Wuding Jiangshan

Chapter 336 The Angry Zhu Yuanzhang

After hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang said helplessly: "The same is true of the adoptive father, who hastily handed over this marriage to me directly. This is a bit arbitrary." The man sneered and said: "I really feel that you are wronged when you say that. You are a foster father. Have you forgotten how many women have been raped in Dayuan? If your wife is more powerful than you, why should you be afraid?" Zhu Yuanzhang felt a little funny, but he thought it was right Said: "I won't say anything else, just talk about the pony girl's tendons..." The man who came to inform the news couldn't help but change his face and coughed: "You, this big mouth should be restrained, otherwise My hard work will be in vain because of your crow's mouth~! What sinews? Speak nicely, you must know that Miss Ma is the most taboo for others to say that about her. Remember that it is a uniform line~! It is not a tendon Meat, you are a big thief~!" Zhu Yuanzhang said seriously: "Maybe you will be someone's heart thief in the future, so you have to be careful when you speak~! You must know that I will be your uncle in the future..." My dear brother couldn't help Rolling his eyes, he said: "Now it's just a drop of the horoscope, maybe someone else has already chosen Ma Zhuang... Hey, hey, Miss Ma has already chosen someone. At that time, you should welcome that sentence—you can pull it off." Let's go~!" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but helplessly said: "Well, Song Dandan is not Ma girl's mother, it is not right for you to say that." While talking, a woman wearing a veil suddenly broke in.

Back in time, when Ma Xiangyun heard that he was going to be betrothed by his adoptive father to a glib and futile prodigal son.Immediately objected: "If my old lady agrees to your marriage, it is better to marry that stupid Zhu Yuanzhang~! Don't look at that kid who has become a little bloated recently, but at least he has some material, he is a material for war. I want to marry you!" , even if I die here today, I will never let this girl step into the Sun's house~!" Guo Zixing couldn't help clapping his hands and laughed loudly: "That's right, my father has this intention. This matter is settled like this, I don’t know how many people care about our big beautiful girl, so it’s worth it for nothing, Zhu Yuanzhang~!” Ma Xiangyun blushed when he heard this, and then became a little sly: "Well said, since you said that, That guy can't take advantage of this kid for nothing. How about this, I'll go back and talk to our family's "counselor" Su Kexian, and see what this little girl thinks about this matter. Father, you think this is terrible it is good?"

Guo Zixing nodded and praised when he heard the words: "That's right, it should be like this. You can go ask first, I'm waiting for your good news~!" Ma Xiangyun couldn't help but raised the corner of his mouth when he heard the words: "Don't worry, this little girl This son is the eldest daughter of Uncle Su, your counselor. Don’t worry if this kid won’t obey my mother this time~!” After speaking, Ma Xiangyun directly got into his private car and rode back home.Sure enough, Su Kexian at home was waiting for him to return home. Looking at the faint smile of his best friend, Ma Xiangyun finally couldn't help but said: "Speak, you are a trickster. Tell me about your feelings for this kid." Opinion." Su Kexian said with a smile: "Hehehe, my eldest lady. In fact, one of men's favorite tricks is to let them make choices. In my opinion, it should be done..."

Having said that, Su Kexian put his mouth next to Ma Xiangyun's ear.Ma Xiangyun listened with gusto, nodded involuntarily and said: "Yes, yes, this kid should do it like this. But the question is, where do I go to find a younger sister? Isn't he just alone, waiting in the boudoir? Where is the younger sister?" "Su Kexian couldn't help smiling, pointing at himself and saying: "Idiot, have you forgotten that I am here?" Ke Xian smiled slyly and said: "Fool, you are really a fan of the authorities. As long as we don't show our faces and wear veils, it will be hard to tell. Let's see what this kid will do~!"

When Su Kexian said this, Ma Xiangyun couldn't help but cheer up and said: "That's right, it seems that this kid will not escape our Wuzhi Mountain~!" In fact, Su Kexian was also a little cautious at this time, If it's unfortunate that Zhu Yuanzhang finally chose himself, then it's no wonder Su Kexian made the decision.It depends on Zhu Yuanzhang's intention to keep up with the sky.Ma Xiangyun happily made a plan and said: "First of all, let's create the illusion that the two of us are fighting for him together. Then let this kid be confused, and then we will point out our respective strengths and weaknesses. Let this kid enjoy the so-called Qiren Zhifu, if this kid dares to choose you in the end... Huh, let's see if I don't turn him into a shredded octopus~!"

Turning back to the present, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the woman who had barged in, and saw that the upper half of her face, her eyes were clear and moving, and she was wearing a small gauze dress with a faintly visible figure.A pair of eyes instantly attracted the attention of the audience, and the scent that followed made the two men lose their minds for a moment.At this moment, a woman behind her coughed dryly, pushed the woman in front of her away and said, "That boy, I am the girl you want to marry. This is my good sister who is married to Jinlan. Look at you two thieves!" Big slick eyes, where are you looking at?" Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up after speaking, this girl is obviously not as attractive as the girl in front, but this girl has a pair of heroic military uniforms, a strong outfit, and the outline of the figure is very sharp. Show it well.Although the heroic spirit of the whole girl was not as shining as that of the girl in front, the hoarse throat and the screaming from that kid obviously made me, a soldier who has been in the barracks all year round, even more tempted!

Zhu Yuanzhang touched his sword habitually, nodded and said, "So Miss Ma is so charming. Someone Zhu has met Miss Ma." Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang was completely attracted by him, Ma Xiangyun on this side was obviously very satisfied.Ma Xiangyun couldn't help but said: "Let me introduce, this is my good sister, Su Kexian, my best friend who has played with me since I was a child. You don't need to introduce me? I believe we have already heard about it "The man who pretended to be a whistleblower did enough of the tricks, blushed and said: "It's nothing, the subordinate is resigning. I hope the lady can forgive the subordinate..." Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't see that this was acting, Quickly cooperated: "Thanks to Xiongtai's reminder, it seems that we should get along well. Xiongtai, take care~!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang said this, he instantly filled up the hatred. Of course, Su Kexian had already figured this out.So he didn't say much, and asked this person to go away.Zhu Yuanzhang said with a chuckle: "I don't know if the two girls are here, but I am far away from you, please forgive me~!" Ma Xiangyun looked at Zhu Yuanzhang with satisfaction and said: "Your height is indeed a bit unexpected, and your appearance... is not bad. .Okay, it looks like ahem...it's your turn to be a good sister." Su Kexian didn't know that this silly sister of hers was a little ignorant.So Su Kexian, who was a little angry and a little funny, said: "My surname is Zhu, stop talking nonsense and look at our sister Ma. Look at your bird, don't you think you are a little shameless? Look Now, sister Ma, although we have a crush on you, you must put your force on the bright side, otherwise you won’t be told that Zhu Yuanzhang is a flamboyant~! Of course, if you don’t want to use force, you can... just choose to talk about life with me Already~!" Zhu Yuanzhang said with a bit of a smile: "You two girls, after all, Zhu is a martial artist. Although he has made some achievements in strategy, if you make Zhu shrink back like this, isn't it too contemptuous? Someone? How about we chat while doing it?"

Ma Xiangyun looked at Zhu Yuanzhang in disbelief and said, "You bastard, how can you express your shamelessness in such a fresh and refined way? How thick is your face?" Su Kexian couldn't help pulling her sister helplessly The hand who was about to strike said: "Just wait a little longer... What they said was to discuss with you, and talk to me by the way, my sister has no intention of fighting with you yet." After Su Kexian's explanation, Ma Xiangyun Gradually calmed down and said: "Well, if you dare to disrespect me, my old lady will let you go around~!" Zhu Yuanzhang said unforgivingly: "I am not as weak as the girl imagined." Ma Xiangyun said with unkind eyes "Can you try again?" Zhu Yuanzhang was pressured by his adoptive father, so he had to say, "Okay, okay, Zhu doesn't care about you."

Ma Xiangyun looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's face that deserved a beating, glared at Zhu Yuanzhang and said, "You should be arrogant now, and see if I don't clean you up later~! Let you know how to write dead words, hum~!" On the surface, Zhu Yuanzhang was chatting with the beautiful and charming younger sister in front of him. In fact, he touched Ma Xiangyun's little hand intentionally or unintentionally. Judgment~! It’s obvious that Ms. Su and I are a match made in heaven, how can there be such an incomprehensible person disrupting the situation?” Su Kexian couldn’t help laughing secretly: “Silly sister, it looks like you’re going to make it~!” Ma Xiangyun She glared at Su Kexian with a puzzled look on her face and said, "How do you say that? This bastard is clearly trying to piss me off~!" Su Kexian said empathetically, "Fool, look at his eyes Who are you aiming at?" Ma Xiangyun pointed at Su Kexian as a matter of course and said, "Who else is there besides you?"

Su Kexian shook her head, pointed at Ma Xiangyun desperately and said, "Can't you see that Brother Zhu is trying to anger you on purpose? Look at his dodging eyes, he is clearly looking at you~!" Right here At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang's furtive eyes met Ma Xiangyun's suspicious eyes in the air.Zhu Yuanzhang blushed, and Ma Xiangyun was shocked. He opened his mouth wide and said, "This...is this impossible? Is my sister's temperament as good as yours? Is my sister's beauty as beautiful as yours? Is this Zhu Yuanzhang blind? Zhu Yuanzhang pretended not to know: "Oh, it's so difficult to talk to someone who is not on the same channel... Who is in love now?"

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