I really became a prince

Chapter 270 Epilogue

Seeing the Flying Pig in flight, something suddenly spit out from its mouth, which was the half of Ye Hui's arm.

Looking at the forearm that fell to the secret place of Yinshan Mountain, Jiang Yi no longer had to worry about it, and felt a lot more relaxed.

In his previous life, he had heard that pigs can eat anything and can destroy corpses. He was really worried that this flying pig would have such a hobby.

Then Fei Zhu tilted his head and glanced sideways at him. The pig's mouth grinned, revealing two rows of molars, as if showing off to Jiang Yi.

Between its two rows of molars is a simple ring.

When Jiang Yi saw this ring, he suddenly realized that the reason why the other party swallowed the half of the forearm was to touch the corpse.Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a storage ring. It seems that the Boling Ye family's family background is indeed rich.

As the top powerhouse in the eighth realm, Venerable Hundred Ghosts can only use a sumeru bag, and Ye Hui actually has a storage ring, but he doesn't know what's in it.

After "showing off" Jiang Yi, Fliggy's first box, he swallowed the storage ring.

Jiang Yi looked a little curious. Could it be that the other party, like the snapping turtle in the Landscape Martial Realm, also has a Xumi space in his body?Otherwise, this storage ring, including the booty that was touched from the dozen or so alien warriors before, couldn't really be swallowed.

Jiang Yi was thinking about how to get Feizhu to hand over these trophies, when he felt a wave of breath in front of him, felt it, and showed a murderous intent on his face.

There are more than a dozen alien warriors with different cultivation bases, the tallest one is Sixth Mirror, but the leader is a secret disciple from an extraterrestrial sect.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Yi went straight to kill.

As Lord Fenglei Dao, after two months of joint pursuit by both parties, Jiang Yi was already simmering with anger.Moreover, as an extraterrestrial monk in Central Earth, he actually colluded with foreign races in the frontier, so he had no psychological burden to kill.

In this way, Jiang Yi flew and stopped all the way, and the fighting basically never stopped.

Now he has a rough judgment on his own strength, and the ordinary secret disciples are basically not his opponents, but like Chang Xiangdao, and the bloodthirsty man in black from the Ye family, they fight equally.

No matter who wants to kill the other party, it is very difficult.

However, Jiang Yi guessed that Chang Xiangdao should be stronger than the black-clothed man from Boling Ye's family, because he could feel that when fighting with him, the other party should have reservations.

Of course, Jiang Yi also had reservations.The reason why the two of them did this was because they were thinking about Li Li's feelings.

As for the black-clothed man from the Bailing Ye family, Jiang Yi had only fought against him once, and what impressed him the most was the broken sword behind him.

Jiang Yi guessed that this was not a broken sword, but a sword box.

It is conservatively estimated that there are nearly 30 flying swords inside, each of which is quite powerful.

In the fight with Jiang Yi, the man in black also played all his cards, stepping on two swords, like the legendary "Hot Wheels", flying away at an extremely fast speed.

In addition to flying with two swords on his feet, he also holds a flying sword in each hand, surrounded by more than 20 soldiers flying swords, and there is already a hint of the momentum of thousands of swords firing together.

The opponent is by far the most difficult opponent Jiang Yi has encountered.

If it weren't for Jiang Yi's strong background, he might not be able to survive the opponent's more than 30 flying swords.

Jiang Yi understood that this man in black would be his future enemy.

It's a pity that although the other party is bloodthirsty and crazy, he is very cautious. Every time he shows up, he will follow a few secret disciples to stand beside him, and he never fights alone with Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi could only temporarily give up his plan to kill the opponent, but he would not give the opponent a chance to approach him. As soon as the man in black appeared, Jiang Yi immediately rode on the flying pig and fled away.

Jiang Yi didn't think there was anything shameful about it. The other party was shameless enough to bully the less. His instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages was understandable.

Also, the warriors from the foreign tribes in the frontier are not as weak as he thought. Several warriors from the border royal family are very powerful, even Jiang Yi is a bit tricky to kill.

At this time, Jiang Yi also began to face up to the foreign warriors in the borderlands. Being able to contend with the four great dynasties of China for so many years, the troubles caused by the nine borders cannot be underestimated.

For more than 20 days in a row, Jiang Yi spent chasing and killing, and also earned his great reputation.

Dozens of secret disciples from sects outside the world and warriors from foreign races in the borderlands died under his hands.

His strategy is to kill if he can fight, and run if he can't.

It was also during these 20 days of fierce fighting that Jiang Yi completely changed his original view of Fliggy.Although the shape is a bit strange, it is really a good helper for killing people.

Along the way, Jiang Yi was killing people, and he waited for an opportunity to touch the corpse. He swallowed several Sumeru treasures such as storage rings, not to mention the Sumeru baggage.

Of course, Jiang Yi also took the opportunity to touch it a few times. After opening it and looking at it, a sentence rang out to kill and set fire to the golden belt...

Originally, he still had some regrets. During this trip to the secret realm, he might not be able to find the materials for refining the sword box and the Jiuyou golden wheel. He didn't want to find a lot in the storage ring of a secret disciple.

As for other natural treasures such as elixir and spirit stones, there are not a few of them. These alien warriors and secret disciples who can enter the secret realm of Yinshan Mountain are all extremely rich.

Jiang Yi couldn't help sighing inwardly, no wonder so many people like to kill people to get their goods. This is indeed much faster than his own hard work, and there may be unexpected gains.

Of course, he just sighed in his heart, and he would not really become that kind of madman who kills people for no reason and steals people's opportunities.But for those who take the initiative to come to make trouble, Te will not be soft-hearted, and will kill when it is time to kill.

Jiang Yi looked back at the breath fluctuating rapidly from far to near, sighed secretly, and drove the flying pig to fly towards a vast ocean in front of him.

He learned from the insiders Huo Si and Yin Fa that this great lake is a forbidden area for sects outside the world and foreign races in the border areas, and there seems to be some secret hidden in it.

The Yinshan Secret Realm was coming to an end, and he was a little tired of the endless fighting, so he thought it was time to find a place to sort out his gains this time.

The most important thing is that he is also very curious about what the flying pigs will collect from the trophies, maybe it is another chance to get rich.

As for whether Fliggy would hand it over, Jiang Yi sneered in his heart. This should be said in reverse, it should be that Fliggy was worried about how much reward he would get.

Thinking of a discovery, Jiang Yi wanted to laugh.

Jiang Yi once opened a storage ring in front of Fliggy. At that time, Fliggy was very envious and even offered Jiang Yi a sumeru bag, which meant that Jiang Yi would help him open it.

It wasn't until then that Jiang Yi realized that although this guy was an expert at picking corpses, he obviously could only be a full-time expert at picking corpses in his life, because it couldn't be opened at all.

However, Jiang Yi was still very curious about so many storage containers such as sumeru bags. They swallowed them all in their stomachs. Where did they hide them?

He guessed that the most likely place was the stretched fat under the neck of the other party, which looked like a naan.

As if sensing Jiang Yi's gaze, Fliggy turned his head and groaned at Jiang Yi squinting a few times, and suddenly retracted the fat that was straddled.

Jiang Yi knew he had guessed right.

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