At this time, only Mo Qiuxian and the alien great power were left at the bottom of the lake, and they were suspended above Jiang Yi's head, only a dozen meters away.

Jiang Yi hid under the mountain, carefully restraining his breath.

"How do you know that this seat is active in this weak water lake?"

The alien Almighty was imprisoned by the golden net, but he didn't show any panic, and asked calmly.

"You don't need to know about this." Mo Qiuxian sat cross-legged and recovered alone, as if waiting for his companion to come back.

"What are you going to do with me?" The alien strongman asked again, "You won't send me back to your sect, will you?"

Mo Qiuxian didn't intend to reply, and he closed his eyes to recover his mana. For nearly three months, he has been playing a game of cat and mouse with the other party.

Especially in the last ten days, after being discovered by the other party, he was chased and killed all the way, leaving his whole body covered with scars.

The opponent's tyranny made him feel like sitting in a well for the first time.

Before this, Mo Qiuxian was at the peak of the eighth realm, and had already stood at the highest peak in the world. Although he had no clue about breaking through the ninth realm, he was extremely confident in his own strength.

But this encounter made him feel small.

He teamed up with an old friend of comparable strength in the Misty Pavilion, but he was no match for the foreign race in front of him, and he was hunted down by the other party for more than ten days.

"How about a discussion? Just ask what you want to know, I know everything, but let me go after asking, don't bring me back to your sect, how about it?"

The strong man of the foreign race continued to speak, but Jiang Yi, who was hiding in the dark, always felt that these words sounded a bit awkward.

Mo Qiuxian opened his eyes, looked at the other party, and suddenly smiled, "Do you really want us to bring you back to the sect?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the other party's reaction, he continued, "Or, do you really want us to take you out of this Yinshan secret realm?"

The strong man of the foreign race laughed dryly, and was about to say something, but Mo Qiuxian didn't give him a chance to speak at all, with a weird smile on his face, "The old man guessed that you can't leave this weak lake by yourself, so you desperately want to get on us." The token, I don’t know if I guessed it, right?”

The strong alien put away the fake dry smile on his face, and his eyes became a little cold, "Sometimes you are too smart but you die faster..."

"Haha, even if you die, you won't die in your hands." Mo Qiuxian is very confident in this golden net, which was refined according to ancient methods, and even if it is placed in their two holy places, it is the treasure of the town school .

Once covered by this net, no matter how strong it is, the mana of the whole body will be imprisoned in an instant.

"Really? Are you so confident? You can trap me with just this net?" the strong alien said with a smile.

Mo Qiuxian stood up and was on guard. Seeing nothing unusual, he said again, "Aren't you worried about that portal? It may have been destroyed by now..."

"Destroy it, let it be destroyed. Its mission has been completed, and this seat has entered smoothly." The smile on the face of the strong foreign race became more and more strange.

A strong uneasiness rose in Mo Qiuxian's heart. The hidden information in the other party's words was a bit big, which made his hair stand on end.

As for Jiang Yi, who was hiding in the dark, he also felt that something was wrong. He was already a prisoner, but this foreign monk seemed to have nothing to fear. Could it be that he had something to rely on?

"Okay, I won't play with you anymore. In fact, getting the tokens on your body can also achieve the purpose of this seat..." The monk of the foreign race smiled a little sullenly.

Mo Qiuxian said badly in secret, and without any hesitation, a spell attacked the opponent.He was extremely decisive, at this moment he had already given up his plan to get any information from the other party, and only wanted to kill the other party cleanly.

But it seemed too late, that alien monk was faster than him.

The opponent's whole body was still tightly wrapped in the golden net, but his actions were not affected in the slightest. He tapped his feet lightly, avoiding Mo Qiuxian's spell, and appeared in front of Mo Qiuxian like a ghost.

Still with a weird smile on his face, his right hand suddenly stretched out from the golden net, and punched Mo Qiuxian.

Mo Qiuxian's face was shocked, and he had to place a protective talisman in front of him, but in front of the big red fist, he was completely vulnerable to a single blow, the talisman was instantly broken, and Mo Qiuxian was also thrown backwards by the punch.

Fortunately, although the talisman was broken, it consumed most of its attack power, but even so, Mo Qiuxian, who was at the peak of the eighth realm, was still severely injured.

"You..." Mo Qiuxian only felt that the mana in his body was on the verge of collapsing, he quickly stuffed a few pills into his mouth, and looked cautiously on guard with a shocked expression.

It was not only Mo Qiuxian who was shocked, but also Jiang Yi who was hiding in the dark. At this time, there was a storm in his heart, and there was an unspeakable excitement.

Dual Cultivation of Immortal and Martial Arts!It turned out to be a dual cultivation of immortal and martial arts!

In the Manghuang Continent, martial arts and immortal arts cannot be practiced at the same time. This is an iron law.

There used to be quite a few talented people who wanted to break this iron law, but they all failed, and those who even forcibly tried dual cultivation directly exploded and died.

After Jiang Yi traveled to this world, he also tried to practice the celestial arts of other sects, but his blood was tumbling all over his body, and he felt like he was about to explode, so he had to give up in the end.

There is an insurmountable natural moat between martial arts and immortal arts, which has also created the current situation where the secular martial arts and other world sects are opposed in Manghuang Continent.

But this foreign monk, while practicing immortal art, unexpectedly practiced martial arts at the same time.

"Why, surprised?" The foreign cultivator didn't continue to attack, but lowered his head and tore the big golden web covering his body, just like tearing a spider's web wrapped around his body, very easily.

Seeing this scene, Mo Qiuxian smiled wryly to himself.

Although this golden net is definitely considered the most valuable commercial item, it also has a fatal flaw, that is, it is only useful for monks and has no effect on warriors

But even the peak martial arts powerhouse in the eighth realm couldn't tear apart as easily as the opponent, but the opponent managed to do it, which only shows that the opponent's martial arts cultivation base is very strong.

Mo Qiuxian knew that today was the end of the day, the opponent was too strong, and he was both immortal and martial arts, even if his old friend rushed back, it would be useless, he was afraid he would die here.

This kind of life and death calamity, he has experienced many times in his life, but he has never been so afraid like today, and the unwillingness in his heart has never been so strong.

Because he was worried about his granddaughter who had just been taken back to the Holy Land Sect by him, how would she survive in the Miaosheng Sect without his big backer?

At the same time, endless remorse surged in his heart, perhaps he should not have brought his granddaughter Mo Li back to the sect, but let her continue to be Princess Yi of the Dali Dynasty.

With the protection of the big tree Yijun Wang Jiangyi, at least she can live in safety and worry-free.

But now, after he dies, the situation of the other party will be very difficult, even worse than death...

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