But after Jiang Yi plunged into Ruoshui Lake, he realized that he had entered another dimension.

Although this space is in the Yinshan secret realm, it is a separate space.I can't help but sigh in my heart that this world is really full of fantasy.

He kept in mind Huo Si and Yin Fa's reminders, and as soon as he entered Ruoshui lake, he started "Nine Nine Returns to One Jue" to completely hide his aura.

Although both of them told him that this weak water lake could get rid of the pursuit, they also reminded him that it was extremely dangerous, because two of the world's top experts had been in this weak water lake for the past three months.

According to the news they got through different channels, the two seem to be trying to solve an unsolved mystery of the Manghuang Continent.

Since it is an unsolved mystery, it must involve the great secret of this world, so Jiang Yi decided to spend the last few days in the secret place of Yinshan Mountain exploring this weak water lake.

After performing the Nine-Nine-Return-One Jue to hide the breath of the whole body, Jiang Yi carefully observed the surroundings, and found nothing unusual, Zhou Jing was quiet.

Then he displayed the "Water Crossing Jue", and the whole person walked freely as if on land, without being affected in the slightest.

Jiang Yi didn't stop at all, and used "Sky Martial Steps" to flee directly to the bottom of the lake. With the cooperation of the three exercises, Jiang Yi's figure fled to the depths silently like a ghost.

The speed of the Sky Martial Step was not affected in any way, not even a trace of water marks.

"This water-crossing technique is really powerful, but it would be great if it could be invisible..." Jiang Yi regretted secretly.

Although his aura can be completely hidden now, it can be seen at a glance within the field of vision.This is also the reason why he fled to the bottom of the lake as soon as he entered the weak water lake. After all, in this half of the water, there was nothing to cover him. No matter how good it is.

Contrary to what Jiang Yi expected, this weak water lake is very deep. He dived more than 1000 meters before reaching the bottom of the lake. This is still on the periphery of the lake.

The power of "Water Crossing Jue" is once again reflected. If it is another warrior who does not have underwater skills, in such a deep water, he must allocate part of his experience to resist the huge water pressure.

But Jiang Yi didn't need it. The water-crossing formula had already completely integrated him with the water of this weak lake, so naturally there was no repelling force from the lake.

It's just that during the dive all the way, Jiang Yi always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

It was only when I saw the bare bottom of the lake without a trace of life that I realized it.The road was too quiet, to be precise, it was dead, without any breath of life.

"Such a big lake is actually a dead lake?"

The surrounding was too quiet, which made Jiang Yi a little uncomfortable.

However, the topography at the bottom of the lake caught his eyes. He could only see ravines connected to each other, and the mountains were undulating, just right for him to hide.There are also those deep trenches that are connected horizontally and suspended below, which are just suitable for him to hide his breath and sneak.

Jiang Yi lurks in the ditch of the lake, fleeing all the way to the center of the lake. At first, he was worried that there was some kind of ominous creature in this area, which made no other species dare to live here.

But after walking for several hours, it was confirmed that this weak water lake was really devoid of any life, and the entire bottom of the lake was bare, with no grass growing.

The area thus becomes absolutely safe as there will be no outside attacks.

However, Jiang Yi was a little disappointed in his heart. While life in this weak water lake disappeared, it also became a barren land, and there were no rare treasures along the way.

Suddenly, Jiang Yi's expression changed, and he immediately fell under a half-suspended mountain. The nine-nine return to one tactic worked to the extreme, and he was even more energetic, ready to escape at any time.

After only a few breaths of effort, a distant fighting breath came from a distance, and it seemed to be a chase.

"Haha, let's see where you are fleeing!" A triumphant laugh came, "Hand over the tokens on your bodies, and I can save you from death."

As soon as the voice fell, three figures approached quickly from a distance, two in front and one behind.

Seeing the unnatural posture of the three figures in the water, Jiang Yi once again lamented the power of his "Walking the Water Jue".

The aura of these three people is very strong, and they are all the peak powerhouses of the eighth realm, especially the man who chased and killed the two people in front, his aura is even stronger, and he can beat two peak powerhouses of the eighth realm with his own strength. By.

The two people in front didn't respond in the slightest, they just tried their best to escape.

As the distance approached, Jiang Yi could clearly see the faces of the two of them, but one of them had met once, and had a special relationship with him

"I didn't expect him to be one of the two peak powerhouses who entered the secret realm of Yinshan with a special token..."

This familiar person is Mo Qiuxian, Li Li's grandfather!

Jiang Yi didn't expect such a coincidence that the two would meet here.However, judging from the situation, the other party seemed to be in a bad mood, with scars all over his body, and it was obvious that he had been hunted down for an unknown amount of time.

Moreover, it seemed that both of them, including the one with Mo Qiuxian, had reached the end of their strength, and they might not last long.

"Old man Zeng, it's almost time, I'll hold him back, you go and destroy the portal that appeared with him!"

Mo Qiuxian yelled, then turned around and threw a large golden net to cover the person who was chasing behind him, but this person had the appearance of a foreign race in the frontier.

The alien from the frontier didn't panic either, he raised his hand, and a pair of huge scissors appeared out of thin air, cutting directly towards the golden net.

But when he first touched the golden net, it was as if he had been broken by something. He lost all his power and was directly covered by the golden net.Not only that, the golden net continued to castrate, and then covered the foreigner from the frontier in the net

Only then did the foreign power's face change drastically. The golden net turned out to be a treasure specially designed to imprison the mana of monks. It was really careless.

And Mo Qiuxian and another peak power outside the world looked at each other, heaved a sigh of relief, and finally succeeded.

"be careful!"

Another peak expert said something to Mo Qiuxian, then turned around and fled in the direction he came from, probably to destroy the portal.

Looking at the alien power who was struggling in the golden net but couldn't use any mana, Mo Qiuxian breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Stop struggling, it's useless, this golden net is specially designed to deal with What you refined took decades to refine."

While secretly guarding, Mo Qiuxian also showed a hint of excitement on his face. The mysterious veil about the extraterrestrial sects in the borderlands was finally unveiled.

In the border land beyond the nine borders, there are also sects outside the world, but they are extremely mysterious. They have never shown up for so many years. Like ghosts hiding in the dark, they secretly control the four great dynasties of the border alien races. .

By chance, the extraterrestrial sect of Middle Earth discovered that there seemed to be a shadow of the extraterrestrial sect in the frontier in this weak water lake where life had disappeared. After decades of planning and preparation, it launched this fatal blow.

This is an unsolved mystery, and now, the mystery is about to be revealed, how can he not be excited.

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