I really became a prince

Chapter 271 Killing the Layer

Seeing the pursuers behind him chasing up, Jiang Yi drove the flying pig towards the great lake.

This big lake is so huge that it can't be seen at a glance, and its area may catch up with a small inland sea.Moreover, the water surface is empty, and even the shadow of the mountain peak cannot be seen.

On the map, this lake is called Ruoshui Lake, and it is also a vast ocean on the map, without any shadow of mountains or islands.

After Jiang Yi flew inward for a certain distance, he clearly felt the crushing feeling coming from the mid-air was getting heavier and heavier, so he was prepared for it, jumped off the back of the flying pig, and plunged into the lake.As for the flying pig, it spread its wings, turned around and flew out of Ruoshui Lake, and disappeared in mid-air.

Almost at the same time, a group of people also appeared by the weak water lake.

Divided into three gangs, one headed by Chang Xiangdao, and the other headed by the man in black from the Boling Ye family. Both of these gangs are composed of secret disciples from the Middle Earth.

The last group is all foreign races in the frontier, mainly a few royal families in the frontier, including Li Yuan from the Baiyue Dynasty.

"He actually entered Ruoshui Lake!" Li Yuan said angrily.

"What should I do? Do you still want to chase?" Another border royal family member asked.

The man in black took a cold look at the endless Ruoshui lake, turned around and left, and the several secret disciples behind him also left together.

Chang Xiangdao did not leave immediately, but sighed, "How to chase? This weak water lake is extremely wide, and it is full of lake water. There is no land to settle on, and there is no reference. There is no flying mount to guide. Easy to get lost."

"Besides, Jiang Yi escaped directly into the lake. I'm afraid there is a way to fight underwater. Which one of you has it?"

Hearing what Chang Xiangdao said, no matter whether they were from the frontier alien race or the esoteric disciples, they all fell silent.

Underwater fighting skills are extremely precious, only a few of them have them, but no one has come forward.

For more than 20 days, although they have been chasing Jiang Yisha, they have suffered heavy losses.

This king of Daliyi County was simply a god of murder, with fierce flames, and he did everything he could to kill the enemy. He was born in their interception and killed dozens of people.

In this situation, even if they know how to fight underwater, no one is willing to dive into the weak water lake to fight Jiang Yi.

Looking at the people who were obviously intimidated by Jiang Yi's viciousness, Chang Xiangdao shook his head and said, "So there is no need to chase him, someone will deal with him in the weak water lake."

After speaking, he turned and left.

The rest of the border alien warriors looked at each other, and they all wanted to leave with wry smiles and shook their heads.

However, these three groups were not lucky. They scattered around the area around Zi and kept an eye on the flying pigs circling in the sky. The flying pigs did not disappoint them, as if they had no intention of leaving their sight.

Standing on a boulder, Chang Xiangdao looked at the boundless lake, and sighed inwardly, with mixed feelings.

In the past 20 days, he has really seen the ferocity of his "brother-in-law", and he has killed the secret disciples of their otherworldly sects.

As the greatest heritage of the sect outside the world, the secret disciples have a set of inheritance echelons, and there will be corresponding secret disciples in every realm from the first realm to the sixth realm.

Of course, this is referring to the seven sects and eight sects and the two holy land sects. Like those small sects, there is only one esoteric disciple in the entire sect. For example, there is only one esoteric disciple in the Shangxu sect. Yin Fa.

But after more than 20 days of fighting, nearly half of the esoteric disciples of the world sect alone died in the hands of Jiang Yi.

Most of them are secret disciples below the sixth mirror, but there are also nearly ten of the sixth mirror.

Many esoteric disciples scolded Jiang Yi for being despicable because of this, and they only picked those below the sixth mirror to kill them directly, so that their inheritance echelon broke down.

In the end, they were forced to have no choice. They couldn't really let these low-level disciples die, they could only withdraw those low-level disciples back to the camp.

But Chang Xiangdao knew in his heart that there is no such thing as despicable or not despicable, in order to survive, anyone would do so.

Chang Xiangdao glanced at Ye Ke from the Ye family in Boling from a distance, that is, the man in black, and saw that the other party was also staring at Ruoshui Lake motionlessly, obviously feeling very unwilling.

Chang Xiangdao understood why the other party was so unwilling. Although Jiang Yi entered Ruoshui Lake, it didn't mean that they really didn't dare to chase after him, but they couldn't.

Because the two extraterrestrial powerhouses who hold the special tokens are now in the weak water lake.

Because of this, the entire world sect issued a strict order, strictly prohibiting any secret disciples from entering Ruoshui Lake.

This is a big secret of the sect outside the world, even the owner of Yinshan Mountain is kept in the dark.

After a while, a message came from the secret order of Yinshan Mountain, and it was the Lord of Yinshan Mountain, Chang Xiangdao glanced at it.He was not the only one who received this message, all the secret disciples and the foreign races in the borderlands, including Ye Ke, also received it.

Seeing that Ye Ke just sneered and didn't intend to reply, Chang Xiangdao thought for a while, and replied that the weak water lake is extremely dangerous, and no one would dare to chase into it without superb underwater fighting techniques.

The implication was that their secret disciples did not intend to enter the Ruoshui Lake. As for how the border aliens returned, he didn't know, but looking at the indifferent expressions of those border royals, he knew that the other party had no intention of entering the Ruoshui Lake at all.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for all of them to receive a message from the Lord of the Yin Mountain, asking them to stay at Ruoshui Lake before the secret place of the Yin Mountain was closed.

Chang Xiangdao had an indifferent attitude, but the other secret disciples showed complaints and were extremely unwilling.

This trip to the Yin Mountain Secret Realm was originally a journey of good fortune, but because of the killing of Jiang Yi, they couldn't move freely at all, so they couldn't find opportunities.

Originally, there were only a few days left, and they wanted to try their luck, but the decree of the Lord of the Yin Mountain was like pinning them to this area. As for any chance encounter, don't even think about it.

Ye Ke, who was not far away, also had an indifferent attitude, but he glanced at Chang Xiangdao with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I don't know what kind of scene it will be when they meet together, but it's a pity that I can't witness it with my own eyes..."

Chang Xiangdao felt Ye Ke's gaze, his face was expressionless and he didn't respond, but he felt a little bitter and worried in his heart.

Now that Jiang Yi has entered Ruoshui Lake, he is very likely to meet those two peak powerhouses, but one of them has a certain relationship with Jiang Yi, and he will face the dilemma of whether to kill or not.

"Well, I hope they don't meet."

Chang Xiangdao couldn't figure it out, the secret place of Yinshan Mountain was so big, why did Jiang Yi come directly to Ruoshui Lake, and how should he deal with himself when they really met each other?

He was suddenly a little inexplicably worried about Jiang Yi. As far as he knew, the two peak powerhouses were not looking for some adventure, but were going to fight a fierce battle in the weak water lake. An unsolved mystery.

"Hope it's all right..."

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