Wuding Jiangshan

Chapter 335 Zhu Yuanzhang's Marriage History

Zhu Yuanzhang thought carefully and said: "I seem to have a little impression of this person, but I don't seem to remember it clearly now... He is from Mengdingfu. Wait a minute, this person is called Yuanqi..." After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang began to investigate the files.Zhu Yuanzhang fixed the time at 16 years before the Yuan Dynasty, and then fixed all the major families in Mengding Mansion. Finally, Zhu Yuanzhang saw this name in Wang Fanghua's guard list.Zhu Yuanzhang blurted out: "I found out that this person is the guard of the Wang family of the three major families in Mengding Mansion...but this was a long time ago. At least five or sixty years ago." The Falcon King couldn't help feeling He said tightly: "Then what happened later, what happened later?" Zhu Yuanzhang searched for information again, and found that Yuan Qi later became the son-in-law of the Wang family.So Zhu Yuanzhang said directly: "Later, he became the son-in-law of the Wang family... Then I, Da Ming, found out that he fell and was injured in the wild. As a result, because I, Da Ming, controlled the horses at that time, his leg injury could not heal for a long time, so he never went back to Meng Dingfu." The Falcon King couldn't help but sighed: "It's good fortune to trick people, so what happened to him? Where did he go?" Zhu Yuanzhang replied: "He is near Gaoyin now." The Falcon King was about to get up and leave At this moment, Zhu Di, who had been silent all this time, suddenly brightened his eyes and said: "Senior, wait a minute, I know who this man Yuan Qi's grandson is." Seriously, what you said?" Zhu Di couldn't help but helplessly said: "Of course it is true, and it was mentioned by Wang Sanbao unintentionally." The Falcon King said with a cold look: "Well, take me to see him If you dare to play tricks, I will kill you~!" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help being surprised and said: "Stinky boy, don't put yourself in danger just to get the help of the senior~!" Zhu Di was supported by the Falcon King and said : "Don't worry, this time it's 60% sure." After speaking, Zhu Di stood up and led the Falcon King to the gate of the post station without stopping.Zhu Di ordered someone to open the door, and found the Three Treasures in the station overnight.Sanbao was also very confused, looked at Zhu Di and said, "Your Highness, who is this?" Falcon King replied: "I am an old friend of your grandfather... like, you and your grandfather are actually [-] to [-]% similar. By the way, Is your grandpa still alive?" Sanbao shook his head and said, "My grandpa passed away a few years ago, why do you have something to do with him?" The Falcon King couldn't help shaking his hand, almost lost his composure and said, "Why, this What's going on?" Sanbao told the Falcon King the whole story of Grandpa's death.The Falcon King fell into short thought.After a long time, the Falcon King directly gave Sanbao a promise: "In the future, if you need my help for any important matters, just call me. I'll be there anytime." I really waited for this promise, so I asked: "If someone else entrusts the Three Treasures, is it okay?" Zhu Di actually asked a little nervously, but he was aboveboard.The Falcon King looked at Zhu Di and said, "As long as this entrustment doesn't cross my bottom line." After a pause, the Falcon King asked, "Can I go and see your grandfather's grave?" Sanbao nodded quickly and said: " No problem, I'll go back and have a look during this time." The Falcon King nodded and said: "Okay, come to Zhaonan Inn to find me when you leave. It's in Room [-] of the Dizijian." After speaking, the Falcon King left here.Zhu Di waited until the Falcon King left, he couldn't help laughing and said: "That's great, God helped me too. This time you will be more assured when you go to the West."

The conversation was divided into two parts. On the other side, Bai Haonan asked Zhu Yuanzhang when he met the second noble concubine.Zhu Yuanzhang rationalized his thoughts and said: "That time has to start with the first time we met Chen Youliang." After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang began to recall the scene at that time.At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang had just captured Yingtian Mansion, and before his butt was hot, Zhu Yuanzhang ushered in Chen Youliang's attack.At that time, because Zhu Yuanzhang had no way to confront Chen Youliang head-on, he could only choose to stick to it.However, during a battle, Zhu Yuanzhang accidentally separated from the large army, and Zhu Yuanzhang was also penniless.If the enemy finds out at this time, it will be a dead end.So Zhu Yuanzhang simply knocked on a door and got in.Inside that door lived a well-known local widow——Feng Shaoshao.When Feng Shaoshao saw a man sneaking in outside, he couldn't help but panic and said: "What are you doing? I'm the widow of the Liu family now... You can't do this, get out of here~! Do you hear me?" Zhu Yuanzhang was even more disturbed , quickly covered Feng Shaoshao's mouth and said: "Be safe and don't be impatient. I am being chased and killed now, so I will stay with you for a while." Feng Shaoshao looked at the young and powerful Zhu Yuanzhang, and couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "He I haven't met such a strong man for a long time. I wonder if we can live together...Maybe he doesn't have a wife and children yet? Who knows..." Feng Shaoshao rubbed Zhu Yuanzhang's hand very shyly, Zhu Yuanzhang was really I couldn't take it anymore, so I had to let go and said, "How is it? Feng Shaoshao twisted his waist and said: "When I am lonely, come and accompany me." Zhu Yuanzhang frowned and said: "You should show some respect, I am a family man~!" Walking into the house, he said: "Anyway, I don't want to live in vain, I will give you a promise." Feng Shaoshao said unexpectedly: "Why, our Marshal Zhu didn't bring any money when he went out?" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but said helplessly: "So You have recognized me a long time ago." Feng Shaoshao laughed straight: "Otherwise, what do you think?" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help sneering: "It doesn't look hard to see your intention~!" Feng Shaoshao pursed his lips and smiled Said: "That is natural."

On the first day, the two didn't have much interaction, and Zhu Yuanzhang would rather sleep on the floor than sleep with Feng Shaoshao.The next day, Feng Shaoshao often had affairs with Zhu Yuanzhang, but Zhu Yuanzhang just refused to accept it.However, Zhu Yuanzhang persisted for a week, and finally couldn't hold on one night.That night, Zhu Yuanzhang went out to urinate, and when he came back, he suddenly heard a muffled sound coming from the room.Zhu Yuanzhang was thinking about walking away, but who knew that the melodious voices in the room began to increase, and Feng Shaoshao, who was wearing a looming suit, directly held Zhu Yuanzhang's lower body, and then rubbed it with his own body... Finally, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't hold it anymore , the body began to react naturally, and finally made a dewy couple with Feng Shaoshao.It was the first time that Zhu Yuanzhang felt the real joy of being with a woman in life. From then on, Zhu Yuanzhang could only promise: "If you get pregnant that night, just come to me. I will be responsible for you." Several Months passed, and just when Zhu Yuanzhang thought he didn't have to keep his promise, Feng Shaoshao appeared. At this time, she was already pregnant with Liujia, and Zhu Yuanzhang was forced to accept the fact that Feng Shaoshao was pregnant.Bai Haonan couldn't help but said with emotion: "I always said that I'm more handsome than you, but at the critical moment, I still have to rely on some rigid indicators~!" Zhu Yuanzhang smiled wryly and said: "At that time, it would be great if I made a quick decision, so at least I don't have to cheat " Bai Haonan laughed loudly and said, "I said, Xiao Zhu, let's forget that you are not as good as me in other aspects. Why do you have to be so cautious about cheating? Besides, when did my sister-in-law blame you? If you do this, you will be less Personally accompany your children and grandchildren~!" Zhu Yuanzhang rolled his eyes and said: "Come on, you can say such a thing. If it is someone else, such as our old Tang, he is basically single all his life. What are you going to say again?" Bai Haonan sighed and said

: "Old Tang is a dead-headed person, just like Lao Wu, who fell in love with someone who shouldn't be loved. Although Jiao Weijing has been resurrected, it is said that Lao San will not forgive her. At that time, I always persuaded Lao Tang, saying The truth was originally a scheme arranged by the two of you—the fourth and the sixth. But the idiot old Tang said that if you are a brother for a day, you will be a brother for life. Since we sworn brothers at the beginning for the great cause in the future, why didn't we accept it? What about this reason?" Zhu Yuanzhang said with a full face of regret: "Feng Yida was considered a character back then, but it's a pity that he recruited such a lady..." Bai Haonan was also a little envious of Zhu Yuanzhang and said: "That's true, what do you do in your life The most right thing is to have a wife like Xiao Ma." Zhu Yuanzhang said awkwardly: "Isn't this all true?" Bai Haonan suddenly startled Zhu Yuanzhang and said: "You say so, so you are not afraid of sister-in-law appearing suddenly?" Zhu Yuanzhang is sneaky Suidi looked around and said: "Didn't your sister-in-law go already? No way?" Bai Haonan couldn't help but sneer: "Look at you, it seems that your sister-in-law didn't trample you in vain back then, and this psychological shadow is still there... "

Zhu Yuanzhang complained: "Isn't it? I think it took a lot of effort when I married your sister-in-law~!" After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang recalled the scene at that time and said: "This period of time is really unforgettable..." In that year, Zhu Yuanzhang He was in his early 24s, and thought to himself that he had good martial arts, good brains, and good looks.There should be many girls who miss themselves.I never thought that my adoptive father Guo Zixing would shatter his dream with a paper marriage contract... Zhu Yuanzhang took the marriage contract sent by Guo Zixing and said in disbelief, "Why, the foster father still cares about my marriage affairs?" The man who was sent couldn't help showing that you were determined to die: "Yes, you'd better weigh it... This is the hottest woman in Haozhou City... Oh, no, the most courageous woman~! "Zhu Yuanzhang looked bitterly at the man and said, "Are you sure she will follow me?" "Then what does this lady think of me?" The man said patiently: "Although I don't know this very well, her expression was very subtle at that time... like... like your hen just laid an egg." , but because of something, I feel like I can’t get down temporarily~!" Zhu Yuanzhang said with a bitter face: "This...can I refuse?" The man's expression became more subtle, and he said with a smile: "No, unless you I want to bear her iron fist~!"

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