life was rekindled in an instant, and there was a faint sense of long-lost blood in his heart.

This kind of enthusiasm made his whole heart tremble in a certain way, and there seemed to be a kind of repentance.

At this moment, Mo Qiuxian suddenly felt that he was not qualified to stop it, because he had lost this long-lost passion for so many years, so what qualifications did he have to stop it.

As for the snapping turtle next to him, he watched Jiang Yi take this step with an inexplicable look, with some relief and some unexplained worry in his eyes.

As for the spiritual monk, he had a sneering look on his face. No one can stop this forbidden technique. Even a lowly four-legged worm on the other side can't stop it even if he has a great fortune, and even hit him.

But Jiang Yi stepped out without hesitation. Under the blessing of the sky martial arts, the moment he stepped out with one foot, his whole body disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of the monk Lingxu.

At this moment, Jiang Yi saw the astonishment and contempt in the eyes of the spiritual monks, and seemed to be laughing at him for being overwhelmed, but Jiang Yi didn't pay any attention to it. There were no joys, anger, sorrows and joys in his eyes, no sighs in life, only That original intention.

And the moment he appeared in the eyes of the spiritual monk, Jiang Yi drew his sword.It was still the blood-transforming flying knife, but instead of the iron-blooded killing it had before, there was a touch of compassion, as if the knife was not for killing.

"It's useless, once I use this forbidden technique, no one can stop it!"

The spiritual monk was a little uneasy. The breath of Jiang Yi's knife made him feel unfamiliar, but at the same time he felt a sense of oppression that was about to come.

"Not always!"

Jiang Yi smiled, and slashed down with the blood-transforming flying knife in his hand, and instantly eight sword lights slashed at the opponent from all directions.

Different from the usual Raging Flame Flash Slash, each of the eight knives that were slashed at the same time this time is not an ordinary move, but a "cage in the field of swords"!

One knife and one imprisonment, each cut down, although it can't cut off the forbidden technique of the spiritual monk, but every time the spirit monk's swollen body is suppressed, the original little swollen body, in this move of the flames Slashing in the air, it shrank sharply.

The spirit monk's face changed drastically. He had seen Jiang Yi's saber technique that confines the space before, but it was by no means as powerful as the few knives just now, and he even faintly cut off his forbidden technique.

You must know that even in the wilderness, those powerful monks with higher cultivation levels than him would never be able to cut off his forbidden technique.

He knew that he could no longer make moves step by step, otherwise he would be cut off by the opponent before the forbidden technique was completed.

A stern determination flashed in the eyes of the spiritual cultivator, he no longer had any reservations, and directly detonated everything on his body, including his own body.

The moment he detonated, a gap was torn open in the void where space cracks were faintly flashing, like an eye standing upright with one finger.

Through the crack, what you see is the endless darkness, and the ray of light at the end of the crack.

And at the moment when the entire body and all the items of the spiritual monk's body exploded, the opponent's body turned into nothingness, leaving only a golden spot, which quickly fled into the crack.

Jiang Yi held the blood-transforming flying knife, stepped on the sun and moon wheels, and with one move, a black shadow the size of a fist flew towards him and blocked it directly in front of the crack. It was Hei Prison Mountain.

The golden spot that the spiritual monk turned into let out a sharp hiss, as if he was very afraid of Heilongshan.

He wanted to try his best to escape Hei Prison Mountain, but under the double suction force of void crack and Hei Prison Mountain, struggling was meaningless, and he was sucked into Hei Prison Mountain in an instant.

However, after Jiang Yi used the "Knife Field Cage" eight times in a row, coupled with the previous successive performances, the efficacy of the Life and Life Pill was completely exhausted, and he felt a sense of weakness all over his body.

However, after seeing the true spirit of the spiritual monks being sucked into Hei Prison Mountain, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and entered Hei Prison Mountain, and the other party could hardly escape.

Because it "sees".The moment the other party's true spirit was absorbed into Hei Prison Mountain, a white ruler appeared across the sky, aiming at that strand of true spirit to strike down three feet.

Shoot down with one foot, freedom is forbidden; shoot down with two feet, abolish cultivation; shoot down with three feet, the soul will be destroyed!

Under the power of the Quantian Ruler's trial, the true spirit was completely wiped out. This was the first time that Jiang Yi really urged the Quantian Ruler to conduct a trial, and it was also the first time he truly saw the power of the Quantian Ruler.

Although Mo Qiuxian and the snapping turtle next to him didn't see it clearly as Jiang Yi did, they also saw the Measuring Ruler flashing across the sky.

They couldn't help but shuddered all over, because they were all enveloped by an inexplicable force the moment the measuring ruler passed through the void.

Under the shroud of this power, there is a feeling that there is nothing to hide. The things they have done before flashed in their minds, especially the bad things in the past, which made them feel like a knife was hanging on the path.

Snapping turtles are better, because they have faced Heiyu Mountain before and are well prepared for it, but it is the first time Mo Qiuxian has seen Heiyu Mountain and Measuring Sky Ruler. Let it have a feeling of being stared at by the god of death.

After all, at his level of cultivation, it is impossible to have a clear conscience, and he must have done something wrong, and this is the scope of the Judgment Ruler.

Without waiting for him to express any emotion about this, he looked at the mid-air with gnawing eyes, where the monks of the Spirit Race used to stay, but at this moment there appeared a void crack with a height of three meters up and down, which was a huge vertical eye. Jiang Yi sucked it in.

Mo Qiuxian didn't even have time to react, he could only watch helplessly as Jiang Yi was sucked into the crack and disappeared completely, together with the magical realm in front of him and the huge giant tortoise

"Where did you go?" Mo Qiuxian panicked for a while. If Jiang Yi really disappeared, he didn't know how to explain to his granddaughter.

However, he vaguely guessed that he might have gone to the wilderness world mentioned by the spiritual monks.

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