Although Ma Xiangyun is a little unbelievable, the facts just explain everything.Ma Xiangyun is also in the fog now, and all this is seen by Su Kexian, and he suddenly thinks a lot less about Zhu Yuanzhang.Finally arrived at the martial arts arena closest to Zhu's house, Su Kexian took the lead and said, "Look, this is the largest public martial arts arena nearby. Sister Ma, what do you think about this martial arts competition?" Ma Xiangyun glanced at Zhu Yuanzhang and said : "The first point is that you can't compare strength in a martial arts competition." Zhu Yuanzhang had already expected this, but in the next second Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help being stupid.I only heard Ma Xiangyun continue to say: "Second point, you can't use powerful weapons in martial arts competitions. For example, sledgehammers and the like." Zhu Yuanzhang originally wanted to take advantage of loopholes, but who knew that the two had already thought of it, and they couldn't help but feel helpless.Ma Xiangyun went on to say: "In the end, the man can't choose the weapon he is good at in the martial arts competition." Zhu Yuanzhang was really stepped into the minefield this time and said: "Then I will fight with you for what kind of martial arts, just admit defeat."

Su Kexian couldn't help but despise Zhu Yuanzhang and said: "Then I think it's okay, just think that we have misjudged the person, let's let this marriage be over~!" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help crying bitterly: "This... this can't be done, I must marry Ma Xiangyun in my life~!" This fell right into Su Kexian's arms, and Su Kexian sneered and said, "How is it? My sister Ma. I said a long time ago that this kid must be

I was intoxicated by you, and I made a set of words casually, which made the reality out. " Ma Xiangyun blushed and said: "My good sister, some people are like this, they don't want anything with their mouths, but their bodies are very honest. Su Kexian stared at Zhu Yuanzhang and said, "Well, our request is not too much."At most it was a beating.Do you agree or not?

Ma Xiangyun looked at Zhu Yuanzhang with some hope. Zhu Yuanzhang smiled helplessly and said, "Okay, let me pay the tuition this time as someone Zhu."Experience the shy iron fist of our daughter-in-law. "When Zhu Yuanzhang said this, Ma Xiangyun almost jumped up unhappy. Zhu Yuanzhang saw that the girl was so happy, so he didn't say anything. Zhu Yuanzhang followed Ma Xiangyun to the martial arts stage of the martial arts arena, and many good people followed the three of them. field. A good-natured person said: "Come on, come on, Ma Xiangyun will fight Zhu Yuanzhang.One pays fifteen, buy it and leave it. "Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but said helplessly: "This is my decision." After finishing speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang silently asked his subordinates to buy 800 taels of silver and Ma Xiangyun to win. Zhu Yuanzhang took a pair of small maces. Ma Xiangyun took out a pair of terrifying purple and gold double hammers, and then showed off to Zhu Yuanzhang Said: "Stinky boy, there is still time for you to beg for mercy... If not, don't blame this girl for being rude~! " Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at Ma Xiangyun and said

"You're welcome, girl. Anyway, you'll be my daughter-in-law anyway. If you get beaten up, it's a big deal. You can't get close to me anyway..." Ma Xiangyun trembled with anger, He directly hit the ground with a hammer and said: "Don't fucking talk nonsense to me~! Brat, die to me~! Hey..." Ma Xiangyun killed him without saying a word.Although Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to dodge, but Ma Xiangyun's two subordinates directly approached him with malicious intentions... Zhu Yuanzhang rolled forward in embarrassment and dodged the attack.Ma Xiangyun was unreasonable, and directly shouted: "If you hide again next time, you will never touch my hand in your life~!" Ma Xiangyun continued to kill, and before Zhu Yuanzhang had time to defend himself, Ma Xiangyun's second attack struck !Zhu Yuanzhang had no choice but to resist, and directly used his mace with both hands. The two dragons went out to sea and caught one of Ma Xiangyun's hammers. Then Zhu Yuanzhang slipped his hand, touched Ma Xiangyun's face directly, and slammed one of the maces at Ma Xiangyun's wrist. Poke, poke the tiger's mouth with the other hand.Ma Xiangyun was shocked suddenly, and a pure internal force directly shook Zhu Yuanzhang's hand away.Then, taking advantage of Zhu Yuanzhang's stunned moment, he bumped directly, knocked Zhu Yuanzhang down, and then put the purple gold hammer in his right hand on top of Zhu Yuanzhang's head as if to smash it.Zhu Yuanzhang had no choice but to surrender and said: "The hero, spare your life." Ma Xiangyun couldn't help smacking his lips, and muttered: "What the hell is a hero? She is your future daughter-in-law." After speaking, amidst the laughter of the crowd, the two put down their weapons and walked off the stage holding hands up.Zhu Yuanzhang held on to Ma Xiangyun's hand, but Ma Xiangyun struggled or shook it off, so he had to let him hold it.Ma Xiangyun glared at Zhu Yuanzhang, and suddenly noticed that his good sister Su Kexian's eyes were a little lost, and her eye sockets were a little moist.Ma Xiangyun had no choice but to shake off Zhu Yuanzhang's hand when he saw this, and said softly, "What's the matter, what happened? Did someone bully you?" It was impossible for Su Kexian to tell the secret in his heart. In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang Su Kexian had already been in love with Su Kexian long before her rise.But it's all worth it for the future happiness of my silly sister.So Su Kexian hid the secret in his heart deepest, shook his head and sighed: "It's nothing, but I finally saw you married in my lifetime, so I couldn't help feeling a little bit in my heart. After all, you and my sister have been friends for so many years ..." Ma Xiangyun actually knew that Su Kexian had some feelings for Zhu Yuanzhang in his heart, but he had a way to let go of it, so Ma Xiangyun immediately glared and stepped on Zhu Yuanzhang.Then he pulled Su Kexian away from the crowd.After staying away from the crowd, Ma Xiangyun couldn't help complaining to Zhu Yuanzhang anymore: "This brat is good at everything, but his charm is too great. I say brat

, haven't you always dared to love and hate?Why did you die when you met Zhu Yuanzhang?This is not your style~!If we have the ability, let's fight again or you and I will marry him together, how about? "Su Kexian was obviously not prepared, and couldn't help being startled.

"Sister Ma, what nonsense are you talking about? No matter how hard I fight, I can't compete with you. Besides, if we marry this kid together, isn't it cheaper for him? You don't seem like the kind of person who will suffer." Ma Xiangyun pulled Picking up Su Kexian's hand, he said: "You look into my eyes seriously, honestly, have you really never cared about this brat? Or are you just hiding your love in a certain corner of your heart?"

, don't let me know, right? "When Ma Xiangyun said this, Su Kexian's eyes turned red and said: "Then what should I promise this matter

, what about Uncle Guo?Will you agree too? Ma Xiangyun couldn't help but said impatiently: "Didn't we say when we were married to Jinlan, my good sister, we don't want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but we want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day."Is there anyone who has the same blessings and the same hardships?Why did you choose to back down on this matter? "When Ma Xiangyun said this, Su Kexian blushed and said: "But... I'm afraid that I will hurt your heart in the future, no... I have to calm down and think about it.Then... I'm leaving first, you remember to go back to have dinner, don't starve yourself. Ma Xiangyun said with a puzzled look on his face, "Hey, wait a minute... hey, where are you going?" Su Kexian covered his face and ran outside. At this moment, a drunken figure followed, with a bit of wretchedness and bad water.

The conversation was divided into two parts, when Su Kexian lost his mind and wandered on the street alone.While walking, he came to a remote place alone, and suddenly a drunkard grabbed Su Kexian with a squinting look, and Su Kexian's head was blinded, just when the drunkard was about to molested Su Kexian.Seeing this, a young and handsome boy immediately grabbed the drunkard, and then pinned him to the ground with a grabbing hand.Then the drunkard let out a miserable cry, the young man twisted it hard, and the bone in his hand broke instantly. The drunkard pleaded guilty and begged for mercy: "Hero, please forgive me...I...I don't dare anymore. Please, Seeing as this girl is fine, please spare my dog's life~!" The young man looked at Su Kexian.It doesn't matter after seeing it, the two said in unison: "It's you~!" Guess who that person is, that person actually knows Su Kexian, and what's even more exaggerated is that Su Kexian is actually this person's first love.And Su Kexian himself had a good impression of this handsome guy, but at that time he cared too much about Zhu Yuanzhang, a brat, so he never contacted this handsome guy.Su Kexian felt that the handsome guy was a bit embarrassed, so the man said, "Xian, why are you here?" Su Kexian vaguely remembered that he and this handsome guy were destined.This handsome guy is called Tan Zhengxin, and he is a full-fledged rich second generation. His family has been in business for generations, and his family is many times richer than Zhu Yuanzhang.Su Kexian was also a little embarrassed and said: "I lost my mind just now, Zhengxin, why did you pass by here?" Tan Zhengxin then explained how he supported Guo Zixing, followed the army all the way here, and finally became his father's son through his relationship. The doorman said it in detail.Su Kexian said dumbly: "When did you come into our house? Why don't I know?" Tan Zhengxin shook his head helplessly and said, "I just got the news, so I followed my father here to join your father... After all It’s because the Sun family doesn’t keep their promises.” Su Kexian’s father is Guo Zixing’s number one advisor—Su Zexin, Tan Zhengxin looked at the beautiful woman in front of him and couldn’t help but sigh: “I wanted to come here a few days ago, but I came to the door several times. I haven't seen you yet. Where have you been?" Su Kexian thought for a while, and said, "I...went to brother Zhu Yuanzhang's fact, I didn't. I just leaned on the wall of their house and glanced at this legend The character in the story." Tan Zhengxin couldn't help yearning for it, and said in a daze: "Yes, I heard that the people in Haozhou City are proud to be neighbors with Zhu Yuanzhang. The steamed buns you like to eat, oops... Really, I actually forgot to ask him to heat it up at the bun shop just now." Su Kexian looked at the handsome guy in front of him, and said in a daze: "After so long, you actually I still remember that I liked to eat Xiaolongbao when I was a child~!"

Tan Zhengxin's face was shy, and he blushed as soon as he said it: "Where, after all, you are the first girl I like, isn't that normal?" Then the two actually started chatting about many years of experience.While chatting, Su Kexian actually forgot his original intention of leaving Zhu Yuanzhang in the first place.

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